CNN's David McKenzie explains how a group of hospital workers managed to prevent orphans in Ukraine from being taken by the Russians. #CNN #News
Ukrainian nurses use an extraordinary trick on Russians to save children

CNN's David McKenzie explains how a group of hospital workers managed to prevent orphans in Ukraine from being taken by the Russians. #CNN #News
Bravo to those brave nurses
I don’t know how Russia can possibly get the punishment they deserve.
There will be no punishment for Russia, because there is no crime here. Russia took care and transported the children from the military zone to a safe place at the resort.
I see no way back to the civilized world for Russia, not for decades.
@Геннадий Шуплецов do you hear yourself right now? If you want to bring children out of a conflict zone, you relocate them to a safer part of the country. You don’t bring them to your country and adopt them 🤦♂️ I honestly can’t believe Russians think that this is justifiable. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a country taking children to their own country in order to bring them out of a conflict zone
Heart-breaking to see so much suffering caused by one evil man’s monstrous ego.
This war has been going on for a year. Up to this point, every single Russian who actively supports Putin for this war is guilty too. Every human on earth has a moral obligation to refuse to be part of such atrocities.
@Tyler Elissa probably a Russian bot 💙💛💙💛
Mind Begs the Question:
To support,aid an Apartheid State
You are guilty of every action of your government
Well done Ukraine, victory and survival is for those in this world, who fight for and defend themselves.
@ЭЮЯ imagine thinking that quoting an American journalist gives your opinion any credibility
@Tyler Elissa and you keep believing CNN)))
@ЭЮЯ ok then name me a media site and I will give you it’s factuality rating
Mind Begs the Question:
If in a World
X oppose occupation – Heroes
Y oppose occupation – Terrorists
World Governed by – Righteous,Evil?
Small numbers of children have been returned but, just to give an idea of the actual scale of this. From Wikipedia:
“Ukrainian children have been abducted by the Russian state after their parents had been arrested by, Russian occupation authorities or killed in the invasion, or after becoming separated from their parents in an active war zone. Children have also been abducted from Ukrainian state institutions in occupied areas, and through children’s “summer camps” on Russian territory. The abducted children have been subject to Russification; raising children of war in a foreign nation and culture may constitute an act of genocide if intended to erase their national identity.
Estimates of the number of children involved range from 16,000 to over 300,000. The Office of the Ukrainian Prosecutor General said in December 2022 that nearly 800 had died or disappeared during the process of deportation.”
NB: This does not include children who are refugees.
Why are you fooling around? What parents? These children have no parents, they are orphans. Ukrainian parents abandoned these children. Many of them are sick. The state is responsible for them. The children were evacuated from the battle zone to a safe place. The lists are available.
If someone has parents, then the children, of course, will be given them.
@Геннадий Шуплецов reported for misinformation/lies
@Геннадий Шуплецов I have seen video footage of brave Ukrainian relatives who had to travel through Russia to collect a handful of deported children. I have heard the testimony of a brave Ukrainian boy about his ordeal in Russia. Your comments are desperate attempts to justify a war crime. They are wrong.
I hope they were able to secretly take hair and perhaps fingerprints for future identification purposes. Bless these children, and their nurses.
Why hair and fingerprints? All children have documents: birth certificates, refusals of mothers, medical records…
They are under protection of Law.
We must continue sending whatever it takes to help bring down Russia!🇺🇦🇺🇸🇺🇳 Slava Ukraini
@Zigest You can still help people without giving them everything you own. I guess this concept it foreign to Russians
@Tyler Elissa don’t waste your time with Zigest, he is a Russian bot
Mind Begs the Question:
If in a World
X oppose occupation – Heroes
Y oppose occupation – Terrorists
World Governed by – Righteous,Evil?
@Human Beings R Thinking Beings What is the question?
You’re talking nonsense 😄
Very good to keep this topic talked about
😢😢😢 for the lost children🙏🙏🙏
Such wonderful wonderful nurses, absolutes heroines just like their comrades on the battlefield
The nanny’s act is far from legal. She appropriated someone else’s child. I understand that she could not give the child, who was under special equipment& That is an excuse, but she will have to return this child.
If the nanny wants to adopt Kira, then she will have to go through a lengthy procedure established by Law.
Mind Begs the Question:
If in a World
X oppose occupation – Heroes
Y oppose occupation – Terrorists
World Governed by – Righteous,Evil?
Heartbreaking for all parents to see, imagine your child being taken this way, awful
@Chris Viking
You don’t understand the situation. The children were taken NOT from their homes, but from a state orphanage where they were kept at the expense of the Russian state. Ukrainian parents abandoned these kids.
A year ago, children were under the care of the Russian state child organization and now they are also under the care of the same organization. Remember those women in the bus? The reporter called them collaborates. These are nurses of that orphanage evacuated together with the children.
Imagine abandoning your kids to save yourselves.
Some of these people are putrid
I am so glad people have continued to document and investigate the ongoing crimes of Putin, such a heartbreaking travesty.
I would hope there’s a special place in heaven for those who risked all and protected these children, with a mirror opposite in hell, for those who did otherwise.
Where did you see risk? The risk is to leave children on the battlefield.Russia took care and transported the children to a safe place at the resort.
@Геннадий Шуплецов reported for misinformation
If Putin can’t be brought to JUSTICE, then JUSTICE must be brought to him.
I remember learning about stories like this from WWII. It’s scary that these kinds of measures have to be taken in the 21st century
Google “Oranges and Sunshine”. It’s a film based on the true story of British children evacuated to Australia during WW2. I imagine the “logic” used will be similar to that of Russia, that the original parents were in some way not worthy of getting their children back. So many broken parents and children because of it. Be warned though it’ll rip your heart out and stomp on it.
Those poor kids, nurses and parents.
Just made me sick! These nurses deserve medals from Zelensky. They are very brave.💗🌻🌻💙💛
These nurses were the God’s Angels
I have seen the most heartbreaking pair of photographs of a young Ukrainian child.
The first, taken in Ukraine, shows a happy healthy girl with a joyous carefree smile beaming into the camera. The second of the same child now in Russia, shows a shaven-headed contorted traumatised figure, with a face and body twisted in fear, and eyes full of terror and pain.