1. @David Mc.you need to learn some economics,do you know who is paying?,tax payers!!!.you stupid people believe everything that trump says,use the bean that
      you have for brain.

    2. @David Mc And when the USMCA Trade Deal is signed into law, the $72 billion trade deficit with Mexico will be off the books, and that’s every year moving forward..Trump got’em to pay for the wall many times over..

    1. Cenk Uygur If he is reelected it won’t be by a landslide. Bill Clinton was reelected but his is a different kind of case.

    2. @Goog Tube nope you can’t blame a guy who hasn’t been in office for three years. And I didn’t have that issue when he was in office or when he was out of office for a year

    1. Arthur Schnapka – Same people footing the bills for these endless and baseless investigations of Trump… us taxpayers.

    2. @Chronic Crypto just so many more PEDOPHILE sex abusers in the demonRAT party. And remember, Hillbilly Clinton denied then admitted it on NATION TELEVISION. STFU you libtard dumbascrap loser!

    1. @Drake Fire LOL you haven’t presented me with any evidence. This comes from your fundamental misunderstanding of what a quid pro quo even is, probably.
      Here’s the facts: Biden, and many other Americans allegedly stole a whole lot of US aid money in Ukraine — 7 billion dollars worth. Not Million. *Billion.* They also allegedly interfered in the 2016 election. Trump is (and should) be angry about this. Trump is (and should) call for an investigation into this. Democrats are doing everything they can to shut down this investigation, because they’re terrified.
      Now convince me that we should put our blindfolds back on, and never ever investigate any of this wrongdoing, especially when we have emails, court records, government documents, sworn statements, and testimony from several Ukrainians. Go ahead.

    2. @Logical Conservative the reason for the desperate projecting of democrat crimes toward trump .
      They can not beat him in the election ,they know it .
      AND there are Thousands of indictments against demcrates ready to be applied as soon as the pro commie judges are replaced .
      They are scared .
      Already dozens of democrats have been charged and jailed in the last month , which has been listed on kip simpsons channel .
      Of course never to be seen on commie news network .
      … fake news ,cia mocking bird trash “news”https://youtu.be/GMF0RHR9GjU

    3. @bantayan island life If you only knew how deep the rabbit hole goes in Ukraine. They know, and they’re trying to scare us enough to stop looking.

    4. @Drake Fire Oh wait. No you didn’t. The people who made that claim were the people who he was investigating. I gave you two links, and you began to panic. Then we have this nice little email chain from Burisma, begging Poor Old Quid Pro Joe to go over to Ukraine, just weeks before he actually did.
      scribd (dot) (com) /document/433389210/Bluestar-Novelli-Contacts
      That right there is an email from BlueStar Novelis, to Undersecretary of State Catherine A. Novelli to discuss ending the corruption allegations against the Ukrainian firm where Hunter Biden worked as a board member, according to memos obtained under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.
      You’re done. I just continue to embarrass you.

  1. yes its worth it!! congress has done their job!…wtf?? and i know the senate will not do their job..i know they won’t impeach..but let those republicans go on the record and vote yes for a corrupt president!


      Trump refuses to acknowledge any accountability for anything …..EVER.

      AFTER the ranting (and usual protestations of innocence) the blatant promoting of repetitive lies, fear, anger, violence, intimidation and Democratic slams cause serious division amongst most Americans, as it is meant to do!

      Of course, there is the tried and true tactic of Trump’s hypocritical habit of projecting onto others what he himself has done (at his rallies, press conferences, on Faux News, and through Trump’s incessant tweeting).

      The Cult45 believes him. This is a strategy of normalizing and conditioning the population straight out of the Dictator’s Playbook.

      Trump will then try to act in a way that makes him look innocent (even heroic), a man the Dems have besmirched and now dare to impeach! THE PERFECT POTUS.

      Yes, Trump will act totally uninvolved in an outrageous crime and will scream he is the victim of Democratic smears.

      Trump :: I saved the day after someone else made a bad decision and I had to fix it, lucky you have me —-on and on.

      Trump —Always the victim if he cannot wrangle his way into being the champion. Disgusting pattern for Trump but there it is.

      Anyone who has seen bullies in action has this malevolent idiot pegged. This is frankly all he is and all he’s ever going to be… a dark, evil, empty soul.

      🆘. Impeach/Remove 🆘. 2020 is way too late. 🇺🇸🇺🇸

    2. Corrupt president? Yet you can’t name any corruption. All the corruption is by you criminal Democrats. You’ve been trying to impeach Trump 18 seconds after he was sworn in.

      You even gave us a Russia collusion lie for three years. the fake news media was the talking mouth for that lie for three years. Now impeachment will guarantee Republican landslides in 2020. John durum and Bill bar are investigating the real corruption right now.

