1. “At that moment, in the sunset on Watership Down, there was offered to General Woundwort the opportunity to show whether he was really the leader of vision and genius which he believed himself to be or whether he was no more than a tyrant ….” Richard Adams

  2. So sad that Putin and Russia go wrong way. If Russia has been a member of european unionen the world has looks different.

    1. ​@Hannah Dyson That’s Putin’s view, they are inextricably linked so Ukraine can’t get a full divorce.

    2. ​@i b It’s Russia invading Ukraine again. Not the other way around. One Warmonger in the Kremlin caused all this pain and suffering.

    3. @Hannah Dyson thats what Putin said. Word for word in fact. Since when is Putin ‘the west’

      Or do you mean West Russia??

  3. Putin calculated the west was fragmenting (Brexit, Trump, Macron, Erdogan, Afghanistan) but it all backfired. He’s contending now with the fact that both UKraine, NATO and the west generally, did not lack the inner resolution to resist aggression.


  4. Russia went from being a candidate to be in the EU and NATO after the fall of the USSR to being the 4th Reich.

    1. @J Gaffney
      You’re wrong. Both sides were just to proud to except Russia into NATO.
      Nato couldn’t swallow their pride in officially inviting their former enemy Moscow.
      And Putin beeing Ex-KGB and born in the USSR couldn’t swallow his own pride, to officially file the paperwork dor joining like Russia was a country like evereone else. (which in reality it was).
      No Official application or invation was ever issued.

      And without someone making the first big step and swallow his pride nothing was made out of that idea.

    2. @Dylan Vogler what gives any thing any rights? A super power? A big neighbour? A smaller neighbour needs to tread carefully. Any neighbour needs to show respect, or risk invasion. West repeats it’s mistakes, don’t be surprised that Russia will repeat mistakes too. But which cane first? The reaction comes AFTER the initial action, not before

    3. @Ax.F-125 I am not wrong. Except.huh? I said exactly what you said. I never said they officially applied. I said Putin was insulted to have to wait for what he considered little countries. Read what I wrote. There is no divergence in the essentials. I also must say this is the history of the event not my opinion.

  5. What a shame for human race we live in civilised world and digital world and this happening now 😞 I don’t know.

  6. Russia must be forced out of Ukraine, having gained nothing, and pay severe reparations for the atrocities they have subjected Ukrainians to. No amount will be enough.

  7. Those surrounding him do not tell him the truth in fear of their lives. He has treated others ruthlessly, losing his ability to communicate.
    His own fault 😔

    1. @Raindrops No it is not stupid to compare Trump’s characteristics to Putin .. but thank you.. Good night..

  8. I visited St Petersburg in the pre-Putin days aboard a U.S. flagged ship delivering food aid wheat and found the people friendly, curious about the west and hopefully for their bright new future. Sad to see them succumb to an Authoritarian with all their hope lost. No sanction relief until Ukraine recovers ALL their territory.

  9. His calculation didn’t account for reverse psychology. Yes NATO as an organization was taking a back seat these few years. Now he’s the single person responsible for waking up NATO and garnering nation support/buy-in for NATO.

  10. Whilst I dont agree with a lot of Blair’s comments and position, his comments re Ukraine in this video are spot on!

    1. He’s should know.
      Blair was Robin
      Bush Batman
      on the Iraq Invasion
      for regime change based
      on false premise.

    2. ​@UCXx-2nLXdB6wkwkeOAWxRRg If you can understand a country’s “fear” of being invaded because it has happened many times in history (last time for R was ww2/1940s) And if you think their concerns are valid, even though none of their neighbouring/other EU countries have invaded any neighbour/them since ww2, cause europe learned & moved on (while R got stuck in past & thinks in past terms)…then why don’t you seem to think R’s neighbours concerns are valid? And hence they all want to join NATO? Because unlike all of those small european countries, Russia actually has invaded/tried to invade their neighbours…several times…since ww2. They have been the only threat in the area after ww2. Why don’t you seem to look at the others POV and think those countries had legitimate reason to joun nato (not to attack R, but to protect themselves from R…the country which in past 15 years alone has attacked its neighbours three times) Why don’t those countries concerns matter to you? The history of all those countries has seen many more invasions, also by Russia (cause that is the history of midern Europe… it’s been a battleground & area that went from one “owner” to another… all through history…) Ukraine & other countries between R & other past “monopolies” were made the battleground cause they were in between. So why do you think R concern for their safety has any legitimacy (when none of its neighbours have any interest in attacking them since SU collapsed & any country in the world has any interest in attacking a nuclear country like them), but don’t think it’s neighbours have any legitimate reason to be independant and to “fear” invasion/attack by R… when R can’t even go a decade without attacking/invading one of its neighbours. In present times. Not in the past (pre-ww2 times after which most europe agreed to peace) Why do you still buy into Russias take on fearing attack on its border (no actual realized threat after 1945) and not think of the countries bordering it fear of attack FROM R. (several attempts by P in past two decades)… when R has proven again & again that they will attack… whenever they don’t agree with something happening internally in one of it’s independant neighbour countries. Why is that?

