Activists Draw On Successful Defense Of Health Care For Energy In SCOTUS Pressure Campaign | MSNBC

Ezra Levin, co-executive director of Indivisible, talks with Rachel Maddow about the role of citizen political pressure in turning back the Republican effort to kill the Affordable Care Act, and how that same strategy can be applied to protecting Ruth Bader Ginsburg's empty Supreme Court seat. Aired on 09/21/2020.
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Activists Draw On Successful Defense Of Health Care For Energy In SCOTUS Pressure Campaign | MSNBC


  1. Trump is a rich and powerful person who is famous for firing rich and famous people. You have this one opportunity to fire him. Imagine how powerful you will feel telling him: “You’re fired!” Just imagine…

    1. Taking down millionaire like Trump would be great and all but just Imagine how it would feel to tell any of the DNC extremists on the billionaire index “You’re fired!”.. Just imagine…

    2. @Joe Sniffs Kids Okay, let’s fire ’em all. But this one guy, his ONLY thing is firing people. If you want to feel that kind of power, to feel like that, you ONLY have this ONE chance.

  2. I don’t trust Susan Collins. She might fold under Trump’s pressure.

    One thing in our favor though is that she is on the bubble for being voted out. Self preservation may win out.

    1. @Greg M Protest to your Senators . Need @ least 4 , Collins isn’t reliable . Wouldn’t count on her , she might be a decoy . Like you have enough, no you don’t .

  3. Only McCain listened. There are no more senators left who will listen. Grassley caved! Regardless, state voters need inundate their Republican senators.

    1. @Utha
      I live in Utah, I wouldn’t count on Romney. He always says one thing publicly, but then votes with the Republikkkans.

    2. @Greg M Yeah, and with him taking so long to make a decision, I tend to agree. But he did vote for impeachment, so there is a glimmer of hope.

  4. TRAGIC!: Trump originally stalled and lied to find a way to profit from COVID for himself and his donor tycoons. Now he intentionally spreads COVID so they can keep cashing in, hence unprotected rallies and continual misinformation leading to 200,000 dead and dying for profits. IT’S THE GREATEST MALFEASANCE OF OFFICE IN UNITED STATES HISTORY.

    As a conscious and conscience free republican “BIDEN” has my vote.
    Any decent parent, or any person wouldn’t/shouldn’t vote for this liar, manipulator, irrational, woman abuser again, for a 2nd more Trump!
    Now he’s hustling women for their vote again, for the supreme court nominee.

  6. They are really living out ‘We the People’ more power to them. Governments should be looking to expand and make it easier and more affordable for all Americans to access health care, systems and services.

  7. 🤷🏼‍♀️ is that a joke? Collims? 🤮 same enabler who protected Monarchy Monster over her Constituents the last time 🙄are ya nuts?

  8. Some of Republicans Party could care less about U.S. Citizens and populations.
    They’re killing all of us.
    We vote for them. It seemed to me.
    Just the name of monsters in White House.

  9. Funds for Puerto Rico and Farmers after re-election?
    Another Trump Executive Order? Another Republican Health Plan?
    Show us the money!
    Vote now before Trump blows it on Fox TV ads and his family!

    1. @joe, you’re right McCain was a traitor. Don’t believe me look at the flag on his coffin. It was wrinkled. Only traitors get that but you lefties don’t want truth, you want power. They’ve been trying to hide it, but you can’t run from the pictures and video of him selling out our country to ISIS and traffickers.

  10. When Trump loses in November, he’s going to do two things: claim he didn’t lose, and blame all his supporters (cult members). ‘After all I’ve done for you’, he’ll say. Possibly using those exact words.

    1. He just did-“If I lose, I’ll never talk to you again”. He pretends to be joking, but yeah… Dysfunctional relationship, anyone? Hard to fathom that so many people can’t break up with their abusive “boyfriend” even after he’s allowed a deadly virus to ruin their lives.

  11. What would have happened with this Pandemic if the Republicans were able to get rid of Obamacare 4 years ago?! A million dead?!

  12. In Fox as usual there calling us radicals just because We are Not Fools to there Sneaky Sneaky Ways!,Go Blue💙💙💙💙💙 Strong and Proud,Through Thick and Thin,We Fight For Justice in America!

  13. I wouldn’t count on Susan Collins or Lisa Murkawsky. They both have talked as if they would stand against Donald Trump, but folded.

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