Terrorism expert: ‘US has emerged as a leading exporter of far-right extremism in Europe’

A major German police raid on far-right extremists in December revealed how QAnon is not just an American problem anymore. The Council on Foreign Relations' Jacob Ware tells Reality Check's John Avlon how Americans have exported extremist conspiracy theories overseas.


    1. Im surprised that americans don’t know that BLM is not a groups but a movement against rasicm and antifa is an ide of value. The understanding of ideas and ideology is not taught in american schools. So they dont know that US was the antifa during WW2, and their hatred toward there own country is stunning. Even a 6 year old can read a dictionary and knows antifa is an idea, heres a citate “Antifa has seen a steady increase in media attention ever since former President Donald Trump took office in January 2017”, Trump made people think the idea of being against fascism is a group. Im against dictators and im antifa is as simpel as that. The MAGA them self says they are against tyranny a. dictatorship, so is MAGA also antifa until they get power…

    2. @Rod Bannon tried to set-up a right-wing religious academy in Italy, and was denied *in an overwhelming Catholic country* . Do you understand how much of a far-right nut-job you need to be for that to happen?

    1. Bannon was heavily involved with Boris Johnsons campaign to become British Prime Minister… Bannon was heavily involved with French extreme Politician Marine Le pen … Bannon is pure poison

  1. Permissiveness in the US is too much. It’s the main reason there is extremism in the first place. You can’t just allow anyone one to do whatever they want to do. Everyone needs rules to follow.

  2. Fascism was born in Europe. Why wouldn’t it rise again?
    Can’t happen here?
    It can happen anywhere as long as decent people turn a blind eye to it.

    1. But what you Americans call ‘extreme Left’ politicians and politics would be dull-as-dishwater average, boringly staid, safe politics here in Ireland and across most of Europe. They’re not ‘extreme’ in the slightest, although your Republicans absolutely are, and horrify and repulse Europe (bar Hungary and Poland’s authoritarian-lite governments).

    2. There is no middle ground to be found with Nazi-Republicans. Domestic enemies should not be reasoned or negotiated with. Dealing with Nazi-Republicans as loyal opposition instead of the domestic enemies of the country that they are is exactly why the USA is in the dark place in which it finds itself.

  3. Interesting listening to this while I live in UK. We have Tory Govt in power, for our US friends GOP (like). Our Govt is RIGHT wing, trying to ban Protest banning Strikes controlling our Media by appointing sympathetic (party donors) to positions of control/power, (remained you of anyone?). Yes we have big problems here in UK, and we have another 2 years to wait before we can kick them out (hopefully), yes they are trying to gerrymandering Constituency lines and voter ID. Looks familiar doesn’t it. Wish we had better Media here.

    1. Your media lies……. the media in the United States is nothing but propaganda …. And all the news you’re seeing come out of the United States this propaganda….. It’s not true…. You’re being manipulated…. if you want the truth….. From a real American….. I’m happy to educate…. I consider it a mitzvah…. even though you’re goyim

    2. @Solid Snake the lands of your ancestors….. The legacy of your ancestors….. is being destroyed and disrespected by the very people your ancestors once conquered……

  4. To be honest, there were right wing movements in Europe long before Mr.Trump and Mr.Bannon (Fn in France,NPD in Germany ,Vlaams Blok in Belgium,Lega Nord and Neofascists in Italy,etc.)Things that happened recently in the US maybe a boost for them.

  5. On purpose. Let’s not lose that. They say they didn’t mean to attract what they’ve been courting.

  6. (5:00) ” Political Extremism is not Illegal in the US, violent pursuance of it might be ” ???
    Political Violence BETTER be illegal in the US and treated that way.

  7. “US…leading exporter of far right extremism…”
    We always like to be number one.
    I guess that’s the “America Exceptionalism” we tout so highly.🙄
    Thanks GQP?

  8. Wait…..”where we go one, we go all”? What kind of slogan is that? Does it even pass the English grammar test? How can any educated American subscribe to that and champion it? What is wrong with these people…..???

  9. Hey, remember when we were all criticing Saudi Arabia for exporting far right Islamist extremism?
    How embarrassing.

    PS yes I know this is blatant false equivalency. I just found the situation humorous.

  10. Now they have even gotten Europeans to talk about the “Democrat Party” as though they think that is acceptable

  11. Here in the Republic of Ireland, when we had our Abortion and Gay Marriage referenda some years back, we had a ton of American far right ‘Christian’ fundamentalists come to Dublin to try and manipulate voters here. Several of them were interviewed on TV and by Irish media as they arrived at Dublin Airport, or elsewhere in the city centre, as they spoke enthusiastically and openly about trying to change voters’ minds here. (They failed – those referenda passed by landslide votes, as the Republic’s Christian and significant Atheist population alike agreed that they supported abortion and gay marriage.)

    In the years since, American far right forces have also become more overt in Irish social media channels, and there is currently sharp suspicion across Ireland that American far right forces and Christian extremists and fundamentalists – often the same thing – are funding and supporting certain toxic people and divisive activities in Ireland, actively attempting to sew the same dissent here that they’ve done in America. We’re starting to see the same toxic language and ideologies here that we’ve seen wielded by America’s far right trash politicians and figures in recent years.

    It’s worth pointing out that the Republic of Ireland keeps a close eye on American politics and current affairs at all times – I won’t hold my breath about finding an average American who can name the President of Ireland – and so We’re generally acutely aware of who and what your far right extremists look and sound like, their policies, and their dangerous ideologies, all largely unwelcome in our decidedly Leftist nation, which so far has crushed any rare attempts by far right parties or people to spread like a cancer here.

    Your Republicans continue to show Ireland, and the rest of Europe, what fascism wrapped in a flag and utterly, utterly insincere faith looks like, and with luck, we’ll continue to prevent such poison from taking root here. I hope so, anyway.

    1. Hi – Susanne from Germany here. Besides QAnon influences, Steve Bannon from the USA was in Europe and also in Germany. He said he would make Brussels a daily Stalingrad. Tucker Carlson from the US channel FOX News was in Hungary to exchange ideas about so-called illiberal democracies. During the Trump presidency, U.S. Ambassador Richard Grenell was in Germany trying to network right-wing extremists, etc. I think, that the increasing international networking of extremists is a really big danger.

    2. And look at Ireland now.
      Now the Great Replacement is in overdrive and the Irish seem quite pissed off and I applaud them.

      Stop bieng such a cuck

    3. Do you have any Oswald-Mosley-equivalent in Ireland? Here in NZ we have Brian Tamaki. He has his church followers, but he keeps trying to launch political parties (2 or 3 at last count). All have been flops, because thankfully we pride ourselves on being a secular democracy.

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