See how undecided voters reacted to first 2020 presidential debate

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Undecided voters in Ohio share their thoughts on the first presidential debate between President Donald Trump and Vice President Joe Biden.
#CNN #News


    1. Undecided? How can anyone with a little moral compass still be thinking about voting for Trump? The guy is a bully, a coward, a liar, a cheater, a failure, a racist, a moron with no knowledge or wisdom, no moral values, or virtues. And you call that a man? I don’t know what he is. But a real man doesn’t behave like that. It’s grossly disgusting to see him on TV displaying his cowardice. Which he badly disguises by acting tough.

  1. Anyone who is “undecided” doesn’t care about trumps insane rhetoric and his destructive actions. They’re not truly undecided. They are willing to tolerate hate.

  2. CHRIS WALLACE: Will you denounce white supremacy right now?
    UNDECIDED VOTERS: 🤔Hmmm, I’m still not sure who to vote for…

    1. JOE BIDEN: Yes and by the way, what you all know but many people don’t know, unlike the African American community with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things.

      JOE BIDEN: If you have a problem figuring whether you are for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.

      JOE BIDEN: Poor kids are just as smart and just as talented as white kids.

      Don’t you *DARE* insult undecided voters. Chances are they are processing the steaming piles of manure that are *both* sides much more than you.

    2. mark Tanner

      JOE BIDEN: “As I predict the young black leadership of America will overwhelmingly decide with me [in Joe’s militant opposition to desegregation policies such a busing].

      JOE BIDEN: “I don’t want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle.”

      JOE BIDEN: “I mean [in Obama] you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice looking guy. That’s a storybook man.”

      And those are just direct quotes. Joe Biden is on record for remembering working with those who opposed desegregation fondly. After all, the Democrat party is the party of the KKK, Margaret Sanger, and George Wallace – who stood against desegregation by *literally* standing in a school way door.

      You Democrats hold Margaret Sanger, whose statements are almost deplorable as Hitler’s, on a pedestal. You hand out the Margaret Sanger award! You know how that feels as a black man…let me guess. You *don’t*

      So don’t get smart about undecided voters. Trump is manure. But so is Biden.

    3. @Jed Opportuneson its funny you say that when republicans didn’t want slavery to be banned HAHAHAHAHA absolutely pathetic

    1. Trust me, we do. Some of us undecided, and others of us, probably resolute, but in disbelief at the choice we feel we must inevitably make.

    2. I agree. Also Trump has shown you who he is for the last 4 years. If you like that go with him. If not, then Joe’s your man. It’s really that simple.

    1. @angry asian dad Trump is a big fat mess, if they continue with the next two debates, the moderator should have a mute button for the microphones used by Trump and Biden, to stop Trump from interrupting..

    2. @Derrick RC if that’s the case then he should’ve clarified that in the debate because now he looks like a massive fucking hypocrite.

  3. The gentleman said it was political theater that we expect every 4 years?????
    As the saying goes “which fight were you watching?”
    Your being a younger man, I would just like to awaken you to the fact that I have never seen in my lifetime(presidential debate #12) such a display of uncontrollability as on the part of Trump . This fact plus the continued raft of lies and then calling on the support of an armed militia!? If your still undecided. I suggest that you reevaluate your parameters of what a president is.
    An out of control madman is not who we can accept as the person who has our nuclear weapons codes!

    1. its not that they are undecided…they think everyone is dumb. They are going to vote for this clown again become THAT is what low intellect folk do.

    2. Yeah and somehow joe you previously overlooked the other mad man in joe biden the guy who threatens is potential voters and gerts away will money laundering on a daily basis and cant even form a coherent sentence. I think you may want to unglue those rose tinted glasses for your face.

  4. This is unbelievable. So sad. Bless you Chris Wallace , I can only ask how you do this. You need a kill switch , for the microphones. Trump loses this one.

  5. This is scary!
    Command of things?
    If your child acts like that in school or if you acted like that in a meeting, you would be embarrassed as the parent and FIRED as an employee!

    1. Your a racist then but then you call Trump racist when you clearly are yourself. Liberals don’t have a brain. According to World Scientists, liberalism is a disease

    2. @Donna Willams Clinton is connected to Obama who is connected to Biden. Did I really need to spell that out for you? Go for a little fish and you get the big ones.

    1. Instead of having a mute button, they should have the mics turned off until the speaker gets his time to speak, at which point they would energize the mic and be able to be heard. This way no one can claim that they were unfairly muted. A simple press of a button would give the speaker his/her allowed time uninterrupted.

    2. @Havaseet2 Biden said he would not answer the question when asked about court packing. Wallace let him slide all night not answering the questions.

  6. Trump At The Debates:”Look at the forest! Its filled with trees”!

    People At Home:”Is that where they put the trees at..oh my goooddddd”!😂😂😂😂

  7. I’m always amazed how two people can see the exact same thing and walk away with completely different takes on what they saw. It literally blows my mind.

    1. John Stein Really funny how Biden calling him a clown has all the Trump supporters freaking out. They ignore everything that has come out of Trumps mouth that is WAY more inappropriate and offensive than “clown”.

    1. @YouLoveMrFriendly The word ‘Socialism’ is used to describe everything from the state controlling all the means of production to using pooled money to address an issue.
      What do you mean by ‘Socialism’?

    2. @YouLoveMrFriendly Social Security is socialism, All safety net programs are socialism, Your Emergency services are socialist. Interesting.

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