1. @Alexander Stone idk about you but this case is beyond serious. Sex trafficking of minors is horrendous and shouldn’t be ignored.

    2. @Miata love Have you any proof of that statement ? can you point us in the direction of where you heard this please.

    3. @Peter Bills And so it begins! I don’t care what sick individual is in on it as long as they are held accountable and preferably, they get spayed or neutered.

    1. @G Guest Native Americans are proud of being Redskins. This issue has already been looked at. CNN is just doing their racist sprint.

  1. Wow….thanks…now can we have our land back? This is some “the least we can do” garbage.

    1. @Doug Wilbums Those Nazicrats used the Jim Crow Laws to create the Nuremberg laws in Germany. Democrats let Nazi POWs, in the US, go into town while blacks couldn’t eat next to Nazis. Southern Democrats were treating blacks as second class citizens. You can pretend Trump is the problem and Republicans. It has been Democrats who you still refuse to hold accountable all along.

    2. Took 87 years to fight the fight for, “All men are created equal” in the Declaration of Independence….what flag was that under? Sure wasn’t the confederate flag.

  2. Just ridiculous!
    He will change the name. They are threatening his pocketbook now.
    They will always be the Redskins to me, I know that makes me racist right

    1. @Greg Bryant you are a good example of what the problem is I believe. Based on your comment.
      It’s a name, that’s all!
      It’s you sensitive ppl that make it a big deal.
      Sensitivity gets worse with each generation.
      Your every heard of stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?
      I learned that as a kid

    2. @Brian Johnson wouldn’t offend me any.
      Even if they called them the Mexican skins and I’m Mexican
      To funny so sensitive

  3. FunFact: Washington Redskin players and fans are immune to COVID virus…

    they can’t PASS or CATCH anything.

  4. Snyder: “No. I won’t change it and am completely against it.”
    Money: “OK, we won’t sponsor you anymore.”
    Snyder: “I always hated that name.”

    1. @TequilaOrWhiskey they don’t, they hate PEOPLE with money. Because they want money. They just don’t want to have to work for it, so they just complain on the internet and hope that somehow makes them rich. Liberals are a fascinating species.

    2. When is CNN going to changes its name? I find it offensive that CNN has the word news in its name.

  5. When is CNN going to changes its name? I find it offensive that CNN has the word news in its name.

    1. “Guys Grocery Games” starring Guy Fieri on the Food Network crushed anything on CNN for last weeks cable ratings.

    2. I love how even lefty morons can’t defend CNN. All they have is “bUt mUH FAUX nEwS!!!😲”


    1. She didn’t have to say anything, a single tear rolls down her cheek whenever the Redskins name is said.

    2. Warren was only Native American to take advantage of her University’s Affirmative Action.
      Must be nice to have non-white privilege.

    3. When is CNN going to changes its name? I find it offensive that CNN has the word news in its name.

    1. When is CNN going to changes its name? I find it offensive that CNN has the word news in its name.

    1. Sure when people stop being trivialized down to a name that was given to them by racists and is a racial slur we can stop being offended, until then we’ll continue to fight for a world where we can see change.

    2. This didn’t jus happened they been in and out of court for yrs fighting for this name change 🤫🤨

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