1. @d fobroy
      I dunno. They’re impeaching that mf’er tomorrow. Trump loses. The DOJ has to release communications of shady dealings between McConnell’s wife and a Russian corp buying stock in a Kentucky aluminum company. And there’s Trump’s 6 buddies who’ve been convicted or plead guilty to crimes in the Ukraine.

  1. The name Trump will mostly be remembered for one thing. Cheap knockoff attempts at bonafide excellence…almost always resulting in electroplate quality, deceit and mediocrity.

    1. He told Howard stern that when someone slipped at an awards show and got a small cut on the head…trumpPAB had to move to the back of the room….I agree with you

    2. Huh!!!… Not Ole Captain Bones Spurs… Never Gonna Happen!!!😜😝😣😒😡… NO NOT NEVER!!!🤣😄😂😆😅

    1. @iDawg oh no! My secret identity has been revealed!
      and while you’re crying “ooh racist”… Bloomburg?

  2. You’ve “defrauded our country” my tax dollars now subsidizing farmers because of your bad trade war with tariffs. You could not give Tex cuts to the wealthy so that they could help fund your subsidies. But nope, poor people paying an unfair share for rich people. Great job Trumpers!

    1. Beautiful Rosemary yet the republicans and trump are the ones bringing progress in the form of paid family leave to federal workers while the do nothing democrats throw tiffs and waste valuable time they could be passing laws. It’s time the US had paid family leave don’t you think? Yet the democrats squandered every opportunity and instead focused on trumps tweets.

    2. @John Is going to make you mad typical trumpanzee response when some speaks truth to power you all do what your obese pretendident does call ppl names. What a bunch of wankers you ppl are.

  3. Liar of the year/month/day/hr/sec. Truth escapes him. He’s a pathological liar, and it appears to be contagious to those around him.

    1. “In northwest Alaska, kunlangeta “might be applied to a man who, for example, repeatedly lies and cheats and steals things and does not go hunting, and, when the other men are out of the village, takes sexual advantage of many women.” The Inuits tacitly assume that kunlangeta is irremediable. And so, according to Murphy, the traditional Inuit approach to such a man was to insist he go hunting, and then, in the absence of witnesses, push him off the edge of the ice.”

      ― Martha Stout, The Sociopath Next Door

    2. @Daniel Duvalle Kunlangeta …. I’ll try to remember that one. Such despicable pigs should be put on ice.
      Had to “edit” the spelling of that Inuit word. Still working on the pronunciation 😉

    3. @Leeanne Bishop man those Dems really got you brain washed. There’s a reason it’s called the swamp . And a reason it needs to be cleared out

    1. @Mats K my train of thought is that a Russian is better than a Democrat with sworn allegiance to Communist China.

    2. @Qunited States Patriot Yes, that is a traitors thought. 🙂 You say I’m russian, yet YOU are the one who would vote for Putin (!) rather than an american democrat. Most people would say that train of thought is absolutely mental. But you are, aren’t you? If you prefer Putin, go to Russia. There you have your wanted anti gay laws. And you don’t have to worry about the free press, either. You know, american freedom?

    3. @Mats K I prefer Trump. Trump is awesome! I prefer Putin over any anti constitutional “Democrat” who would have is eating nothing but rice and sewing together Nike’s for the Chinese Paramount Leader Xi Jinping.

  4. It’s a great day for the country!!
    When you Say that you Never had (1) reason to ask GOD for forgiveness or EXCEPT responsibilities that show’s A sickening self serving mental disorder. IMPEACH ASAP 💯

    1. Creepy corrupt Joe Biden is not going to be the candidate to go up against president Trump in 2020.   Creepy Joe is toast.

    2. Crackhead Hunter Biden even admitted during an interview that he got that job with that corrupt Ukraine energy company because of his daddy’s Ukraine connections while creepy Joe was vice president of the United States…that’s a conflict of interest!!!!!!!!!!!    Crackhead Hunter even admitted that he flew around the world with his daddy doing business deals for that corrupt Ukraine energy company.  It’s a fact that crackhead Hunter wasn’t even qualified to hold that job in a sector he had zero experience in and working in  a country he couldn’t even speak the language.   Wake up and smell creepy Joe Biden’s corruption.

    1. Bill I am making more money than I ever made in my life with no end in site my life is different. Second the left are impeaching a sitting president based on no factual evidence. That should scare everyone they don’t like you your out. The Republican Party are not trying to take my rights away the left made that very clear what they are up to. The lies I have heard has com from the left Biden is corrupt so is Obama and Hillary and the fbi. Have you been watching other outlets besides what the dnc is showing you?

    2. @Rem 68 So you’re one of a million Congratulations, but it’s funny whenever these claims as your making about your wealth are investigated they all seem to be either lies or exaggerations, Humm. I think you need to unplug from Fox network and read some facts. You can start with these.

      Number of investigations in process – https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/05/13/us/politics/trump-investigations.html

      Grand Jury and others – https://time.com/5557644/donald-trump-other-investigations-mueller/

      Number of Lies told to the American People https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/10/14/president-trump-has-made-false-or-misleading-claims-over-days/

      The Actual Mueller Report – https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf

    3. Bill like I thought you watch nothing but dnc media. I am not one in a million you just have want to work and apply yourself. And again the impeachment is a sham no facts they just can’t beat him so they have to keep trying to get rid of him which is not working he will win in 2020. The left has nothing factual they wanted to impeach him before he was elected. And I don’t vote for that kind of corruption. Especially when they try taking my rights away

  5. My favourite is sharpiegate. It shows his “I can do anything and I can’t be wrong” attitude that got him to this impeachment.

    1. They never cared about impeachment. It was about illegal aliens voting. They just got drivers license while no one was watching. Nj ny ca.

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