1. Let’s differentiate between real conservative views, and views that make a section of students feel uncomfortable, unsafe, and unwelcome. Surely, a leftist speaker preaching against the civil rights of a section of the student body, they would have problems speaking on a campus. Adam is conflating a right-wing speaker saying, “Here are the benefits of lower tax rates,” with someone saying, “Gay people are a plague in America.” Of course one is welcome on campus and the other incites hatred. Not that complicated.

    1. @TheLastWalenta what do you mean there is no basis. It was we just want to get married to now teaching our kids nonsense in school. And any who speaks against it is now dimmed a bigot. I think you are actually ignorant.

    2. Completely agree! I was thinking exactly the same. Both conservative and liberal views should be allowed in college, unless these views are offensive towards specific groups in the population. That’s completely fine to express views on socialism/capitalism for instance. But when you’re in college, that’s totally not okay to publicly express views against specific groups such as gays, Jew, Christians, people of color and so on. No student in college should feel unwelcome/rejected just because others want unlimited free speech.

    3. Olatunji Olakunle I’m a conservative, and I disagree with you. We have always had gay people, a rather steady % of society throughout history. I have no problem with gays and have gay friends and family members. I’m 100% straight myself. What gays do in private doesn’t affect you or me.
      I rather suspect that what bothers you is the recent upsurge in public flamboyant displays and parades, teaching about homosexuality and other sexual choices to 5-yr-olds in school long before they need to be thinking about sex, the demands that you publicly support them, and any demands for special rights. The new knowledge of so many gay priests’ molesting boys has been upsetting. Demands for special treatment and the Thought Police’s telling you what you MUST think is outrageous.
      Here is today’s problem. The pendulum has swung too far. Gays have demanded to be treated as special when that is not acceptable. They want teasing of gay teens in school to stop. Here’s the problem. Teasing of any kid who is “different” in any way will never totally be stamped out among children. We do our best to teach kids not to tease gay kids, fat kids, cross-eyed kids, etc., but we never achieve 100%.
      When gays feel safer, I think demands for Special Treatment will slow and cease. When gay teens feel safer, the problem is reduced. When their flamboyant parades aren’t on tv, you won’t have your feathers in a ruffle. Gays contribute to society without adding more children to the burden. I know many gay people who are Christian and kind and quiet about their sexuality. You would probably like them if you knew them and didn’t know they were gay. Please give them a chance, and together we can pray the pendulum settles in the middle.
      All you have to do is look at many Muslim countries to see what hatred of gays results in. Im Republican, and nearly all my straight Republican Christian friends think as I do. If they are gay, God made them gay. Blessings and best wishes to everybody.

    4. guycn1 On a college campus all views should be allowed to prevent censorship. The purpose of a university is not to PREVENT anybody’s feeling uncomfortable. It’s to MAKE YOU uncomfortable, to make you THINK, to make you EXAMINE even those beliefs you hold most dear and sort out what you do ultimately believe. You may wind up believing exactly the same as you did before, but now you understand WHY you believe that and can articulate it. You can sort it out in a safe environment (which does NOT mean “safe space.”). Nobody needs protection from reading about many ideas.
      A university education SHOULD make you FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE. Everybody should feel uncomfortable while the learn more and explore varying viewpoints of classical authors and ideas.
      Limiting examination to what some current “scholars” think NOW is NOT educating anybody. Refusing to allow discussion lest somebody FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE is outrageous. That’s called INDOCTRINATION. NOT EDUCATION.

    5. @Kathy Young , first, God DID NOT make anyone Gay, it was out of sinful desire of the flesh they lust for the same sex. Second, a true Christian would know this. I encourage you to read 1 Cor 6:9-10.

    1. @Bass player fisher Chill If Hollywood is going left it’s because that’s what makes the money. Cry about it some more.
      What the matter? Hollywood not your safe place any more. Boo hoo.

    2. It happens. You get old. The kids don’t dig you anymore. You either move over to the “adult” audience or your retire gracefully… or you become a whiny Youtube presence that insults the very audience who he wants to pay their hard earned money to listen to his uneducated nonsense.

  2. He doesn’t want the promotion of differing views; he wants to conflate objectivity, with neutrality – and they’re not the same thing, at all.

    1. Also, his phrase “I think we all grew up in a different era” without defining who “We” is is an attempt to make his point of view “Ours”. I disagree with him. Free speech doesn’t come with a provision that it has to be listened to. Old white men are terrified that their voices aren’t special anymore.

