Senior British politicians have defended the country's ambassador to the US in an escalating scandal over leaked diplomatic cables that described President Donald Trump as "inept," "insecure" and "incompetent."
The UK Prime Minister's spokesman that Theresa May has "full faith" in Kim Darroch and that providing an "unvarnished assessment" is an ambassador's job.
He added, however, that May does not agree with Darroch and that London had contacted Washington to say the leaks were "unacceptable and a matter of regret."
In the cables leaked to the Daily Mail newspaper, Darroch warned the UK government that Trump's "career could end in disgrace," and described conflicts within the White House as "knife fights."
#CNN #News #UK #Trump
UK probes leaked cables insulting Donald Trump

He’s spoken the truth: tRump simply is inept and a total psycho. Impeach the Motherfucker!
@James Vanderbeak Trump Derangement Syndrome is a mental illness. Caused by almost 2 years of fake news brainwashing some people 24/7 often with contradictions from week to week. I dont even care if people don’t like Trump. But these mentally ill people actually think he is Hi3tler, or a Na3zi, that he is working for Castro one week, and Putin the next month, that he is evil for literal immigration laws that almost every country in the world does. Or that anyone that voted for him should be censored, beaten or spit on…while in next sentence they call Conservatives or Trump the “fas3cist”.
@richard smith creepy Biden, really is that the best you can offer in the criminal trump’s defence. The fact that you feel certain really isn’t going to convince anyone else but feel free to hold on to your delusion if is makes you happy
The uk ambassador sounds like a smart man to me I’m sure alot other ambassadors agree also.
richard smith You are bullshitting mate,most British people think trump is a clown,they reach this conclusion by watching his actions and listening to his words,lying about his “popularity” over here is just that,lying. I bet you go around telling everyone we will get Β£350 million a week for the NHS post brexit as well,lying cunts don’t belong here,I suggest you move to trumps America….they like bullshit over there.
@Keeping It 100% Or maybe you just don’t have any that are factual and not twisted out of context.
@BigBadLoneWolf Lol BigSadLoneWimp
@Spitts44 Says it all really.
You focus on person’s demeanour or public appeal instead of the actual reality of doing one’s job, which Trump has done amazingly and is still continuing to do so. I don’t two shits if he walks around with his balls hanging out as long as he does his job.
Typical self-absorbed libtard
At least that ambassador is honest.
@Captain Win Such an “intelligent” ambassador that he insults the President of one of Englands closest ally, and pretty much ensures that he will no longer be effective as an Ambassador since he crossed a line, and now his name is out there. I dont think you understand what the main job and role of an Ambassador to countries is. Its literally in the name..ambassador.
You would say that about your dady you get everything for free good slave
i cant fault the Ambassador for that !
Can’t blame the guy for telling the truth its not his fault they leaked lmao. Our President is Prince Geoffrey a childish and dangerously pathetic human being.
Prince Joffrey …..First of his Name
@Richard Butt Just for clarity, asshat…only 3% of Americans have read the Mueller 448 page report. Americans have their own lives to attend to, so not “doing that little” as you alluded to is a bonehead statement. Again, nowhere in my responses will you find ANYTHING in defense of Trump. Get a clue!
@UCm7rsVOMkz_sZHWczWeiGnw Calls someone dumb, but spells it ‘dum’. Made in Murika folks!
The right needs to get honest too. They know all of this and they don’t care. I can’t believe all of those people are that ignorant. I mean come on — McCain couldn’t have been the only decent Republican left!
I agree with the ambassador. Trump is completely inept and incompetent.
Trump can’t stand to have his ego tarnished.
@Jesus Perez ππππππππYou sound unstable as f*ck and uneducated as hell! How the f*ck are you calling the media fake news and at the same time lying through your crooked @ss teeth,you f*cken hypocrite? πππππSo,what you’re saying is you’re telling the truth and we’re lying? But I wouldn’t expect anything less from a trumpanzee.Because who believes a pathological lying @ss president who has told over 10,000 lies?
Other pathological liars,that’s who! And you’re just like your president Gump,a Russian traitor!! Smdh
@J Bell You mean how you r@cist,baby r@ping conservacunts bashed the Obama’s for 8 yrs and counting? No,dumb@ss,it was worse! So,maybe y’all shouldn’t had dished it out since y’all can’t take it!
@ItsOnlyMe MsKim slow down, you thug
@ItsOnlyMe MsKim lol at your replies. I agree with one thing, typically people and thugs like you that rely on the government don’t want Trump to win at anyting.
Oh my god, what can you say about trump how can you defend him, he is all what the ambassador said and more, American people have to think who would they elect in 2020 otherwise this shaming will go on.
The only folks defending Trump at this point in History are the worst humanity has to offer, our racists and fascists, supporting a criminal POTUS and standing against America.
@Jeremy Backup True that.
Only people filled with desperate hate agree with you. The rest of us have seen this before
Trump loves leaks until he’s the one that gets leaked on, unless the leaker is a Russian hooker.
