1. Call your representatives to demand they support Ukraine & provide everything they need to defend themselves from the barbaric Russian invaders.

    1. @Thomas Best 
      The responsibility to ensure the safety of the civilians lies on the side that effectively controls this territory. This time – Ukraine.
      Ukraine is obliged to evacuate the civilian population to a safe place, provide them with food, medicine, and organize schools for children, as Russia did.

      Go ahead! Do please, if you care about your children.

    2. @Геннадий Шуплецов , did you get frozen fish or a bag of potatoes for typing the demented Pootrid’s bs propaganda? Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦

    1. @zoom Did Zelensky sent his troups in Russia? When? Didn’t know Ukrainian soldiers are fighting in Russia.

  2. A cnn reporter buys a pizza and ice cream for a kid. it warms my heart to see him enjoy the pizza and ice cream during the interview. hahaha so cute. the cnn reporter is great.

    1. Yah, kid is very smart, tell the CNN what they want to hear…the truth comes out of the little girl, who blurted out the truth…the camp wuz Super! These parents gave up the children to avoid the violence, the cold, and mayhem.

    1. ok,go stand with them in Ukraine if you care so much.
      like you’d do that… if you even could..

  3. 2:40 When innocent kid tells he would rather be under shelling in Kherson than in any safe town in russia where rubbish is everywhere and nothing is developed it makes you kinda wonder how really is everyday life in that gulag country with dictator regime.

    1. ​@Andrew Kuznechov lmao I know people in Russia in cities smaller than a million people and they tell me other stuff. Nice spreading of propaganda though. Let me guess, you’re in SPB now?

    2. @Andrew Kuznechov You need to watch some of Russian Ilya Varlamov’s videos on his YouTube channel on places in Russia to see how many Russians outside of the shop front cities like St Petersburg and Moscow etc live.

    3. This is not about what country has what infrastructure.. it is about one country violently and illegally invading another country and all that followed as a result. Families in every country have struggles and family difficulties. Let Russians provide Summer camps for their own children in need in Russia of which there are many, and leave Ukrainians to look after their own people.
      Watch the YouTube channels from Russia – Vasya in the hay – and – Illya Varlamov to see the under belly of life in Russia for many.
      No country has a monopoly on poverty and family challenges but how a country tries to deal with those problems says much about the country and the people. The
      Russian regime chooses to spend the country’s resources on invading and murdering and destruction in a neighboring country rather than on caring for it’s own people… then tries to say it’s saving it’s victims children having murdered thousands of parents in that country.
      The logic is ludicrous.

    4. ​@Andrew Kuznechov the cope is strong with you. One look beyond your “top 10 cities” and you’d think russia was stuck in 1945. Come tok western countries and you won’t see that.

    1. Peace will come when the Nazis have been removed, and the people can live freely without persecution by the Azov battalion.

    2. God has had more than a year to step in and stop this suffering.
      God either *_wants_* this suffering, or *_cares so little_* as to do nothing.
      As always, it it up the humans, not a magical sky-daddy, to sort out our own problems.
      These are simply facts.

  4. The sheer amount of approving and cheering comments by ordinary Russians under videos about the atrocities committed against civilians and prisoners of war in Ukraine were no less shocking to Ukrainians than the war itself.
    We somehow got used to the war, but the realization of who we have been living next to all this time without even knowing it is still terrifying.
    Those barbarians called themselves our brothers.
    Imagine what they would do to you, who they call their enemies, if you let them.
    Not supplying weapons to Ukraine under the pretext of achieving an early peace would be like allowing a violator to violate his victim in order to end the violence as soon as possible.

    1. @Dylan Vogler they are going to have to live with each other when this is all over. we’ll find ourselves doing it elsewhere in no time like we have for over a century…

    2. @Operator 9  who is we? Speak for yourself mate. Nah for the have to live together.. I think Ukraine will litterally cut Russia of from it. Which I would do too ))

    3. @Dylan Vogler we as in the US. the ones who have paid for and supplied and held ukraines hand the whole way through. the only ones that matter. and if you think we’re going to continue to pay for ukraine forever you got another thing coming, so maybe they shouldnt burn all their bridges especially after losing all their industry, mineral and energy access ya?

  5. How sad for children to be forced to go through all this mess. And live in such conditions. A lot of regular people innocent enough to believe that their former ‘brothers’ would never be capable of lowering themselves to harming children. And waking up at the horrible reality.

    1. Yes, you are right: The Alley of Angels in Donetsk, dedicated to hundreds of children killed by the bombing of the Ukrainian army, causes tears!

    2. @Геннадий Шуплецов she loved the holiday camp… that’s a different matter in the middle of a war visited by Russia on her country creating additional life problems for her family. Do you expect a child of her age to understand all that?

  6. We stand with Ukraine….🇵🇭🇨🇦🇨🇦❤️💪🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏from Canada and Philippines

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