1. Who cares about his legacy. This administration and the people who support this mess. Will be on the wrong side of history anyway.

    1. the truth about this opinion YT channel is, it has been made for the sole purpose of causing the 2 major US parties to hate on each other.
      It’s about lying to infuriate the other side & vice versa. Why you ask?
      Because if you can only focus hatred, you cannot compromise, and can’t think of solutions.
      So don’t play the game, we are all being manipulated.
      When you think about it, if either side wins, only hatred remains to the point that nothing can get done that would matter in the long run.
      Politics is not real life.
      When did hatred & violence do anything but caused wars and fear and death?
      When has racism (from both sides) helped any one?

      Look what happened in South Africa, it is only a shadow of itself.
      Where there were racist whites that were corrupt, now has been replaced with corrupt black leaders.
      How many people were killed?
      Ultimately, you still have the same problems.
      If you cannot see this, i’m sorry.
      If you say but the blacks are paying back the whites, then revenge is the true motive.
      That is evil & counterproductive.
      If it’s social justice then how were the whites included in a compromise?
      Both races (all races) were put here for a purpose and that purpose was not for killing each other.
      To grow the world societies, will take us all of us to cooperate, otherwise chaos and anarchy wins. Then we all lose.

    2. Don Williams Trump loves himself and by default Russia as they own him. The evidence is there, that is why the Administration is stonewalling every subpoena.

  2. The big thing is his ego!!! He’s displaying early signs of dementia.🤔🤔🤔THE Republican party is aligned with him ! None to call him out.

    1. @Daniel Appleton I dream about this often; a world where Hillary won. Or better yet, where Bernie won! Could you imagine where we’d be right now if someone progressive had won in 2016, on the road towards universal health care and at least state college funded! God, I hope we get him out in 2020!

    1. @Leonard Washington
      Didn’t the US courts just throw out it’s case to withhold it’s tax returns? We might get something new now and of course this sets the precedent for the other cases to get thrown out too. Trumpenstein’s orange monster’s World is crumbling around it faster than an Atlantic city mob casino, I wouldn’t be surprised if it has a heart attack, stroke or just completely wigs out and ends up at the funny farm. Even you must admit it doesn’t look and sound well, I doubt that it would be around to complete a 2nd term in full.

    2. This people on the communist media are liars. They are drinking the communist party koolaid.

      This impeachment is going to fail big time.
      Nancy failed to do what the constitution. Articles of impeachment. She did not submit the House votes. Required.
      An impeachment inquiry is to get permission from the impeachment committee. The committee will examine the evidence. To see if high crimes and high misdemeanors. They examine if the House rules were followed. Which they were not. . Example voters. Impeachment inquiry thrown out because no evidence of impeachable crimes. Nancy did not follow the articles of impeachment rules from the constitution. Nadler got kicked out of being chairman. friday.

      Adam Schiff was voted out by the committee for being a leaker, lies, and not following the articles of impeachment.
      The communist Democrats said it was a emergency. It was such an emergency they went on another vacation to runn and hide. Everytime something fails. Like this impeachment is illegal. They run away
      They will come back with another plott to overthrow the president. Then overthrow the government. And take over and start a communist Regime.
      know that the communist Democrats party are the minority. That want communist 4%
      Those to include some Democrats who do not want communism. Socialism. 94%
      Many Democrats are leaving the Democrats part.
      They do not agree with the communist Democrats.
      They do not want impeachment.
      Many Democrats are registering Republican. They see Democrats true colors. They were communist all along.
      Now the communist have fooled the Democrats supporter that are now communist supporters.
      All the communist in congress, goverment, agencies that been thrown out. Many went to jail. Notice his in January many senators did not come back. Many more are going to jail.

    1. The man has been under constant attack. He will be known for the president that won twice despite the constant corruption against him.

    2. @Stephanie Davis “He will be known for the president that won twice despite the constant corruption against him.” Just say thanks to the Senate.