Sounds like the UK ambassador really nailed his description of how Trump runs his criminal organization, a.k.a. The Trump Administration.
Speaking of leaks – pretty obvious that t’rump wears adult diapers under that suit. πππ π
@Ro G is this supposed to be funny? You guys need some work.
Except every word the man said was true. What nation would want an ambassador that lies. What COUNTY would want a president that is a pathological liar. Besides the 40% of gullible easily manipulated fools with their amazing capacity for self deception that support trump
@Robert Blackford – you really don’t know what you are talking about do you
@NDFOOTBALL according to government run StateTV: FauxNews (except those liar newsmen!)
@R R
More likely voter suppression and gerrymandering. Republicans could not win a dog catching position without those.
@R R then support Elizabeth Warren now.
I’m a NYC transfer to one of the critical states; and all I’ve done this past year is immerse myself in listening to the disaffected voters.
Believe me when I tell you it’s Warren.
I also was behind Biden b/c I believed he only will inspire the masses against the numb, disappointed, disenfranchised. But it’s not.
It’s Warren.
We just must drown the noise of other candidates to give her the platform to be heard.
Harris? Pffff.. if the black community are turned off by her, how do you think the rest of America will receive?
@MrGrreatness just like Lyin’ DonTheCon. Or, are you selective in your hypocrisy?
The π¬π§ ambassador was spot on in his assessment of Trump. He should be applauded .
Give the man a medal for integrity!
David Ellis π
About time the Brits had the balls to say something… respect
Had the balls to say something.. But not the balls to save his country from Muslims immigration.. Pathetic..
Oh ok, because youβre an expert on US/UK diplomacy. Thanks for making stuff up.
Read the memo, thatβs not what this was about.
The british dont have any balls stupid what they have are grapes between their legs and they hire muslims to suck on them
@CThang Lova inbred mug
I don’t see it as a insult if he’s telling the truth who feels sorry for a guy who mocked a disabled person.
@Rydastyle 98 no you take obama wee wee out of your mouth his black n orange wee wee that is pigs like you we dont need another 9-11
Keeping, good point.
The UK ambassador told it like it is the man got guts
Isn’t the ambassador also mocking a disabled person, 2 wrongs as they say π
So whats the matter? All remarks he made, about the President actor are true!
@Trump Trump Ah, you can just smell the desperate stink of incel all over you. I know it must be frustrating for you, that even though you’re not gay, you’re willing to take anything at this point. Unfortunately for you, no gender or race would ever want you within 20 feet of them. But hey, at least you’re resigned to trolling on the internet as opposed to becoming another mass shooter. Good for you, Bubba!
@who da bruh Loser! Coming from someone who thinks Donald Fucking Trump is a vision of the alpha-male. Alpha-fail, more like. Failed businessman, failed husband, failed entrepreneur, failed human being, and a cowardly, corpulent, draft-dodging, least militaristic, lo-IQ, lying, golf cheating, racist, child abusing, rapist and failed president. All in all the worst president in the nation’s history, and you can’t see any of it. How fucking pathetic is that?
Farmers have to live on WELFARE
Well at least one person in power and diplomacy speaks, what everyone else has been saying for years now!!! Yeah!!!
So, you know what everyone else thinks? Interesting. π€
@Return Of the Mac you’re correct. She doesn’t speak for the Russian-hacked brainwashed, losers, dumbfux, racists, bigots, hypocrites, fake Christians, child abusers, Nazi sympathizers, alt-right fascists, Goldman-Sachs worshippers, MAGATerrorists, misogynists,wife-beaters, narcissists, the narssistically addicted, borderlines, or even State-Run Propaganda FoxTV sycophants.
I’m glad we clarified that! It’s important.
Itβs a fact that this is how the world thinks about your president … π
It’s sad.
Most of the world thinks less of him than that.
Trump is the WORLDS laughing stock… and the WORLDS DOG DATE
He should have just claimed it was “locker room talk,” that apparently fixes everything π
Or the, “I was just joking around” fix. π
Truth be told, he was accurate. Trump speaks with a 5th grade vocabulary and is one of the least educated our country has to offer…….
@Adam T I think I sense sarcasm in Butt’s comment. The word “bestly” and republicans hiding Clinton’s emails were a clue, but who knows these days. We know if trump had emails he’d be flashing them in everyone’s face.
@Adam T *Yawn* Shouldn’t you be on InfoWars screaming about how Hillary was behind Y2K? Oh, and this coming from someone who supported Trump in 2016 over Hillary, and will vote for Trump again if Joe Biden ends up as the nominee.
Go back to your echo chamber, little conspiretard.
@Return Of the Mac Bullshit. He sounds like an illiterate because he is not that well educated. “I went to an Ivy League school. Iβm very highly educated. I know words, I have the best words”. Seriously, sounds like a bad skit on SNL.
@Richard Butt And you are dumb as f*ckπππππ! “Bestly”, wtf,that’s not a word,dumb dumb! Gump professor said he was the dumbest student he ever had!!
And you stay your lil dumb@ss in school,you know “bestly” isn’t a word!!
