Smerconish: Can civil unrest re-elect Donald Trump?

Three months ago, none of us knew the names of George Floyd or Jacob Blake. Now their deaths – and the reactions to them – could be pivotal in the Presidential race. #CNN #News


  1. Too little, Too Late Biden & Harris. You had 4 days of convention and not even ONCE did you condemned the riots and the violence.

    1. @Bryan Machin
      Of course!! You should’ve never replied to my comment about Latinos and African Americans helping TRUMP get re elected. It is POINTLESS!

    2. @Walter Higo Yes, I agree. But I think its “pointless” because we won’t know until the election. THEN we will see!
      Have a good evening!

    3. @Ernest Austin
      How has Donald Trump incited riots and murder? He has offered military help to put and end to the riots, but democrats mayors have DECLINED his help. How is this his fault???????


    1. @Bryan Machin Actually in my opinion that adds extra ambiguity. Could as easily be “democratic”, and the meaning may be lost in the all-caps rage.

    2. @teefurtree Hmm, I can see that. But it is correct to call them Democratic governors, congressman, etc. Maybe being as strict about states could make the meaning less clear!

    3. @Bryan Machin THEN Trump’s BUMBLING INCOHERENT RHETORIC MUST really get under your skin …the chosen one LOL stable genius LOL really like a smart person? SUES to keep his TRANSCRIPS hidden, very rich HIDES his FINANCES and TAX RETURNS LOL LOL LOL

  3. Look at history, the Marxist only path to power is by revolution, chaos, civil unrest and war, violence, force.
    We all know BLM is a Trojan Horse of the Marxist movement, and they want the United States.

  4. I’m in Seattle and marched in the early peaceful demonstrations. They quickly devolved into complete and total chaos. I live in the police precinct that was occupied and a few blocks from the CHOP. It wasn’t a few bad actors in a peaceful protest, it was an extended violent riot where the most violent actors were supported by the majority of protestors. I heard the gunshots of two different people get murdered during the night looting. Let that sink in for a moment. The “activists” tried to block the door and burn down the police station full of police. For those who are checking, yes that’s an attempted mass murder of public servants. They’ve attacked officers at their homes and have drawn them into explosive traps maiming them. Pretending this isn’t happening to play particular political angle is what freaks me out most. Fox news runs some stuff (mostly lazy fake BS) on the subject but when I only see the reality of what is going on in trump political ads something has gone terribly wrong. We are giving him an overly strong hand by not being honest and condemning this violence forcefully AS WELL AS the protestors that shield and enable it regardless of the political and racial branding they are using as cover.

    1. We can thank the Rioting in the Democrat Run Cities for these two polls , CNN and YouGovAmerica/Yahoo News :

      CNN Poll released last week in showed that Trump is in a virtual tie with Biden.

      The national poll of registered voters showed Trump down just four points, with 46 percent against Biden’s 50 percent support and a 3.7 percent margin of error that put them in a virtual dead heat.

      Go to CNN Website for the complete poll.

      8/27-28 National Poll. by ‪YouGovAmerica/Yahoo News:‬

      National Poll Among Independents:

      Trump 44% (+10)
      Biden 34%

      This is the same poll that call it right on Independent voting in 2016 election

      Go to @YouGovAmerica for complete poll.@@@@@@@@

  5. After CNN promoted unrest for months? After 90 days? after a Convention where riots, looting etc was NOT even mention?? HYPOCRITES!!

  6. CNN is Trumps biggest recruiting sergeant with its constant reminders of the unholy and ever more toxic alliance between the Dems and the U.S mainstream media. So. THANKS. CNN for red-pilling millions of Americans !!! We could not have done it without your help.

  7. CNN let Trump outsmart them. In their arrogant rage, they posted too many misleading stories which have ruined countless lives. CNN will get Trump elected.

    1. As has MSNBC and the NPR affiliated radio and TV stations. Not asking the hard questions early and unrelentingly of all GOP Trumpists… Pelosie, Schermer have a role, ineffective at dealing with McConnell and with Trump. I like Schiff… but he is one guy. The rest, the betrayal of Bernie …well his progressive agenda.. Not being able to sell some kind of change ..some kind of political COMPROMISE THAT WORKS DAMMIT ! We might be gonna be screwed…by Turkey Day !

  8. CNN literally only cares about the riots and violence because it’s going to get Trump re-elected. They don’t even hide it.

    1. I think that’s probably the only reason a lot more people care about it. And that’s sad of course, but
      then he really IS that bad of a president. You need to be in the “liberal media” to see that.

  9. If the US votes in the Teflon Don again they deserve all they get…..
    The world can ignore you even more than we already do.

    1. @Nicholas bang on, Nick. Unfortunately; the mind washed Sheep just want to kill Trump. They have been brainwashed by MSM and education system since exactly 2008 when Big Mike and Barry tried to change the diet of 45M kids across America. 🤡🤡🔫

  10. I love how they are changing the narrative… for almost 3 months its been peaceful protests.. and when trump offered to send the national guard to help restore order they claimed he was trying to stop peaceful protests.. while cities burned and mass murder occurred it was peaceful protests.. summer of love… and some democrats saying that violence was necessary to move the agenda fowards… lol what a freaking joke. You blame the clown in the white house while you’re running a circus….

    1. If anyone in the Democratic Party dared to cross the ideology propagated by the BLM Movement, they would have been canceled immediately.

    2. Mario Mella In 1773 the colonists which is considered today as the United States looted and caused damages up to worth $1, 700,000 dollars by dumping 340 chest of tea in the harbor. They were protesting the British for what was called (Taxation without Representation). Meaning populist government raising taxes whenever they wanted without any say from the colonist they were taxing. They protested for a cause which is a first amendment right (Right to free assembly) So when you say they’re changing the narrative….look in the mirror at yourself Mario. BLM didn’t write the constitution so don’t get mad when they exercise it.

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