    3. Stephanie Davis under constant attack? do you think this has anything to do with who he is and what he’s done?

      wasn’t nixon under attack? trump will make nixon look like abraham lincoln

  3. America CANNOT AFFORD a vengeful Trump, on the rampage. The Impeachment MUST WORK. Or the Republic is OVER. This has gone TOO FAR

    1. Donald Trump pretends to care about getting impeached but he really doesn’t . . . at least not the way a decent, qualified, mentally REGULAR President would.

      Trump didn’t run for President because he wanted to win . . . *he didn’t even think he could* . He ran to elevate his name-brand recognition in places like Wichita and Omaha so that he could sell /SCAM them later.

      So if you want Trump to do the honorable thing for the country and resign . . . he won’t . Simply the embarrassment of being thrown out of office is not enough to motivate him. He lacks the capacity to be shamed.

      Because of the damage Donald Trump has done to American norms and foundational principles, *he deserves and the country needs* the example of him being sentenced to PRISON.

      Trump will need to know that this REAL fate awaits him before he can live up to his oath as President of the United States.

      Because of his violation of the emoluments laws, Trump has made money from the presidency. Foreign governments bribe Trump through hotel room rentals.

      Because he charges the US Secret Service and other parts of the goverment fees when he spends time at his golf courses and other properties (over 200 days thus far) he is looting the US Treasury.

      And because weak-minded underlings . . . like AG Barr and the Secretary of the Air Force . . . book his hotels for goverment affairs he is *making money far in excess of the $400,000 presidential salary* that he brags about “giving away”.

      State prosecutors in New York and other jurisdictions can get at Trump’s money by way of fines for crimes by him, the Trump Organization, Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka, Jared, etc.

      You want to influence Trump’s behavior? Impeachment itself isn’t the way . . . *TAKE HIS MONEY & HIS FREEDOM* . That will get this coward’s attention. *That is the legacy he will avoid at all costs* .

    2. @GM Newbold *SURPRISE!* Many many many people still love this country! *Even elected democrats!*
      Clyburn: Not Sure Bill Of Rights Would Pass Today
      just because the news doesn’t show their face as much, true Americans, dem or rep love this country still! and we will fight for it!

  4. trump gets to face justice, that’s what he’s scared of, his legacy is that of a sociopathic maniac! 🤢

    1. It will have a * “most lies, lawsuits, hourly scandals, impeachable offenses, most golf in two years, biggest reason to not trust politicians, least done”

    2. I think that even if he served time in a white collar Club Fed prison, there’d be inmates that he cheated & screwed over who would cheerfully shank him.

    3. @Daniel Appleton it’s still early, my eyes and mind read that as THANK him🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😳😳😳

    4. @Russ Martin Most childish temper tantrums, most corrupt president ever, biggest fool, dumbest, and the list goes on…

    1. Yes, because withholding hundreds of millions of dollars in aid is THE BEST practical joke ever! The Ukrainians haven’t stopped laughing.

    2. @Real Talk76 Same reason he only gives press conferences in front of a chopper; plausible deniability. He answers the questions he likes, and if it’s a bad question, he just couldn’t hear it right, and answers the question he wished he was asked. He’s a con man through and through!

    3. @Alexis B True dat! But deniability is no longer plausible when this plot was happening on multiple fronts using various proxies like Giuliani.

    4. @Alexis B He should just have a speaker with “Helicopter Audio” for whenever he needs it. Impeach, Indict, HANG -Djo Life 2028

    1. He doesn’t want to be photographed with his youngest kid Barron because the kid is taller than the Donald. He doesn’t want his daughter Tiffany photographed at all because he said she’s to fat.

    2. @Eric Michels All the treasonous criminals responsible for the rise of fascism need to face RICO organized crime charges and full asset forfeiture. The grandkids should gain nothing from the crimes of their parents and grandparents. Take it all back, everything.

