1. @Erika Johnson I could see republicans voting for him. They will vote for any one who promise them elitism. Vote BIDEN and HARRIS

    2. Media’s oath to journalism

      I do soullessly swear, I will menacingly receive the false narratives as facts. I will decieve all humanity, American and Patriotic; and that I will induce true evil Nation wide for a certain amount of money; and that I take this psychological manipulation to the extreme, without any truth or justice to the United States.
      False news is my Deep State go fund me

  1. “Arguing with a Trumper is like playing chess with a pigeon. They knock over the pieces, sh!t on the board, then strut around like they won.” 

    -Anomonish (but I’m looking into the joke’s oranges)


    1. Stillone G. It’s been brewing for decades. Just saying from here in Montreal that’s how it seems. Face your past America and change your future.

    2. P.S. Buck look I’m Canadian of British heritage our empire died now yours is. Get over it. The great Republic was never supposed to be an empire just an ideal model of a free and democratic society. Most Americans ,I don’t imagine, want to dominate the word. They want liberty freedom and the pursuit of happiness.

    3. Thanks to the Democrats and their leaders as well as Bidens Bloopers Film..
      I would be laughing As well..
      Biden Can’t handle Anything
      Obama/Biden Handled the Swine Flu Pandemic Horribly BAD
      Lucky for Obama and Biden the Swine Flu wasn’t as bad

    1. mrpoop123 cool …just don’t vote for anything and drift off into the alternate universe…please take all your friends with you. We “slaves” will try to survive here the best we can. ✌🏿

    2. @mrpoop123 OK bud, too far out there for me to invest effort in to research and develop anything better founded than my instant intuitive skepticism. I have a bit of time for some casual chat and/or sparring on the net, but I also have a life.

      One thing popped out for me though – cursive = cursing? Uh… no. The words do not share a common etymology. English is funny that way.

      As a general observation, I would note that the human brain has developed as a powerful pattern recognition machine. Incredibly useful, but sometimes (as depicted creatively in the film A Beautiful Mind) it yearns to seek patterns where none exist, to attibute causation to correlation when the latter is chance. Maybe you’re totally onto the Truth of Everything, I really don’t know, but I do know the world is full of folks seeing convoluted complex reasons for things that are actually so simple as to be banal, or just the inexplicable products of chaos.

      Have fun with your numbers, I’m out.

    1. @B. A. How do you know what I watch? I watch and pay attention to all news sources in order to get the complete story, unlike you who only gets one side.

    1. @MeZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ A family member bought a couple. They ended up putting one in a dog bed and throwing the other out. 🤷‍♂️

    1. He wouldn’t let him speak I would never go on this show look how he talk over him. That tells me it must work.

  2. OMG! It is 100% clear that he is just an absolute obsessive SELLER like Mr. “very stable genius.” They absolutely DON’T CARE about people, they are “just” 100% obsessed by greed ❗❗❗❗❗

  3. This are the times we need everyone ideas no matter how crazy it’s sound. Let’s give it a try and see.

    If this guy was Obama worshipper he was going to be praised by Cooper since he backes Trumps he his a badguy Yet cnn hire a highly corrupt ex fbi as contributor, He give 4Ml of his pocket me to people something that no body in cnn has ever done and will ever do until the end of time.

  4. 2:20 – “I’ve been taking since April, this thing works. Its the miracle of all time…”

    The Pillow Guy – 2020

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