Amy Klobuchar on impeachment trial: I have a constitutional duty

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says the Senate impeachment trial might be in December, which coincides with when Iowans will be trying to choose their presidential nominee. Presidential candidate Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) tells CNN's Jake Tapper how she plans to handle the potential overlapping events. #CNN #News


    1. Abu Huraira As well you should but there is a difference between what’s right to do and what’s wrong to do and I hope people wise up from now until then and do what’s right for the country as a whole.

  1. Trump made realize most people in government are idiots. Before that, I thought they were one of the smartest people in the country.

    1. I know what you mean..but it’s mostly political appointees who turn out to be so incompetent….the hard working career govt workers get passed over in favor of the ignorant morons

    2. +Subscribe to me for NO reason Your grasp of English proves you are the last person who should be calling anyone an idiot. Low IQ.

  2. EVERYONE has a constitutional duty but certain people are choosing self greed over the Constitution and what’s right!!!

    1. @Noneshere Trump is trying to get all the Republicans to stand tall with him and you have so many that is drawing away from him

    2. “What’s right” is a subjective determination. I think “what’s right” is to round up you leftists and deport you from the country by force for treason. How’s that grab you?

    3. But, Trump says that our Constitution is, “unconstitutional,” remember? If that isn’t a clue, that the, “coup,” is Trumpian, what is? Just like when Trump stabbed the Kurds in the back, these things only make sense when you see that Trump does what Putin tells him . . .

  3. Amy Klobuchar is notorious for being abrasive and uncivil with her staff. She would be a terrible President.

    1. @Let’s grow your why the overton window is so right towards corporate fascism with your any dem will do, just not orange man.
      NO more D’s and R’s!!!! Nothing less!

  4. Monkeys will fly out my butt before Amy is president or even a serious candidate. Thank God you got some filler time in Eh?

    1. Elishah Thompson : There’s a full report, by CNN, here on YouTube, all about Bernie, being back on the Campaign Trail, with AOC endorsing him. So, that’s not true. Maybe you missed it?

  5. She looks like pre Halzeimer case when you see moving up and down is head. Hope She will have donors for the needing trepanation.

    1. And, the Crooked Politician in Chief says that our Constitution is, “Unconstitutional,” but that’s Trump for you. I’ll be so glad when he’s removed 😁

    2. So you think the power of the presidency should be left unchecked even if a sitting president breaks the law and admits to it? Seems like that was the entire situation that the constitution was designed to protect against.

    1. Yeah she needs to take a few other candidates with her. The Democrat Party has fell so far down in recent times.

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