      Oh you forgot that?

      Indictments will be coming in 2020 because it’s now been upgraded to a criminal investigation on your side for your treason and corruption

  2. Who will pay? Lets look at the midterm and gubernatorial election results. Now, who will pay? It will either be Trump losing his job or the Senate GOP losing their jobs. Maybe both. Either way, the ballot box has already spoken.

    1. David Braun sorry man. I was a bit elevated. I voted in 2016 but did not vote in the mid terms. I wanted to see how things went.

    2. Dennis O’Neill How do you like the economy in some of those countries? Or tax rates? Or freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution? Why are you here and not there?

    3. My state voted out every democrat at the federal level in 2018. There is only a small handful left at the state level in metropolitan districts. I think you’re over estimating the clout of your party. 2020 is going to be a bad election cycle for democrats. Instead of spouting off, try listening. Sure there are a few radicals spouting off like you are, but there are far more people who are quietly talking and supporting our president, who see this whole impeachment proceeding as a scam, show trial, etc… It’s going to blow up in the democrats faces. It’s all hearsay and the way democrats have operated its been unamerican to say the least, possibly criminal. I see a repeat of 2016, possibly by an even greater margin. People are sick of the media talking heads spouting anti-Trump 24/7 for the last 3 years. Many people are going to vote Trump just to spite them, to stick it to the corporate/democrat lapdog media who don’t care about the interests of the American people, mark my words.

    4. Mojokuku I work for a major cable provider and I don’t even have their service in my home. I can’t stand this predatory consumerism and just digital media as a whole. It’s not real life like these people think it is. These media companies Are destroying our country. I think we’re at a juncture in our culture and as a society that we need to divide and separate”the media “ and what the press is. There is a very large difference. I cannot honestly say that what the “media” is doing is legal. The misinformation and framing is terrifying on both sides. I do not think that the framers thought that the press would be weaponized. It was supposed to keep the people informed, and the government honest. This whole impeachment and accusations is no better than the r/technicallytrue subreddit.

    5. @Alan aka FANG That part of the constitution is outdated and is a racist driven piece of law. We should vote to get rid of this archaic and redundant piece of history.

    1. @white liberals R D roots of all evil exactly and democrats will be on the right side of history for holding a government official accountable for his impeachable offenses while Republicans fought them tooth and nail, all the while implying it’s politically motivated while they themselves have blocked so much legislation on the Senate floor because they lost the house. 🙄

    2. @Florida Crypto R liberals agenda ; good vrs evil/Liberals.
      Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
      18. Gain control of all student newspapers.
      19. Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.
      20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
      21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
      22. Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
      23. Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”
      24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
      25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
      26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
      27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
      28. Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
      29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

  3. The Party of Lincoln and Reagan,has turned into the Party of Cult 45.Party before Country,lies over truth.

    1. You have to give us credit. You Neo-Marxist Homofascists taught us well, insisting that that *illegal aliens* are not really *illegal aliens* but _undocumented immigrants_ . How you like that sandwich. You made it.

  4. She literally just took 5 minutes to say “one the other, both or neither”
    That was a total waste of time.

    1. @Andy Miller well to be fair, a trump supporting republican can’t speak about anything for 5 minutes without looking like an idiot, so you should kinda be thankful.
      And actually, that muppet Gaetz was just on for 8 minutes earlier today so you are still wrong.

    2. @TRUMP FOR PRISON 2020 Better than illegal aliens; at least they pay their taxes and know nothing is”free”. 😉

    1. Perhaps you’ve heard of USMCA?..When the Republicans win back the House, the USMCA trade deal will be signed into law, and the $72 billion trade deficit with Mexico will no longer exist..That’s $72 billion per year, and that will not only pay for the wall but other needs as well..Also, Mexico is paying for their 27,000 soldiers helping to defend the border you Treasonous Socialist Rats won’t defend..That’s called WINNING WINNING WINNING..BTW, is crooked still in the woods talking to trees?..That was a GREAT VICTORY in 2016, and 2020 will be even GREATER..

  5. The stooges like me in the working class will pay. Just like I pay for everything else in our worthless government. We are all screwed unless we are in the 1%.

    1. GRAB YOUR BUGOUT BAGS & FLY TO MOSCOW, RUSSIA. They are a RE-EMERGING DICTATORSHIP. You’ll love it. Join the military & they’ll issue a gun etc and you can blossom into Joe Stalin possibly MURDER 50 MILLION!!

  6. “Who will pay political cost of impeachment?” thats an easy answer… look at the polls, Trump’s approval ratings have been going up.

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