Top Pence adviser calls Olivia Troye’s Trump allegations ‘egregious’

Vice President Mike Pence's national security adviser, retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, called former coronavirus task force member Olivia Troye's allegations about President Donald Trump's response to the Covid-19 pandemic "egregious." #CNN #News


  1. This is sounding more like Scientology’s defense everyday. “She said everything was great, so what she says now isn’t true.” It’s called INSIGHT, REFLECTION, MATURITY, GROWTH.

    1. Yes, what you are seeing is total cult behavior. How can he say that Trump never said anything about down playing the virus when there are recordings with Bob Woodward where he literally says, “I’m always playing it down”. It’s pure insanity.

  2. ” I don’t know what it is.” – Kellogg

    Perhaps it is the non stop lying, lying, lying and then the lying.

    Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg is a sycophant.

    1. The Kellog guy is trying to spin the Bob Woodward recording? He thinks we are dummies like the “disgusting” Trump supporters? No sir! Can’t fool us.

    1. @thowe624
      Lmfao you morons still on the Russia Russia Russia after the two year $40 million dollar donut hole. Shouldn’t you be at the rally in DC…oh that’s right, no one showed up! Ahahaha

    2. thowe624 oh, I’m sorry, did Texas crumble from corona? No. Did they have a higher death rate per infected person than average? No. So how about we talk about problems that actually exist: like the liberal states that DID, and continue to, crumble.

    3. @White Male why are they sending them home to die?? Texas had MONTHS heads up? They also benefited from the months of research. Texas has 15,000 Deaths!!! We went to war after 3,000 died on 9/11 and we are supposed to look the other way on this? How is 15,000 deaths a success??

    1. Agree. Yeah that’s so unbelievable. Right. That’s why every word out of his mouth is stock market. The only reason he wants a vaccine before the election because he thinks it’s going to help him win not because he wants to help people.

    1. Annie and Elsie of Arendelle he didn’t cut off travel from China he put travel restrictions on them get your facts straight

    2. @supremekai kibito Oh, I’m sorry, I was under the impression that he was banning all those poor innocent Chinese by Democrats, but the moment it reflects badly on them they change their tune to say Trump should’ve done more?

    3. Back to the future past”…..The ones that really down played the virus were those that created the virus in the first place.. …and received funding for it during and from the Obama administration long before president Trump was president… The illegal research lab was never openly discussed by the theft MSM… In those years… Until the virus was released and now the same complicent MSM wants to blame Trump for all the deaths caused by the virus they the leftist created and outsourced to China essence giving the Chinese an illegal bio-hazardous-research to empower and create a new and improved virus to be released sometime later in America….. You can’t make this stuff-up…. When is the MSM going to be held accountable for covering up something that falls under illegal biological weapons lab research”…….under the Obama administration…. .


    1. @jim genovese Her statement is credible. Clearly an exTrump administration staffer of conscience heading for safety and sanity out the door.

    2. @jim genovese The problem with your logic is that there’s a long list of people like her, who used to be part of this WH admin, saying more or less the same thing she’s saying here.

    3. @Ken Cohen Yet, not a single person backs it up. Ok. Whatever gets you through the day. It’s only credible to you because you are so desperate for it to be true. 🙄

  3. “Shooting the people with the vaccine ” wOW These demons just can’t keep quiet! I’m not taking the Mark of the Beast 666 NO WAY!!!

  4. I’m guessing “”EVERYBODY “” that leaves the white house is pulling a trump ..just lie lie lie.. cmon man everyone can’t be lying about this idiot

  5. Kellogg: 2:40 “We can start going out and shooting people with the vaccine”
    Well, that’s an odd way to put it. Maybe “administering the vaccine” instead? Just sayin’.

  6. I just can’t make myself believe anything that this man is saying and I don’t trust Trump. It’s got to be very hard for her to speak out

    1. More? I’d say more than enough already. If there are people still doubting this, then they’re part of the ‘herd mentality’ Trump was talking about in that townhall event.

  7. @2:41 “shooting people with the vaccine.” Does anyone really trust a vaccine from these liars? You must be out of your mind…

    1. I guess you can stay in your room, wear a mask 24/7 and not be able to get out and breath fresh air, go to a grocery store or do anything.

    2. @harley dude I’ve did none of those things and I’m doing just fine. This virus scenario is the biggest con job ever played on us.

    3. @harley dude I do that daily without the vaccine. What are you smoking? The government cannot force us to take it. They lie about information every day. You think they care?

    4. @Shadow Wolf I don’t wear a mask, I go everywhere without one and I have not gotten sick. The vaccine is for the sheep.

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