1. Guess what Trump? “Lock her up” came back on you in a big way. You’re guaranteed to get locked up now. 😂😂😂

    1. lock up a few DOJ and FBI who sat around for a year and a half while classified docs were floating around somewhere……….

  2. What would he need nuclear info for when he thought the US should use a nuke to stop a hurricane and later uses a sharpie to edit the path the hurricane was on…

    1. He said that right when the C o v I d pandemic was starting to hit Europe? He was aiding Russia with something I’m sure.

  3. ” We can’t have someone in the Oval Office who doesn’t understand the meaning of the word Confidential or classified” DJ Trump

    1. Donnie don’t understand anything at all, and he arrogantly won’t obey rules or listen to his lawyers. He is totally self-destructive.

  4. Whether the documents were declassified or now, why would anyone take office property home after their assignment has finished? Trump never read anything while in the office so why did he take it? To give to his BFFs Putin and Rocket Man? He is not dumb. Was Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey involved? May Moscow Mitch’s wife wants to give to the Chinese?

  5. “In my administration, I’m going to enforce all laws concerning the protection of classified information.”
    – Donald Trump

  6. FBI needs to subpoena the copier at Mar-a-Lago. When I worked at Homeland Security, all of the copiers were programmed to erase each image as it was produced. If this is not done, some tech-savvy person can recover the last ten or so images.

    1. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

      That sounds a bit ancient technology.

      Consider, he might have digitally scanned the document and sent the files into the Cloud or just emailed them from an email address he set up to another email address nobody knows about.

      An email address the FBI know nothing about.

      And then emailed from the unknown email address to the Kremlin … “Eyes Only” Putin.V

      How difficult could it be?

  7. Surely not only could he not have declassified a document without including the program involved, but a blanket declassifcation not coordinated with proponents of the documents is ludicrous.

    1. @Dogs Rule “There’s no question that the president has broad authority to declassify almost anything at any time without any process…” said Stephen I. Vladeck, professor at the University of Texas School of Law – May 2017 Politifact

      Get informed, then comment


    1. @Dash for Cash There are two specific laws that were signed by Congress that limit POTUS from declassification of documents related to nuclear weapons.

  8. He can not just “declassify” a document!! It depends on what is in the document!! JEEZE!!! Lock this bum up!!! There’s no doubt he’s a criminal on many levels. Get rid of him!!

  9. I was angry when they gave him the chance to return everything back in January. Now, find out that the National Archives have been asking for this material back since he left office

    Even back in January he only gave half of it back and pretended to not have the rest. Of course the FBI had to raid Mar-A-Lego to get the rest

    How many second chances are they going to give this guy. He should have been arrested the second they found the first page that he hadn’t returned back in January when he was told in no uncertain terms that he had to give it all back

  10. Do we even know if he’s sold some to Russia, Saudi Arabia?. Fellow Americans, pls uphold the law and deal with him irrespective of who is or was. Let the law take it course.

  11. I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump was planning to sell those documents in the future to the highest bidder.

  12. De-classifying documents arbitrarily just to avoid being prosecuted does not make those documents less dangerous.

  13. What I’m waiting to hear is who else was involved with getting so much removed and transported 1000 miles south of Washington. The sheer volume indicates that multiple people must have not only know about, but directly assisted with the removal from intensely secure facilities. AND, they knew specifically what he intended to take. To top it off, the truly alarming thought is whom Trump has already shared this information with during these past 18 months; there simply is no other reason for this to occur other than to disseminate it to others.

  14. @CNN: It may be interesting to learn if the retrieved documents (1) seemed to have been retained on purpose and for potential future use of the information they contain or (2) simply retained due to sloppy “business practice” and without any additional motive(s).

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