Analyst: Putin appointing new top general is an ‘indicator’

CNN's Fredricka Whitfield talks to Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper about Putin appointing a new top general to lead his forces in Ukraine after a series of setbacks. #CNN #News


    1. @The Blade Not trolling. This is organized and funded propaganda. This isn’t someone making fun of the team that lost.

  1. Condolences to all the families who lost their loved ones in Ukraine, Russia turn Ukraine infrastructure into a war zone.

  2. Changing a general does not feed/train/inform/give better updated gear/rations and tactics to your soldiers.

    1. Man’s known as the Syrian butcher I think. It might dishearten some, but it might be time to refresh the bounties and start giving them ways to retrieve the mans body

    2. @My Views 👈… EVERYONE… This one here does NOTHING but try and gaslight you, so he can deflect you from the subject he can’t defend against. Just don’t let him. He literally has nowhere to go after that. He will just run… Like he did with me. 😜💋

    1. @Thomas Lunde I’m sorry about that, I saw it just after I posted that that was the other guy making that claim indeed!

      The 55 thousand barrels of oil that Ukraine produces is laughable for a major producer like Russia!
      Although he certainly wants to keep control of the distribution netwerk towards the EU, no doubt!
      With the riches of precious metals, natural gas and oil on his own soil Ukraine is hardly interesting to him!
      I really think that the US and NATO have pushed him too far despite his warnings that already predate 2008!
      Yet they pushed him further which resulted in the Georgia war and later the Ukraine war in 2014 which should have sent a message to where they could push him, and despite that they pushed him further, and now they’ve reached the end station!
      This is the end game, either here it finds it’s resolve or this is where it all ends and we can only hope he focuses his anger on the US as being the architect of this otherwise it’s going to be dark and cold times for the EU I’m afraid!

    2. @Thomas Lunde Well, I disagree with you, but that’s what discussions are for and at the end of the day we’re all different, yet we’re all human!
      Let’s see what comes out of this war, only time will tell!

  3. New coach .. same team … hopefully EU and USA has given Ukraine an upgrade in “players” with more and better weapons

    1. stingers, javlins , switchblades and nlaws are in theater. Supplied by the west. that is why Ukraine is holding their own.

  4. So the new guy is bringing fresh rations, adequate clothing and equipment, will heal their radiation sickness and will travel back in time to properly train the troops?
    Let me know how that goes.

    1. @АЛ АЛ if you don’t mind could you tell me what country your from as i think i recognise the letters .

    2. @Adrian Sheldon does it make any difference? If you want to express your opinion to me, then I will listen to it with pleasure, and the letters…just echoes of Nick from a computer game.

    3. @АЛ АЛ I thought I regonised the writing as either Abjad script or the ktav Ashuri script just the inquisitive geeky part of meor as my wife says the nosey side of me .I hope you didn’t offended.

  5. I hope Ukraine can keep pressure on Russia troops, and keep pushing the Russians closer to their border to deny Putin his May 9th bragging parade. That will be a watershed moment for Russia and will reflect on Putin. “Slava Ukarini”

    1. @《Калибри》 Калибри “тогда это будет вторжением в Россию”
      No, special operation to dePutinfy Russia.

  6. If Putin stops fighting, there will be no more war.
    If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no more Ukraine.

    1. @St-Ex being Russian is not like being American… Russian is not only national, but ethnical also being so the UkraInian language and culture and the Russian language and culture is practically the same…

  7. Ppl like Putin and his generals make me wish I believed in the existence of Hell. For that is surely where they would be headed. Slava 🇺🇦!

    1. @C S ~ [Duke of Ramble] dude you’re just speaking out of both sides of your mouth this whole time. First it’s I’m reading the situation wrong and then it but everything you just said was true. Then it was, did I go too far probably, but it’s still cool somehow….

    1. @Shery Awan brutal yes but there are lines even in war and Putin has crossed way, way over those lines.

  8. So instead of appointing generals with a track record, this brutality can be considered as a “truck” record and aspire to be the chief of “stuff”.

  9. As the Ukrainian military has shown and reminded Putin, so-called ‘top generals’ can die as readily as any man invading Ukraine.

  10. It would be a Befitting Outcome if the Ukrainian Military pushed the Pro-Russian Separatists and the Russian Military out of Eastern Ukraine across the border into Russia.

  11. Interviewer on the whole I enjoy but on this she totally missed the significance of the ‘ May 9th goal ‘. Please read up more.

  12. “Putin promised he’d give everyone medals!” Wow, that’s the kind of childish bullshit he’s peddling to his people?

  13. The World’s Moral And Practical Obligation To Ukraine

    In Ukraine, there is both a moral and practical obligation, which transcends the fact of there being no formal obligation from NATO or the EU.
    As we know from history, formal obligations crumble in the face of reality when dealing with someone like Putin. I am not complaining so much as I am cautioning the entire world that if it is not willing to nip in the bud the actions of Putin now, we will most certainly be compelled to confront him later. And the effects of that will probably be much worse than the risk of starting a third world war now.
    A world that bows to the will of a bully and dictator today, will either become a virtual pawn of that bully and dictator or be forced to fight him later. As we saw with Hitler, because the world was not willing to confront him early on, the ultimate conflagration that resulted was much worse than it might otherwise have been.
    Just as a free individual cannot long endure the abuse and domination of a bullying neighbor, so too, the free nations of the world cannot long endure the abuse and dominance of a bully and dictator among them.
    Of course, the possibility of nuclear war is paralyzing, and the present fear of that happening is what gives Putin his ultimate edge. He knows this and wants the world to think he might be crazy enough to use nuclear weapons. We need to call his bluff by letting him know that we will even risk nuclear war to save freedom and democracy in the world.
    The world not only allowed Putin to exist but did business with him. Now humanity must pay the karmic price for its complicity. And that price may be a third world war, which might even mean nuclear war.
    This is a horrifying thought, but reality does not care what is horrifying to humanity. The world we create and the results of that creation are as they are. If we cater to autocrats, we will have to live with autocracy as the way of the world – or we can stop allowing autocrats to evolve and exist in the world.
    At the moment, Ukraine is the center of our universe. It is the focal point and pivot point for our future. What we decide to do there will determine the direction we will take to that future and what that future will be. Will it be a world where freedom and democracy become the way of the world for all humankind, or will it be a world where the dream of freedom and democracy is dead, and slavery and autocracy rule?


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