    2. Max Blonde Obviously by “we” he means people his age. Not that hard to figure out. I don’t think he’s scared of anything. I think older people are going “ look at all these pussies today”. Which is true. Look at yourself

    3. @Max Blonde He represented himself very poorly and I don’t disagree with what you said. He used to be a really funny, laid back dude and to be honest I don’t really understand what he was trying to say. But the part I did get was the whole “I’m offended” part and I do agree with that. If something offends you, unless its genuinely offensive, like racism, sexual assault, domestic violence, that kind of thing then its your problem and you really don’t have the right to force that down everyones throat and stomp your feet about it, just like old, irrelevant white men don’t have the right to piss and moan that they’re no longer relevant. We are in a different time now, and like they say, you have to move with the times otherwise you’ll grow moss.

    4. @Kale Bmx

      A bunch of pussies? I think the pussies are the ones crying because they can’t say and do certain things without other people calling them out as being assholes and/or bigots. Sounds like the assholes and bigots are crying because everyone else is using their freedom of speech and not remaining silent.

    5. @Max Blonde Free speech absolutely has to be listened to if it is a public forum..such as a college. The offended should just stay home..not the other way around.

    1. August Gurtisen you still live in an amazing country, don’t lose sight of that. I’m a big fan of the USA and can’t wait to return to visit or perhaps even stay one day. 👍

    2. We must agree that almost all facets of life are a form of political expression wether it’s conscious or not. There are no apolitical spaces, what is acceptable or not is derived from political viewpoints, loosely speaking.

    3. That’s how u.s. universities were pre- Vietnam War. Around the same time the U.S. govt. decided that everyone regardless of pursuit or finances should be afforded a “higher education.”
      Basically leave the real world to live in the
      “the theory world.” This coupled with the post boomer generations which lived in luxary compared to the rest of most the world and being told they were special led to entitled humans that demanded six figure salaries with b.s. degrees.
      Universities don’t care because someone else is paying the bill either the parents or the the government so it just raises the price to coincide with the demand.

  3. Education requires validation of viewpoint. Freedom of Speech is necessary but not sufficient. One must be able to defend one’s views with evidence.

    1. @Decody G Got something against Russian names, I see. Coincidence to the collusion with Russian bots to getting someone elected perhaps?

  4. Your brain in a zero-gravity, mental environment will atrophy. Holy ***, comedians are making more sense than our leaders?

    1. Dtube 123 Probably because they use stupid cliches like that. Corolla drooling into a microphone is easier to understand than complex issues.

    1. Equating Ben Shapiro, Milo Y and other white nationalists with conservatives like John McCain and John Kasich is dangerous. I support college students objecting to racists and alt right speakers coming to their campuses.

    2. Jennifer Higber Then you are calling anybody racist who disagrees with you and denying their chance to explain views on anything. THAT is exactly what he is talking about.

    3. @Kathy Young that’s a very broad brush, but go ahead and keep painting if it makes you feel better. Those individuals have explained themselves enough for us to evaluate their racist beliefs and behavior and decide it shouldn’t be tolerated.

    1. Lamar Headen, that one is simple. He committed suicide while on a temporary break from suicide watch and hung himself on his cell partner’s hands. His cell partner was an ex cop who didn’t hear a thing and couldn’t have stopped him, of course: https://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/53de56935d25303e14ec7a6de4fe5d1e76dbdcf7/c=50-0-448-225/local/-/media/2016/12/20/Westchester/Westchester/636178334048777731-Nick-Tartaglione.jpg?width=1600&height=800&fit=crop

    2. murdered. and no one says anything. not one but two gurds fell “asleep”, both cameras on the wing didnt “work”.lol i work security a camera doesnt work that last a whole 15 minutes before its fixed. he was murdered, in a federal Jail. fucking scary, and solid proof in this day and age that these things indeed happen and have happened.

  5. “Conservatives are more live and let live.”…Yeah, unless you’re a minority, foreigner, someone who wants reasonable gun control, anyone who wants to protect the planet from further destruction…..

    1. Well to say that, I guess it proves he is a comedian.

      He mentions people in trouble in other countries for offending the status quo. There are plenty of US states where you can offend the status quo lethally by walking while not white.

  6. Dr. Jordan Peterson has been ringing the alarm bell against compelled speech and how it’s been creeping out of college and university campuses into the work places for a while now, yet those warnings are misrepresented as anti (insert x) speech….

  7. my most transformative experiences were the ones where i heard perspectives outside of my own, that helped shape my current beliefs

  8. That’s brave for a CNN host to say he agrees with Adam Corolla’s film. Notice he couldn’t comment on any of the specifics…

  9. CNN, if you conduct more interviews in this kind of unbiased manner I might actually go back to watching you someday.

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