Trump Brings Bill Clinton Accusers to Presidential Debate! 10/9/16

Donald Trump Brings Bill Clinton Accusers to Presidential Debate! 10/9/16

Presidential Debate – October 9, 2016 – Donald Trump vs Hillary Clinton


  1. Hillary, Crooked crazy psychopath lying killer! In a short circuit mode.
    traitor betrayer double-dealer quisling treacherous. Clintons Robbed
    Billions From Haiti! Bill Clinton is a rapist.

    1. +Jan Johnson
      Not sure if the prosecutor in question is the one who handled the case
      against her client but if it was that would seem to be a conflict of
      interest… also interesting that the crime lab “threw away” the relevant
      evidence, I smell bullshit…

    2. the guy had a right to defense council. what makes it so disgusting is sh
      is laughing about getting the guy off. putting the idea out there that the
      little girl was looking for it.

    3. The point I’m making is that she did not have to take the case, it wasn’t
      “appointed” to her, she did it as a favor to a/the prosecutor,
      comprehension much?

  2. LOL, “trump was hurting even before the tape came out ” what an idiot. Bash
    says “it was a political stunt” . No, Trump is doing your job you liberal

  3. This is not reporting, this is a kangaroo court. Clinton’s on women is like
    a Nuclear Bomb compared to Trumps Sticks and Stones. I hope that ISIS finds
    these guys first.

  4. The Clinton News Network (CNN) will always try to defend the Clintons and
    attack Trump. As you can see they will do anything to help her win. You
    notice they have not said anything about the Wikileaks email dumps.

  5. The only “pole” Trump was losing was the CNN pole. He was smoking Hillary
    is ALL other poles. CNN, you need to get your act together man.

  6. I see Trump just punked the CNN dopes again by appearing with 4 of Bill
    Clintons’ rape victims! He’s taking a page from General Patton….”May God
    have mercy on my enemies because I won’t!”

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