    3. Donald Trump pretends to care about getting impeached but he really doesn’t . . . at least not the way a decent, qualified, mentally REGULAR President would.

      Trump didn’t run for President because he wanted to win . . . *he didn’t even think he could* . He ran to elevate his name-brand recognition in places like Wichita and Omaha so that he could sell /SCAM them later.

      So if you want Trump to do the honorable thing for the country and resign . . . he won’t . Simply the embarrassment of being thrown out of office is not enough to motivate him. He lacks the capacity to be shamed.

      Because of the damage Donald Trump has done to American norms and foundational principles, *he deserves and the country needs* the example of him being sentenced to PRISON.

      Trump will need to know that this REAL fate awaits him before he can live up to his oath as President of the United States.

      Because of his violation of the emoluments laws, Trump has made money from the presidency. Foreign governments bribe Trump through hotel room rentals.

      Because he charges the US Secret Service and other parts of the goverment fees when he spends time at his golf courses and other properties (over 200 days thus far) he is looting the US Treasury.

      And because weak-minded underlings . . . like AG Barr and the Secretary of the Air Force . . . book his hotels for goverment affairs he is *making money far in excess of the $400,000 presidential salary* that he brags about “giving away”.

      State prosecutors in New York and other jurisdictions can get at Trump’s money by way of fines for crimes by him, the Trump Organization, Eric, Don Jr., Ivanka, Jared, etc.

      You want to influence Trump’s behavior? Impeachment itself isn’t the way . . . *TAKE HIS MONEY & HIS FREEDOM* . That will get this coward’s attention. *That is the legacy he will avoid at all costs* .

  5. tRump’s legacy is well secured at his future Presidential Library behind the bowling alley next to the dumpsters

    1. Name one! If you can. And I’ll remind you of the wins. Then we can play the game with all your fake heroes. Look I don’t really care for trump or his style. But I like having money to live on again. And American products to spend it on

  6. 🍔 his legacy is eating cheeseburgers separating children from their parents charging Secret Service to be at his golf facilities

    1. You might have a problem if you create a fake account just for trolling anti trump. Do you dream of him in your sleep. Idiots. This is why he will get 2020.

  7. “I am an extremely stable genius”
    -Donald J. Trump
    I wonder who told him that ? , it had to come from the likes of an “extremely unstable genius”.
    Somebody’s been drinking to much ….“covfefe”….go figure.

  8. Can we also use the “Joker Defense” and say that he was joking when he said he was running for President?

  9. “Legacy?” He should have thought about that before he began cheating in elections, creating crimes and creating orphans at the border with Mexico.

    1. and the really sad part is that so many sexist Mexican males voted for him too even though he’s destroying their people!! Their hate of women’s freedom and power is what it’s about and they don’t care about anything else! They just know that Trump is deathly afraid of females having their full power and freedoms and so are all beta sexist pig males like him!

  10. Sweet Jesus, he’s worried about his *legacy* ?!?

    People will be queuing up to p*ss on his grave for millenia.

  11. He’s worried about everybody laughing and pointing at him.Too late!
    Trump. 👈🏽😂🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. @sandy kitty Illeism Is the Habit of Referring to Yourself in the Third Person. It can make the speaker sound egotistical. Another one of Trump’s traits.

    1. That’s almost as hilarious as him saying he’s concerned about corruption in Ukraine. LOL…still make me laugh. The most corrupt lowlife to occupy the WH in modern history.

  12. His legacy ? He’s been a con artist his entire life. Along with being a liar his “legacy” was set , a long time ago, when he and his father were clum lords. Now he is the worse president in history. Legacy has been set.

    1. Denise Warner-Dodson he got greedy. The average minded American believed he was a good businessman. His true gift is marketing BS as anything other than. But- because he just couldn’t be content with where he was and because he just had to ascend to the highest office in the land- he’s been exposed for the fraud he’s always been and even the average minded can see it. The small minded (a.k.a. his supporters) are another story…

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