  11. If Putin really wants all ex-soviet states to rejoin Russia, he should have improved the economy, improved the governance, improve the society, and turned Russia into a economic super powerhouse, then other ex-states would not hesitated to rejoin the mother russia once again. He is going about it the wrong way.

    1. ​@Hanson Cogen The point he has clearly made is that Putin cannot make Russia attractive, ever.


  12. I remember there were serious concerns about Putin becoming president back in the day, that he was ex KGB and was at risk of trying to take Russia back to the USSR state…then everything was apparently okay after he took power…until it wasn’t

    1. this reminds me of addiction because you always hear this in NA meetings. “it was fun until it wasn’t”. I can see Russia having a little addiction with Glory and wanting the Soviet Union back but they need to realize they treated there’s other countries like s*** and the other countries are like a disgruntled girlfriend that doesn’t want to go back and now he’s trying to grab her by the hair and pull her back LOL my analogies are funny today

  13. As a non UK citizen, it feels like forever since the UK had a prime minister that actually knows what he is talking about.

    1. @rubbery owen He really wasn’t. But his downfall was becoming Bush’s poodle in the Iraq war – which I did not agree with.
      We’ve had far worse prime ministers since Blair. Actually, pretty much all of them

  14. “Face saving” of Putin, literally sounds like “sacrifice Ukaine to save the rest of the world for something that ‘might’ happen” and forget everything he’s done to date.

    1. @James Medina I wouldn’t say just 9 or 10. Bullying doesn’t stop when one comes into the adult world. It just becomes more insidious, more accepted and consequently more violent.

      Honestly, we’ve all spoken about it long since as adults and we’ve all experienced bullying in our adult lives several times. Fortunately, we were all able to recognize it for what it was and have the strength to call it out at the time so it never went further.

      The thing is, in society it’s more accepted to teach kids how not to empower themselves, to not protect themselves, to ‘turn the other cheek’, to not resort to violence, that when violence is put upon oneself that it is not ok to respond in kind, that when it happens that one needs to ‘get over it by whatever means necessary’ irrespective of the psychological trauma, that we must cede our own sovereignty to a ‘higher authority’, literally and figuratively, even after this authority fails time and again to protect and provide. There is NOTHING empowering in any of it.

      I find it funny. The USA arming the Ukraine at this point is the same thing – just late in the game. Just like empowering a person to face their bully.
      Alot of people say don’t do it. The bully might escalate it. He might go nuclear. My questions then become: then what? What does the world do to stop him? How many people have to die BEFORE people decide it’s wrong to do nothing? The list goes on.

      So, nothing surprises me as to what people are capable of, especially the violence. Not anymore. It’s more the “what people are incapable of”.

  15. Either way he has done an excellent job recruiting countries for NATO, especially the ones on his border! Slava Finland! Slava Sweden!

  16. I’m very proud of Ukrainians they are very proud people they stand up for what they believe in and they will not back down until they win this war even after they all have suffered during this war Ukrainians are still are still standing strong 💪 way to go Ukrainians keep up the good work

  17. I find the Ukrainian government has been outstanding. They are all so young looking, yet they are some of the most intelligent leaders I have ever seen. Their use of their limited resources to obtain the maximum return has been astonishing. Watching the Ukrainians destroy an entire battalion of Russian tanks attempting to cross a blown up pontoon bridge outside of Kharkiv was some of the most unsound tank leadership ever. There is a gear for reverse, guys. The Ukrainians also played their hand superbly as a citizen who was trained in the field told officials exactly where the Russians would be setting up the pontoon bridge. That allowed the government to set the trap they did, and an entire battalion was blown away, literally.

    1. @Lancer Evo He was in pre-trial house arrest. The investigation had happened – the trial hadn’t yet. Russia invaded and he bolted to a Russian FSB controlled safe house.

  18. I don’t know if any Western leader put a lot of trust in Putin when he first took leadership of his country. But it wasn’t wrong to make efforts to give Russia a chance to move to an more open and free society after the Soviet collapse. Probably if a more democratic or progressive thinking president had managed to come to power rather than Putin, things would be much different today. But he is who he is and here we are.

  19. Imagine what a great country Russia could have been…very advanced, on friendly terms with its neighbors and the rest of the world? Tragic, how far it has declined. Russia, your people deserve better!

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