Smelling Your Way To Love

Do you ever walk past someone who smells absolutely alluring? Maybe you even do a double take? Scent is a major component of our attraction to those around us, but how much does it actually impact our romantic decisions? Pheromones have long been documented in the animal kingdom, but what about in humans? On this episode, professor Tristram Wyatt joins Dr. Sanjay Gupta for a deep dive into the world of pheromones, how they work and the search for the mysterious human sex pheromone.

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  1. Nigdy nie pozwolę tym łajzom zwyciężyć
    Te cyniczne uśmieszki zwolnij cyngiel
    Będą mendy się zarzekać że byli tu przez pomyłkę

  2. I want to give up but I’m walking with Jesus. So I will continue to trust in him even though I’m struggling, I will never lose hope. Jesus is the only light in this world. As a single mother things are difficult on me. My husband passed years ago I’m alone. I’m overwhelmed at times because both of my children are autistic. I’m struggling trying to support them and myself because like so many others. I lost my job as a social worker at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I declined because of my pre existing health condition lupus and heart disease. I was denied my medical/religious exemption. I wish I could go back to the hospital but the mandate is still in place for hospitals that participate in Medicare and Medicaid. I’m waitressing and I’m so thankful to be working again, but I’m not making nearly enough to make ends meet. I get harassed and called names for simply asking for prayers, but prayers are all we need. I want to give up, but God gives me strength to keep going. I have faith God will provide. WITH GOD ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! Please pray for me and my children.

  3. I’m so happy I made productive decisions about my finances that changed my life forever. I’m a single mother living in Vancouver Canada, bought my second house in September and hoping to retire next year at 50 if things keep going smoothly for me.,,….

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    Whoever _repents_ of all his sins (turns from sins) and _calls_ on the *Name* of the *LORD,* will be saved. *He* who died on a cross for the sins of the world, _rose_ from the dead on the third day, and by *His* blood, whoever _repents_ and _believes,_ has full redemption of sins and eternal life!
    Today is the day of your salvation, repent and confess *Jesus* now as your *Lord* and be saved, because you broke the law but *He* paid your fine with *His* life’s blood!

    For those with understanding: Matthew 24:40-41 will take place very soon, this is the sixth seal! This is the generation of the harpazo, rapture, and behold you will witness the trumpet blast that will make the sky recede as a scroll being rolled up! Therefore, be ready and be the five wise virgins, do not be the five foolish virgins! (Parable of the Ten Virgins)

    1. Princeps potens Lucifer, hanc foedam catervam jehovah afflat et incompetens ad Tartara mancipes! Solvite abominationem hanc in Terra! Ave Satanas!

  5. I’d be curious to know what people make of the growing trend in the media on the left and the right of making allegations that elements of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia (not all Muslims) or at least citizens within it and certain people associated with the state such as a diplomat, former consulate official (fahad al-thumairy) and possible intelligence assets or officers ( such as omar al-bayoumi) may be somewhat responsible or involved for or in the 9/11 attacks? As alleged in the washington post amongst other mainstream press sources? in reference to recently declassified documents by the US government which according to the Washingtonpost allege that bayoumi’s (an alleged Saudi intelligence officer) account of meeting with the 9/11 hijackers and his dealing with them were doubted by the fbi? Articles, Such as the ones in the well known new York Times, Washington Post, the intercept, the articles in progressive newspaper ” the independent” and British Conservative newspaper “the daily telegraph”, videos on the young turks and various other media outlets on the left, in the centre and on the right? If false, wouldn’t it lead to an increase in hate crimes against Muslims and be deeply inciteful, inflammatory and incendiary? And if it is true, what is being done about it? And if nothing is being done about it, wouldn’t this be seen as security for a few at the expense of the security for the many? Who is being protected by not declassifying and publishing the documents the American government holds? Who does the cia or at least elements of the cia (they can’t be all bad) and various government officials holding back information or allegedly interfering in fbi investigations ( most notably elements of the cia as alleged by various mainstream press sources) on the matter serve exactly? because if true (they are allegations after all, albeit from mainstream press sources on the left and right) its not the American public and with many western intelligence agencies as well, who are world class, it is hardly plausible that at least some people working for them don’t know some of what is going on, which then raises the question, who do they or at least elements of these agencies serve? And what is meant by the allegation in the Washington Post that trump held back information on 9/11 in 2019 that would damage national security? He seems quite happy to cozy up to Saudi Arabia, such as when he took part in the heavily criticised golf tournament? And this isn’t just a pop at trump to single him out although im not his biggest fan, this isn’t even a left vs right partisan issue, Liberal and Conservative and soc-dem governments have both been in power and practically nothing has been done. Even Russia today, a well known kremlin mouthpiece, albeit not the most reliable source of information was talking about Saudi involvement in 9/11 years ago and vladamir putin was happy to co-operate and do more business with Saudi (after the release of an article on rt alleging saudi involvement), so its not even just a west vs the rest issue either and does cast doubt on putins sincerity on claims about caring about extremism including claims of nazis in ukraine, that is if you buy into that whole russian / rt world view in the first place…

    Don’t mean to rock the boat as such, what with everything going on with ukraine and Russia right now, but how come the pentagon and the previous few US secretary’s of defence sent troops to Afghanistan and Iraq after 9/11 and yet when evidence turns up ‘potentially’ linking Saudi Arabia with the 9/11 attacks, the armed forces of the usa and nato are nowhere to be seen? And @potus is not making any real comments on the matter either? I’m not necessarily calling for war but you’ve bombed people for less? Because mainstream press articles in newspapers such as the Washington Post have made allegations that elements of the cia ‘may’ have obstructed the fbi’s investigations into saudi arabia and certain foreign nationals linked with al-qaeda living in the usa around the time of the attacks? If there was some substance to this claim, wouldn’t it raise broader questions about who these elements of the us government abd its allies and partners, perhaps most notably in defence and particularly elements of the cia and various people who work for agencies like it serve? Because it doesn’t seem to be the broader population of the United States? Nor its allies and partners? This seems like security for a few people at the expense of the many? Equality should be about security as much as anything else

  6. I really enjoyed this article and discuss about smell. I believe that smell has memory, I kept my mother’s favorite pillow after she died becuase it smelt like her and it helped me coup with her loss.
    This conversation reminds me of something that happened at work, were one of my coworkers wears the same perfume everyday and she smells nice so for x-mas my male coworker got his wife the same perfume but the gift didn’t go over well as he stated that the same perfume smelt awful on his wife…lol

  7. Like clockwork. I called it too! As soon as 1 science stations posts a new study they all post it.

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