1. Jake got tired of all the lies from Donnie’s crew. Can you really blame him? Everyone else is tired of the lies too!

    1. @Julian Marsh Their stunted English MAKES me think those Russian Troll accounts. Just ‘shoo fly’ them and ignore

  2. They don’t dodge the truth , they blatantly lie. Trumpers hate facts & love fiction. Unfounded claims , their specialty.

    1. @Captain Waffles
      Did you click the link of the video i tagged on with the comment…

      Brother disregard my writing on the wall. Click the link at the bigger picture of slide of Hand…..

      Biden is a predetoer along with his clown campaign…


    2. @The AWAKENED are WATCHING YOU! oh I miss read what you said yes Biden is a predictor, a crook, and a racist.

    3. @Captain Waffles all good brother nothing new under the sun… the sheeple have a huge surprise coming sooner then later. Oh and they won’t hear it on any NEWS CHANNAL. I’ve always said seeing is believing.. ITS Time THE people SEE.

      Presidency was a GREAT SOAPopra to fool the masses of sheep on whats really coming NEXT….. After all the SHOW MUST GO ON!!!

      Look up WAAAYYYYY UP!!!

    4. @огромная эрекция or when trump publicly asked Russia to find those emails and just like magic right before election days these emails appeared. Hmm now that not a fantasy but definitely indicates Trump was a lot more involved in the Russian interference during his 2016 election.

  3. Tapper is correct in all sense of the word. It is, and was, an outright waste of time to book, and speak to, these Trump sycophants in any settings.

    1. @Cat of the Castle I get that it would be annoying to listen to liars but just let them look dumb. Otherwise, the GOP will call the left biased.

    2. @Trebleda Uaedirb
      Sure! I would be happy to take you to school.
      The difference between a journalist and an activist or pundit, as in this case, is the obvious political bias that Jake Tapper displays daily.

      A journalist doesn’t push his opinion, a true journalist reports and let’s the viewer judge the Information reported.
      When taking journalism classes, it is made clear to all students of journalism that journalists should only use factual and concise language in news reporting. They should not use words which convey their own opinion or influence their readers or viewers to feel a certain way. Use of ‘influencing’ language is another way in which news reports can be biased.

      Jake Tapper is a registered Democrat and votes a Democrat ticket every single time he goes to the polls. He publicly has expressed that he hates Trump and anyone in his administration by default. His bias is obvious as the nose on his stupid face.

      Because he blatantly fails to be an objective reporter he can only be seen as an operative for the Democrat Party. He is not a journalist. He refuses to accept any truth that doesn’t fit his already formed opinions.

      If you have a problem with my reasoning, then you have a personal problem with intellectual honesty.

      But even good journalists will tell you that once you go bias and push a political party’s narrative you have lost your objectivity and are no longer a journalist, but rather an activist reporter or writer.

      If you are a sensible person, you have just been enlightened.
      And that should be enough for wise folks.

    3. @bngr bngr
      CNN ~ Commie Nonsense News
      CNN ~ Compromised News Nuggets
      CNN ~ Completely Not News

    1. @Yi God i hope you get arrested along with the other liars who tried to turn this country into a fascist regime!

    1. She plays 3 card monty, hoping you miss the slight of hand when she changes the subject and lose your train of thought. She is a piece of 💩too, for sure.

    2. Any time I saw her name I was she on me gone. I refuse to waste my time on someone who knows jackshit about reality.

  4. When the GOP spins lies and decries while “clutching their pearls”
    a corporation not working for the people
    That’s You Mitch

    1. @D N But that’s the 0.001% of the worlds news feed across both the right and left wing’s opinions.
      Good luck when the train hits you with your MAGA Blinders on. #SAD

    2. @D N I have been told not to feed it.
      But posting “I see China and Biden”
      Your are The paid Troll.
      Do you get 0.000001kopek’s or 1/10^6 g of endorphin shots #Lame

  5. Reporters ran away from the fake resume of Melonia too. She got a free pass. I had a colleague fired for mis representing education level.

    1. @Imaginary Person 👈 EVERYBODY report this guy as often as you see him. He’s gone through all these comments sections, reporting ppls comments for things they didn’t do. Give him a taste of his own medicine.

  6. It is sad that the Job of a Trump Spokesperson is to Promote Trump’s LIES. These People R Getting Paid To Do This.

    1. Yes, and to the tune of $180,000 a year. Her resume could say she was paid that much money to lie every day for her boss Trump.

    2. @Information Warfare I’m in Canada and we don’t have your issues. What we do have is a 70 percent spike in Americans moving here in last couple of years. We also have a spike in Americans coming to our hospitals for help with the Canadian taxpayer flipping the bill. Congratulations your president has made you our Mexico.

    1. @JB sorry you don’t like facts🤷‍♀️donny lost, he’s out, adios to little donny and his tiny hands and low IQ

  7. Why let them come on the air and spread their lies and bs anyways? They’re better off on Comedy Central.

    1. @Janet Deschene It’s always a deflection with Republicans. “But liberals do it too!” 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️ The Trump regime don’t deserve to be recognized on CNN. Leave that to the fantasy news networks like Fox, OAN, and Newsmax.

    2. Irish Overseer leftist echo chambers? People on the right are the experts on echo chambers. PhD holders, every one of them.

    1. @Leo G be a little more specific. The saving of children is diearria or the FACT that people are blind to the truth. And keep turning a blind eye away from facts.. did you click onto the video before commenting… or just reading the comments making up your own judgments upon what’s been said…

      Please explain….. In full In order to base the proper response to others none sence that child trafficking and exploitation of children doesn’t exist..

