1. Brooks.. You like war in Europe, war on energy, boys in the girls looker rooms, 5 mill illegals taking jobs recourses, out of control crime, inflation through the roof and families struggling? Let me guess…. All Trumps fault right? LOL Troll is a badge of honor coming from you.

    1. @RatherTiredOfTheMess common welfare Democrats have destroyed, and Welfare who do you think’s hurting out here us poor people they just go to show you they don’t know how to run the country

    2. It’s about inflation, prices, the border, a demented president who is destroying America.
      It’s not about Bill Clinton, Oprah, or Obama endorsements. It’s about Americans that see how they want to live

    3. When we go to vote we ALL need to remember who locked us down, forced mandates on us and tried to take away our freedoms during Cov!d. And vote all of them out…!

    4. @DRKrust492 Really….. Lets see, Trump endorses 120 candidates and 95% win. How many win after Biden or Hussain endorse? Hahahahaha

    1. @Richard Reich I am sure we will get a proper investigation after Congress and potentially senate turn red after next week 😉

    2. How did “81 million” idiots vote for him?? “81 million” idiots voted to cause 13 military deaths,record joflation.record gas and diesel prices,record murders,record cop killings,record dead immigrants (800),record ODs 300 dead per day a recession and a WAR!!!!! Good job voting,Chester!!

  1. Jake, people who are fed up with high prices, endless proxy wars and lots of lies will vote this November. Just do your job and report the facts correctly

  2. When one party resorts to threatening and fearmongering you to vote for them, you know they are well and truly desperate.

    1. @Shen Tsu the majority of the gop supports the war in Ukraine and the vaccine saves millions of lives. Must I remind you Trump takes credit for the vaccine. See how truth works.

    2. When we go to vote we ALL need to remember who locked us down, forced mandates on us and tried to take away our freedoms during Cov!d. And vote all of them out…!

  3. Reasons I will vote blue in 22. One I don’t want Hershel Walker making decisions about climate change or anything else in the United States Senate. Two I don’t want Ron Johnson making decisions about social security and medicare. Three I don’t want Donald j trump invading the Capitol Building again.

    1. So you want abortion, shared mens and womens bathrooms, open borders, fentanyl killing thousands of Americans including your children,’wars, higher taxes, higher heating and grocery costs, no freedom of speech, military spending cuts, government dictating schools curriculum, etc?

    2. When we go to vote we ALL need to remember who locked us all down, forced mandates on us and tried to take away our freedoms during Cov!d. And vote all of them out…!

  4. Tapper instead of walking around in studio go out and fined some real news. Fed up with the false news 24 7

  5. Let’s not deflect from the facts: gas and oil will skyrocket after the midterms because of Biden’s policies. Don’t forget your grocery bill too.

    1. You do realize that those two issues are global, right? This is the kind of false rhetoric that messes the gullible minds up. Just stop it already.

    2. The inflation is a worldwide crisis after Covid-19 hit the world economy following a necessary lockdown of production chains, plus Russia invading Ukraine put also pressure on prices. Republicans would do no better. It is easier for them to put the blame on Biden instead acknowledging that Trump downplayed and dismissed the danger and threat of the Covid in the first place. I hear them critics the Dems for everything but I don’t hear them proposing solutions they don’t have. Vote Blue and save democracy.

    3. @Louis Lafontaine You’re dead on but it’s this kind of sensible logic that leads to eyes glazing over and deflecting whataboutisms from the right. Sad.

  6. Sadly, we may as well change the name of our country to : THE DIVIDED STATES OF AMERICA. When will people simply love each other, work together across the aisle, and think about the future we are leaving our children? We teach our kids to share, love your neighbor, and dont fight or bully others. But all they see is all of us grown people doing exactly what we told them not to do. Smh at all of us! Pray for America!!!

    1. When we go to vote we ALL need to remember who locked us down, forced mandates on us and tried to take away our freedoms during Cov!d. And vote all of them out…!

    2. the dimocrats started all this when Trump became President. They spied on his campaign. They forged documents to get fake warrants to do this. They spent years tying up the courts with their “muh Russia” and impeachment attempts. btw Trump was not convicted by any dimocrat attempt.

  7. Democracy is about letting people choose for themselves whom they want to vote for, Democracy isn’t about letting people tell you who you should vote for.

  8. NO pardons NO BAIL NO fines
    Justice needs to happen once and for all. No matter who or what title they hold. Justice for all. No one is above the law. THIS IS AMERICA 🇺🇸

    1. Ship sailed when Hillary Clinton was illegally overthrowing Ukraine, selling arms through Benghazi, and deleting all her emails showing her crimes.

    2. I’ve got news for you; “this is America” is the problem. The rich get away, literally with murder in America. You worship at the altar of money & power to your detriment. Your justice department is so scared of the Trump mob, they move at glacial speed, if at all. You act / say like America is some shining light, but that light is dimming, big time, if it hasn’t already gone out.
      In Australia, we would never vote for such an obvious conman such as Trump. He has turned your country into a joke. We’re not that stupid, or craven, or divided to even consider someone like him. And if we did have a criminal in office who committed even a fraction of the crimes Trump has – he’d be in jail already.

    3. Agreed. The sooner we see the corrupt Biden family in jail the better off we will be… Oh, and throw the piece of American hating trash Hilary in jail too!

  9. I voted for the people who arent starting nuclear war and forcing dangerous vaccines. I’m a fascist like that.

    1. You know Trump and Biden are very close in age, right jackass? So if Biden is old and weak, then Trump is old and weak. 😲 Gavin Newsome for prez. I would like to see Pete Buttigieg run for Prez. Just to watch maga minds melt because he’s openly gay. If I had my pick of top 3. Newsome, O’ Rourke, and Buttigieg.

    1. The inflation is a worldwide crisis after Covid-19 hit the world economy following a necessary lockdown of production chains, plus Russia invading Ukraine put also pressure on prices. Republicans would do no better. It is easier for them to put the blame on Biden instead acknowledging that Trump downplayed and dismissed the danger and threat of the Covid in the first place. I hear them critics the Dems for everything but I don’t hear them proposing solutions they don’t have. Vote Blue and save democracy.

    2. @Louis Lafontaine Yes but Biden made the wrong move at every step and made it far worse than it had to be!

  10. I am a registered independent. I am very distressed with gender bending, inflation, crime, crt etc., I am leaning heavily against Democratic Party ! Does that make me deplorable MAGA ?😁

  11. I’m concerned it is the economy that is rigged not your elections (one is being used as a tool for the other). For a country that is always worried about state-centralized power you have succeeded in centralizing power among a few corporations and individuals for which/whom you cannot vote on policy (unless you have millions or billions of dollars to buy stock). Hmmm, I should read Erik Erikson’s “Escape from Freedom” again.

  12. “The propagandist will not accuse the enemy of just any misdeed; he will accuse him of the very intention that he himself has and of trying to commit the very crime that he himself is about to commit.”
    – Jacques Ellul

  13. In a world where facts can be twisted and everyone has a comeback for everything, I fear the United States will fail.

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