@FCastJr Yet you are lying your @ss off!!Now let’s see wtf Gump r@cist @ss has actually done! GUMP HASN’T DONE SH*T FOR ANYONE,BUT THE RICH! But he’s doing a great job at lying, treason,and corruption!!YOU TRUMPANZEES ARE THE DUMBEST SPECIES AND THE BIGGEST LIARS ON THIS PLANET,LITERALLY!Charles Manson and Jim Jones cult members don’t have sh*t on you trumpanzees! At least they knew their leader was crazy!πππππππGUMP TRIED TO TAKE CREDIT FOR DEALS OBAMA MADE AND ACCOMPLISHED BEFORE LEAVING THE WHITE HOUSE?
You trumpanzees still supported #45 after he was accused of r*ping a woman when she was 13 yrs old and his ex wife!
But quick to point that crooked finger at someone else! And Gump was accused of sexual misconduct by several other women!
Gump is a evil,corrupted, r@cist,r@ping,narcissistic sociopath, pathological-habitual- compulsive @ss liar,scammer,fraudulent,manipulater,Russian cheating,incompetent,tweeting man child,sexist,,dictator wanna be,who grabs women by their p*ssy,the WORSE PRESIDENT EVERRRRRR! Gump has been a r@cist his whole life!
The 2016 elections was the worse election of all time!
Gump invited Russia to find and release Hillary deleted non incriminating emails on national tv!And they did exactly that!
Gump and his scandals!
Gump had his own BENGHAZI
And Gump has already shifted campaign donor money into his businesses!
Gump was up to 5,000 lies in Sept,but now those lies has increased to 10,000! Who believes a Pathological liar? Other pathological liars,that’s who!
Gump tried to take credit for Obama’s great economy!
And those 235,000 jobs that Gump claimed he added,was added by Obama before leaving the office, not Gump!
And Gump has the HIGHEST national debt than any president! πππππ! But yet y’all complained about Obama!
And Gump is the most fiscally recklessly president in America history! A failure at it’s finest!!
Gumps high tariffs are pushing American companies to leave!
Gump scammed a children cancer charity and put the money into his businesses! Now that was evil as f*ck!
Gump has spent more of our taxpayer money on vacationing,then OBAMA DID IN 8YRS! And yet you r@cists still don’t say sh*t,but complained about Obama!
Gump scammed ppl out of millions with his Gump University scam!
And Gump had a twitter meltdown πππππand called for a revolution when Obama was reelected! R@cist at his finest!
Gump has dropped more bombs and killed more civilians than Obama did! And yet you r@cists still didn’t complain,but complained about Obama!!
Gump signed a 110 billion arms deal with Saudia Arabia, right after accusing them of 9/11!
Our economy is struggling!
Gump is in debt with China and Russia! BIGLY
And Obama owns Gump when it comes to the economy!
Gump gave the rich huge tax breaks!
And Mueller didn’t exonerate Gump of obstructing justice or collusion!The point is, that a sitting president can’t be prosecuted for a federal crime! What Mueller said specifically was,βIf we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,β Mueller declared.What you trumpanzees need to do is stop listening to Gump,cause he’s only making y’all dumber! Which clearly isn’t hard to do at all!
And Russia still interfered in our election to favor Gump!
And you evil trumpanzees sent the college electorals DEATHTHREATS,like y’all do everyone who threatens Satan( I mean Gump’s)position!
Putin,Gumps campaign workers,his lawyer and you trumpanzees knew Gump couldn’t win a spelling bee contest fair and square,let alone and election! And that’s why he’s failing so miserably as the president,cheaters never prosper! And why is Gump giving Russians American citizenships,but doesn’t want Mexicans in our country?
And Gump sold us out to Russia at the summit! Traitor at his finest!
Gump isn’t accomplishing sh*t with N Korea,because he still haven’t Denuclearized them and he won’t! He have to beg Kim just to meet with him….Smdh! He’s pathetic as f*ck! And he will never be better than any president! He’s the worse president everrrrrr!
Don’t blame the UK Ambassador for being flat out honest and accurate speaking his mind about the Orange Clown.
Can’t argue with the truth, unless you’re Trump or a cult follower.
Its only true to people like you. The rest of us know better. Hey, shouldn’t you be wondering about if your primary vote is going to count this time?
@J Bell you’re vote doesn’t count supporting a concentration camp owner such a fine christian feel the pride VOMIT.
@J Bell your brained is fried in trumpee bullshit eat it up now.
Trump insults his opponents all the time, but as soon as his opponents insult him, he has a public meltdown. Cry me a river.
my heart bleeds purple piss for Trump…he can dish it out..but he cant take it ….typical bully
Except he insults people purposely to their faces often times. This guy was just doing his job and someone leaked his information.
“Stop laughing at me IΒ΄m the president”
Nobody with half a brain respects trump hahaha!
@Aliens Respect what?
@Aliens yep you’re a dumbass just like turd donnie.
Aliens you’d have to be brain dead to respect a draft dodger