A Look Back At Trump’s Year In The White House | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

NBC News looks back at key events from the past year of the Trump presidency. Aired on 12/26/19.
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A Look Back At Trump's Year In The White House | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC


  1. President Donald J. Trump has the personality of Zombie Breath, and for those who don’t understand, Trump represents Decay and Death of a Country, “The United States of America”.

    1. @Jeff Chrapcynski Is hard having what looks like “Crap…” as the start of your name? Suits you tho…..

    1. Brainstorming Plus Is it possible. My business is booming, economy is great, consumer confidence is at a record high and almost no unemployment.

    2. @Dave Waldon U see the US homeless population booming? See the infrastructure/roads cracking? The 22 trillion $ debt… 1 trillion added this yr alone? Russians interfering in US elections & social media? Farmers going bankrupt? Manufacturing sector shedding jobs? Taxes going up, trade wars & tariffs put on American consumers? Wages barely rising while cost of living exploding? Gov shutdown 3 TIMES last yr alone? BTW the unemployment filing is at 3% but the actual unemployment rate is about 10% – that accounts for all the homeless people (I was one of them!)… And a recession likely, much like the ’08 crash…Trump admin is hiding data, cooking the books…(there’s a conspiracy!🤣) Enjoy the payday while it lasts… everything ends before u know it…😈

    1. Trump didn’t rig anything. The electoral college functioned as intended. LA county and NY City together could almost elect the president by popular vote. The demographics of those two areas are a population that consists of apartment/housing renters and they would control the country by their vote. Is that what you want? The electoral college equalizes the states’ populations and votes, not too hard to understand.

  2. They forgot to mention the $16 billion in corporate welfare Trump has had to give away to the American farmers he’s hurting; money which could have gone to anything other than a unilateral trade war.

    1. @J Eustis hey this is about trump not Biden stay on topic here…damned ignorant trump parrot always squawking out GOP talking points with out checking the facts!!!

    2. @Sask Sun seekers This is about Biden and the Obama administration, Not the President’s effort to take them down! You don’t have any facts. All you have is lies.

    3. Think about all the money he makes off tax payers funded miseries of him using his own private sector businesses to scam America and not to forgets how he robbed St Jude kids by stiffing donations non profit trumped shopping spress organizations, and perhaps wtf is next under the tunnels and over his walls of this treasonous liberalized Republicons circus acts..⁉️🤔😆

  3. Fortunately, i live in Europe…despite “Brexit” ( bye bye !! ) and our political inexistance ( for the moment, but it comes…)…Europe reborn again !! thanks to your President and please, reelect him next year !!

  4. While #WonderfullyHungry, I pledge that, if elected President, to work with lawmakers to pass legislation to give teeth to the Congressional subpoena so that the obstructive acts committed by #hangry (aka #TerriblyHungry) #ImPOTUS45 can never happen again.

  5. Chaotic and destructive, basic psychopathic behavior. Educate yourselves on psychopaths. Google the PCL-R by Dr. Robert Hare.

    1. timber_beast It’s becoming more clear by the day, the Obama administration is the most corrupt this country has ever seen. The IG’s report is just the tip of the iceberg…

  6. Just a note on ‘Little Rocket Man’ Kim Jun will NEVER give up his nukes. Ukraine did and the US/Russian signed off on an agreement to never invade. Look where that got them. History is a good teacher. I really do not like NK’s dictator but I don’t blame him one bit for not giving it up.

    1. @David Guelette The only trainwercks in America are cities and States run by Democrats… The rest of the country is doing better than ever…

    1. Tim Murphy More sanctions placed on Russia. American hostages home from North Korea. And ISIS leader Bagdadi taken out.
      Trump 2020 🇺🇸

    2. @Rod Allen Its all good eh? Trump held back the aid to Ukraine, aid given by the USA to fight Putins henchmen who have invaded huge chunks of the country, killed thousands of people and shot down a Malaysian Airliner killing hundreds, yet Trumps believes this brutal lying thug, passes on state secrets from the US Government Agencies, Agencies he says he doesnt trust (well the Ruskies do, happy to take the reposts from the CIA Trumpee boy gives em), etc the man pretty much boasts that he takes Putins word against all evidence, he is turning the country into a Russian joke and plaything – 2 mad preachers released from NK while Un lets off longer renge missiles, boasts about using them while calling Trump feeble senile and a Dotard. Can you explain whats good about any of that?

  7. The downward spiral that is the Trumpster 👺”presidency” – year 3… Hoping for the end of the GOP reign on US government authoritarianism & ineptitude in 2020… Vote BLUE.

    1. @Back in Black My home is the United States of America, freak… where’s yours? Mudder rashia? 😈 U think u own the USA? It belongs to those who defend it & contribute to its strength… not sell out to Putin & his Russian gangsters & oligarchs…

  8. *The house of my country needs to be fumigated and cleansed thoroughly for the next president because so much filth had been living in such a beautiful house.*

  9. *In my part of Florida, Trump bumper stickers used to featured on every 2nd vehicle, but 3 years on..I’ve seen only one in the past 6 months! 🥳*
    *Goo-Gone must have had boosted sales since Trump was elected! 👍*

    1. @Dave Waldon post the proof you ignorant trump parrot…lets see it…trumps approval rating has not moved much at all…it’s the same old under educated people like yourself that still support the loser even after being lied to 16,000 times…by the way that isn’t ignorance …that sir is STUPIDITY!!!

  10. Well America the world will be watching in 2020, have you learnt from your mistake electing Trump for President? Thumbs up for lesson learned

    1. @Dave Waldon Not the strongest economy,the biggest , and the highes level of debt for both Govt and per capita public. This is not the realm of magic, merely chanting USUSUSUS,does not make it all good or yutn ythe Don into an economic magician. Do not to be so chidlike in our trust, try to think

    2. @Cheeseatingjunglista you filthy stinking liberals live in despair for nothing. Trump 2020, make america great again. PS get a job hippies.

    3. Thumbs down to that liberalized Republicon politricks leadership💬 and his complicit beholders Clowngates only sells bs to his supporters and leaves them all standing to support the clown whom steals from the hands that feeds them ‼👎🤮👎🤮FOH

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