1. Meanwhile [RENEGADE] stares

    1. The [MORONIC LEFT] should
      focus on keeping their 👊👈😷 **SANCTUARY SHITHOLES CLEAN !**

  2. Mortgage and Utilility bills should be suspended.
    The unemployed should receive unemployment insurance until we get a coherent testing policy.
    Who am I kidding? Republicans are in the WhiteHouse.

    1. Ive been driving a truck around the country

      Not able to buy food in some places
      And the meals at truck stop have doubled
      Whats worse us that im now making
      Less than those on unemployment.

      Trump 2020

    2. ​@kenzie star Marxism cannot co-exist with capitalism because the root of Marxism is envy. As long as Marxists see that capitalists have more toys, the Marxists will be angry.

    3. Alan aka FANG youre one emotional little comrade…friggin hilarious.

      Remember when Obama kicked you out of the G8?


  3. Florida medical examiners were releasing coronavirus death data. The state made them stop

    1. How To lie and Not be truthful with your people…US going down in history for being hypocrites and ignoring reality.

    1. @Maurice Lucious god bless you and keep you safe William magill northern lreland 🌹 John 3 v 16 king James Bible Psalms 118v8 🕊️🌹♥️♥️🌈☀️

  4. This is like being on a ship and watching it flood with water as the captain tells you everything is fine as a he grabs a life boat for himself.

    1. @npc’s everywhere like most trump shitballs, you can’t see that we need to endure some pain now to avoid total collapse. This virus has done a number on the world, getting back to work 4 weeks earlier means nothing in the long run, people in your family dying possibly does. But don’t trust the science, there have easily been 10 million infected, without these measures it could be a 25 – 35 million at this point, just in the US

  5. I think Georgia’s past couple days tells you all you need to know – Reopen early and 1,000 new cases in 24 hours.

    1. The virus takes a minimum of 3 days before an symptoms arise. Do you really think your statement makes sense, or are you just wishing for a connection


  6. I don’t know why they are acting like that!!! They are guilty of murder!!!! They are all going straight to hell!!!

  7. I appreciate your truth telling CNN! Thank you for being on the side of truth, facts, science and real data!

    1. The main question I want answered is “what the hell are we gonna do about it?” “What’s the solution?”. Until this is answered, I will never be satisfied and neither will anyone else.

    1. @Shawn Lennen Once your local hospital has more patients than respirators, it might as well be 1918. Truth is, we have 4 times the population of back then. That means more exposures, and more deaths. 50-100 million died globally in those two years. The count is unsure because whole continents were too busy digging mass graves to do a certified count.

    2. @Shawn Lennen it’s not 1918 but with our technology it shouldn’t have gotten this out of hand. Let’s hope that cycle doesn’t repeat itself. Pandemic,then depression, then a war. There are still people who don’t care if they’re infecting others. And some saying it’s not that bad.

    3. The second wave = When they let you out again so the next batch can get infected.

  8. “One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision.” (Bertrand Russell) Never more accurate than today: The stupid ones rush into denial and conspiracy theories, the others face the uncertainty, accept that the truth is scary, and try to deal with it as best they can.

    1. Nadine Black how do you know it was a opioid overdose? Where you present and could help him? Did you do a toxicology screen on his blood? I know for a fact other causes of death are still being counted at least in my county. If you don’t have confidence in your local doctors or coroner then that might be a local issue but it isn’t a national issue.

    2. Actually, social distancing is the lie that hides the truth. COVID-19 will take hold and about 2% of the population will die. Social distancing just delays the innevitable.

    3. @Nadine Black What you are saying is not true. If there was not a new, widespread cause of death occurring, morgues throughout the country (in big cities) would not be overflowing with corpses. The fact of the matter is that they are.

      The number of people who were going to die in 2020, without a large unexpected or new cause of death is/was predictable based on normal death rates. We are going to have about 100,000-150,000 more people in America die than what was going to be expected. Comparing actual death rates to the statistically sound predicted death rates will give us the total that we can roughly attribute to COVID-19.

    4. Alternative Headlines you are right but that’s also the point. Hopefully we have delayed the inevitable enough to increase hospital capacity to handle the deluge of patients (Covid and non Covid). I don’t know if many communities will be prepared. Remdesivir should help increase turn over rate of one hospital bed which also helps increase capacity🤞🏼

    1. @Mary Rochefortt Mary not funny god bless you and keep you and your family safe William magill northern lreland 🌹 John 3 v 16 king James Bible Psalms 118v8 💐🕊️🌈

    2. It’s ok. We know where he lives. There’s going to be a great celebration very soon.

    3. @BanjoQueen he’s a psychopath same as tRumpf. There’s no place for the tRumpf regime pedogue in govt. They are mass murdering Sadists! tRumpf was warned twice back in January by Intel and did nothing.😞

    4. @KarmicVibez Actually, the US Government (and most others) were warned of a possible Pandemic as early as 2019 – at least. The W.H.O wasn’t sure exactly WHAT virus was coming, but the people who get paid to watch viral-trends expected something to show up.


    1. @Laura Lafauve
      Mind you this what rump gave america is a lot worse than what Bush left.

    2. @Hawkzblade My employer offers health insurance. You sound like an idiot! When is Mueller Time?

  10. More ” so Call” disadvantage people are being denied testing at hospital, that is why so many death in those communities

  11. Cruelty is all he is about!!! This is how he can get rid of the poor, the foreign born meat packing worker, the elderly in nursing homes, the caregivers, police and EMT workers!! You want to talk about the modern day Hitler, there he is 70,000 deaths… maybe 100,000+ when this is over!! Overthrow pumpkinhead now!!! 🎃😠

  12. this is what happens when you elect an incompetent leader. all leaders have made mistake regardless of where they came from, bush, obama, clinton etc. but they still provided proper guidance and unity to the best of their ability…

    1. @Susan Smith Here’s the real truth! A corrupt Republican party which gave us donald trump! A weak and divided Democratic party who can’t UNITE! And remember this, it was the far left who got trump elected in 2016, NOT the far right.
      It’s going to happen again…WATCH, LISTEN!! We deserve the President we get!! The left is like herding cats, self righteous Fools, read some of the Garbage from the left on YouTube!!! SHOCKING! Trump will get re-elected!

    2. Becasue your poor citizens are kept desperate and those who can donate unlimited money to political parties want to get their profits back NOW.

  13. The irony of Drumpf denying the seriousness of Covid 19, is that he’s a germophobe.

  14. When your “fearless” leader is a pathological and narcissistic liar, you don’t get the hard truths.

    1. @Nemo Krada The correct question would be what hasn’t he lied about? Answer, everything.

    2. @Dave Schoenfeld Funny he’s lied so much, but youre so stupid you can’t figure out 1 single example!

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