1. You know where it’s seriously, super, yugely cold??? Siberia! We need to ship him and his straight to Siberia without long underwear! ❄❄❄☃️☃️

    1. @Javier J I’m sorry but your right but the wrong POTUS, no he WAS brought up on IMPEACHMENT for the oval office thing which he admitted to….. DRUMPTARD and your 🐖 POTUS never admits to anything….. JUST HOW GREAT HE IS AND HE ISN’T…. WHAT HAS HE DONE FOR YOU TRUMPTARD’S AND WHY DO YOU HAVE TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, IF HE IS SO GREAT…. LMAO MAGATS 💣


  1. Agolf Tweetler is right, HE IS the worst hoax in American history so when does this bad reality show get cancelled?

    1. LAST CALL
      Not actual.
      Not true.
      Not factual.
      Not sincere!
      Not fit to lead a dog, much less a nation!
      Not going to be president forever.
      Go sit down and finish your coloring book!

    2. @MikeflightFPVThere is no actual transcript ! That was obviously Trumps summary of what he says was the phone call. I dont expect anything intelligent coming from you Trump supporters. The evidence is there you sheeps ! The phone call lasted more than 30 minutes and you can read Trumps fake transcript in less than 3 minutes even if you read super slow. Its so obvious!

  2. YOU sir, are the “terrible thing” going on in this country …..and that’s our “perfect conversation” about you.

    1. Jeff Soltis the fact that you try to bridge similarities from hitler and Stalin to a US president just shows how stupid you really are and how disgusting it is that you would disrespect the Ives lost due to the nazis. When you cry wolf too many times, no one cares

    2. The Republicans are trying to install an oligarchy in this country by brain washing a segment of the voters with more money than you can dream of, and it’s working. Trump is trying to bring the unlimited resources of countries like Russia, China, and Ukraine into this effort is where you see it working, Barr says nothing to see hear, Linsey Graham says nothing to see hear. Soon you will find the whole justice department and Supreme Court saying nothing to see hear just like Russia, when the right people (oligarchs and their subordinates like Trump and Giuliani) are committing the felonies. Then news outlets who point out the corruption will be investigated (like Barr is doing with Mueller investigators) and bring felony libel charges for a single wrong fact for those that are in their way.

    3. Javier J what’s Jeff Soltis is saying is Trump has similar personality as a dictator. No compassion, no integrity…he wants people to be loyal to him but thank goodness majority of the senators are loyal to the constitution. I don’t think Jeff is disrespecting to the lives that have loss. Cheers from Canada.

    4. @Louis N Canada needs a Priminister like trump. Not a lier like Trudeau that bullies his women in his party.and tells them not to say anything or else. Trump gets things done and is respected world wide not like Trudeau that humiliated himself world wide.
      Cheers from Canada too!

  3. The switch from a well educated, lucid, eloquent leader to a spoiled rich kid whining about how unfair his life is and how everyone is out to get him is so jarring.

    1. @chow tt Except that “fake news” seems to be whatever he and his acolytes dont like. Youre trolling isnt very good, you should put some effort into it or not do it at all.

    2. @Your Big Head Cousin Obama is a Nigerian
      Obama is a very successful Conman
      Obama was a draft Dodger hiding in Nigeria
      Where’s Obama school records?

    3. @Your Big Head Cousin Obama is Not a real man
      A real man won’t let another man plus men Poke his anuS
      Homosexual men are Mentally Unstable
      Obama is a Homosexual
      Only a Mentally Unstable person would let another man plus men Poke his Anus

    1. Was there ever a time when to be an American was more embarrassing?

      Glad I’m not American at this point in history.

    1. @BJ Smith You negros always get it twisted!
      Trump was a Billionaire before he got into politics. Black Democrats politicians are barely Thousandaires before entering politics, but always leave Millionaires. So, those black fools are filling up hell. However, there will be room for your nappy-headed self!

    1. The fact that you even have to clarify that is so sad. What happened to the days where you treated others as you want to be treated. And we were all Americans, not Democrats or Republicans or wherever you fall on the political spectrum.

  4. I remember when we could look up to a president for comfort and strength….thank you Presidents Clinton and Obama.

    1. @Uncle Ed The divisiveness in this country sadly is a result of the identity politics mostly pushed by the dems. And oooof course we have these great “news” sources stoking those flames of dissent..

    2. Noticed the 2028 in there? Yea that’ll be what your looking at once this phony impeachment is over with. He’ll not only be able to start his original term over again but he’ll be reelected in 2020!

  5. It did feel wonderful hearing eloquent sentiments being spoken for an honorable man who will be greatly missed.

    1. While your elegant is President’s spoke with dignity he was ruining the country that you live in you fucking idiot you motherfukers this dumb

  6. Rump did say one thing that’s true: “It’s a terrible thing that’s going on in our country.” Yes indeed, but the terrible thing is Donald J Trump.

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