1. @Londyn Hill I think instead of assuming and watching the J6 Network, you should go to the Border, talk to the agents, go out with them and get the real thing. Then come back and tell us.

    2. @Jordan Slingluff if the GOP retakes the House and Senate this year, guaranteed that Trump _will_ be running in 2024.

  1. I miss the good old days. Where politicians focused on making sure things work. We just want things to work. We aren’t worried about your cultural issues.

    1. @Jimmy Timmy How many invasions we’re along side allies that asked for our help vs us trying to assert dominance and stage coups. I’ll wait. I’m not an ostrich but I’m not going to deny the idea of help vs invasion for political gain.

    2. @John Smith Yeah I am sure all the countries that the US bombed and couped their governments asked for help. Grow up.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    3. @Jimmy Timmy I didn’t say all. That’s why I said I can separate the two. Was that too much to comprehend?

  2. Choosing the diverse candidate over the most qualified candidate for cabinet positions doo.ed the Biden administration from day one.

  3. if Democrats would buy an electric vehicle instead of being hypocrites about climate change that would solve a lot of problems that means gas prices will go down for the rest of us

  4. I wasn’t alive when the Civil Rights movement was going on, but that was the wokeness of the late 20th century. How many people would say the same thing then, that Obama and Carville is saying now?

    1. You’re absolutely right. This is all just political theater. Every new catchphrase is a weapon. Even that “let’s go Brandon” slogan became an insult, with people now for some strange reason calling Biden Brandon. It makes no sense, but none of this does anymore. Just more reality show nonsense, but that’s what we crave I guess

  5. Like “Don’t be a buzz kill”

    We need Democrats reaching American’s in lower income, middle class neighborhoods on to how to get involved during the elections.

  6. If Democrats were smart, I emphasize smart. They’d focus on real issues. Inflation, the economy. Not lesser important issues like abortion and student loan debt.

  7. Yes, I am an Independent who votes for both parties (mostly Democrats), and I think Wokeness is a massive problem for the Democrats.

  8. I’ve watched a few of the recent debates. When it comes to gun control, I have heard no DEM simply say “ban the assault weapons”. That goes for the former police chief too.
    What’s so wrong with saying “We banned machine guns in the 1930s. Why can’t we ban semi-automatic assault rifles now? “?
    What are they afraid of?

    1. @Kenneth Wilson that would be your wild, child like, imagination at play. Any firearm can do that, silly billy. Plus there are no battlefield firearms on the market anywhere….sigh, Kids

    2. @RSE An 18 year-old shouldn’t be able to go into a store and buy ANY assault rifle along with a bag of chips and a pair of sneakers. We have over-the-counter and prescription drugs, the latter being only available after a trained medical person says it’s OK for you to have them; on a case-by-case basis. Why can’t we say that some classes of guns should only go to folks who have had extensive training with firearms?

    3. @Marq104 I agree. I’m retired military and I dont even own one. They really serve no purpose other than military or law enforcement. I was trained and used it for it’s intended purpose. The logic even outside of the 2A rights is, the criminals will still get them even if we cant.

  9. Well this is common sense since the whole pronoun thing has gained traction. People get so offended at what others think.

  10. What Obama said and what Carville said aren’t exactly the same but both are right. Americans want people to be rational and to employ logic and common sense in thought processes but pitting races against each other, elevating victimhood, defunding and attacking police and law enforcement, blindly supporting open borders, etc will not appeal to the big broad middle.

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