  8. In Australia we love Jake and his deadpan facial expression and no nonsense integrity. . . . . A decent and honest man

    1. Jake is a slimy corporate talking head who occasionally gets it right. But didn’t when I counted. Take all of them to Australia.

    1. You are absolutely right they pretend that they don’t see hear because they literally don’t care no matter what this man does to them he is never wrong. They defend him through everything he has done and the more they agree with him the more he does because he knows they are backing him.

  9. I have no problem calling someone a baldfaced liar to their face. Who cares if they’re offended. Call them out.

    1. @Bradyn Lotterman – actually you are probably a racist for doing racist things, which calling someone a liar isnt.

    1. If forensic analysis of the dominion machines, affidavits of election fraud and audio evidence as well as video evidence of the election fraud were to be allowed in the courts, there would not be such divide in our country. The reason why this evidence is not allowed and not being reported in our mainstream media is because this evidence is undisputable, and BIDEN will be proven to be the LOSER in this election. The liars, cheaters and corrupt media will be exposed as GOD is our KING and he is our only RULER of the MOST HIGH. The pedophiles and Satanist will eventually be EXPOSED.
      BIDEN is a Traitor to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Biden has sold out our Country to foreign countries. The proof is indisputable on HUNTER BIDEN’s Laptop which the mainstream media is keeping people who voted for BIDEN from knowing. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and social media is Blocking, Banning, Censoring and Terminating anyone’s accounts who are speaking about this TRUTH. The censorship alone should make you ask “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE”…. The 2020 election fraud with more than enough proof of the stolen ballots are indisputable. There are tons of affidavits, video evidence, audio evidence that the mainstream media is not reporting. If “WE THE PEOPLE” of the united states of america have anything to say about all these shenanigan’s,

  10. 4 Years of “ alternative facts “, liars, narcissism, fascism, racism…..!
    Thank God… I can wait for January 20th…

    1. @Cropper Copper I can agree with all the complicit or uninformed person in this comment section but than I’d by lying to the one and only person who matters myself

    2. @Roger Jones No one even mentioned the Proud Boys. But yes, it’s been blatantly obvious that Trump is a whistle-blowing, white supremacist sympathizing racist.

    3. If forensic analysis of the dominion machines, affidavits of election fraud and audio evidence as well as video evidence of the election fraud were to be allowed in the courts, there would not be such divide in our country. The reason why this evidence is not allowed and not being reported in our mainstream media is because this evidence is undisputable, and BIDEN will be proven to be the LOSER in this election. The liars, cheaters and corrupt media will be exposed as GOD is our KING and he is our only RULER of the MOST HIGH. The pedophiles and Satanist will eventually be EXPOSED.
      BIDEN is a Traitor to the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. Biden has sold out our Country to foreign countries. The proof is indisputable on HUNTER BIDEN’s Laptop which the mainstream media is keeping people who voted for BIDEN from knowing. ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, and social media is Blocking, Banning, Censoring and Terminating anyone’s accounts who are speaking about this TRUTH. The censorship alone should make you ask “WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE”…. The 2020 election fraud with more than enough proof of the stolen ballots are indisputable. There are tons of affidavits, video evidence, audio evidence that the mainstream media is not reporting. If “WE THE PEOPLE” of the united states of america have anything to say about all these shenanigan’s,

    1. To a point. I agree with that as far as his following the fascist playbook word for word, but he never had the chance to commit atrocities as Hitler did. Though, I believe he would have if given the opportunity.

    2. @SLED leohja that sounds a little Nazi, bud. Hitler wasn’t doing anything to save Germany, or anything else. He hated Jewish people and wanted them wiped off the Earth.

    3. As much as I despise Trump, he’s nothing like Hitler. Hitler was attempting to eradicate a race of people, Trump is just trying to grift the government and play dictator. He’s a fascist pandering to the white nationalist ideologue but he’s not a Nazi; more of a knock off mussolini than anything else

    4. Trump has shown himself to passively encourage groups that are known for their insecurities to the point that their rhetoric is antagonistic to most any minority. He plays up racial divides, while he downplays a pandemic. Both actions show a disregard for the value of human life. He rallies these people into a frenzy giving them a mission to protect themselves in a culture war. This country was built on a premise of freedom of religion and equality. He preaches fear to a group who is ripe for manipulation. I do see significant similarities to Hitler with his marketing tactics and targeting of certain groups of people as the scapegoats for the country’s woes. I totally agree with legal immigration but you must also recognize the corporations hiring of the illegals and address the source of the enablers as well.

    1. @Leo G I dont believe CNN, So the stupid card is in your pocket , I got reliable sources of information, The Stupid is believing this election wasent Rigged..

    2. @Roger Jones Wiseman, please share with the us your sources. We want to be as educated as you are. Show us the light

    1. @joseph ka5

      Thus sayeth the Flying Spaghetti Monster (bless his (meat) balls):

      Thou art full of crap. Thy wife, thy daughter, thou manservants maidservants, and all within your house must weary unto death of thy proselytizing.


    2. @joseph ka5

      Full of hate too. Methinks Jesus Himself would question your diatribe.

      Did you forget “render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things of God”?

      My armor is dedicated to the poor, the starving, the homeless, the sick, and the needy.

      Can’t bring folks to Jesus when they lack food, a house, and a job.

      What would Jesus have said about the masks and about the FOOLISH comments you’ve made?

      That is sick.

    3. You’re right, she glossed over the truth too; but Ms. Conway did it more subtly than Ms. McEnany. McEnany mostly repeated the same lie that Trump himself had just uttered to the press or to us.

    4. @James Irwin, I am not so sure of that. Ms. Conway was all about that “Bowling Green Massacre”! Along with her being the one to coin the phrase “alternative facts”. She is just as much a piece of work as McEnany! They are both POS.

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