Applebaum, Will And Frum On Watching Trump Change The Rules | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Writers Anne Applebaum, George Will and David Frum join Morning Joe to discuss the changing definition of conservatism, restoring a 'center right party,' and watching Donald Trump change the rules. Aired on 8/17/2020.
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Applebaum, Will And Frum On Watching Trump Change The Rules | Morning Joe | MSNBC


    1. @TheMad PiperYes, republicans are sheep being led to slaughter with a real stupid grin on their little racist’s faces.

    2. @Kissenger Cherestal Sorry but haven’t missed a day of work in months and don’t plan on missing any in the near future.

    1. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😁TRUMP 2020😁🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
      Say no to dementia Joe Biden & the Democratic Communist Party

    2. Zionist bill gates knew about the virus beforehand and never helped America. Health care destroyed by communists before trump

  1. Nothing says leadership like giving up on America and golfing while 1,300 Americans die every day.
    Sweet pick there republicans! 😅😂🤣

    1. Ro G…very well said! i can’t think of a single thing he has done right FOR the american people! all he has done is sewn carnage and fill our government with low life trash! he just ate his own lunch with the postal service!

    2. I’ll never understand how the Trump cult came to be and especially how it’s been dragged this far willingly.

    1. @Ariki Royal Yeah Biden and Harris with their comprehensive plans for the policy they want to enact to help the country get out of the hole trump has led us into and just keeps throwing more dirt on as we try to climb out. Compared to trump who still can’t provide any details to any policies he would try to enact, but he has plenty empty threats, baseless accusations and insults that even elementary school aged kids would consider juvenile… what a way to govern.

    2. @Josh are you a staffer of one of them? Average american are not talking like this my dear. It’s only propaganda. You will not solve the crisis with your ideology. Wait 2024.

    3. @Ariki Royal Sorry wanting someone with a plan as president instead of someone like trump who thinks winging it and insulting others with the wit of a child is propaganda to you. Really says more about you than anything else.

    4. and he is good in trading!
      My investigation report on how Trump spent $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus (including $100s of billions for testing, masks and other PPE). Yet 173K deaths, 5.5M infected and 60M jobless!
      Please read to see who got the most of $3 Trillion and for what.
      (Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on Trump’s propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, Huawei 5G, China, etc.)
      (Please SHARE & SUBSCRIBE)

  2. *Donny Fail-Fail (R – Impeached) is trying to undermine America’s Democracy. He can’t win unless he cheats.*
    *Won’t matter, though…even if he DOES cheat, he’s STILL going to lose.*

    1. @MAE Gary
      Never had this third world banana republic dictator crap to deal with before. It’s new to us. Don’t worry, we’ll fix it.
      I guess a silver lining to the past four years is that he’s poked all these holes into our democratic institutions and highlighted our weaknesses. We still (relatively) young as a country. Perhaps we were due this rude awakening.
      We’ll fix it.

    2. @Ariki Royal
      Are you asking or telling me. Your statement is partially correct, but probably not how you think.
      By the way, babaganoush is a Lebanese dish, not Indian. But, I sense you are not American. You just stirring the pot.

  3. Oh the irony. This is the harvest of the seeds that Frum, Will, and Scarborough planted. Trump is the natural outcome of their ideology.

    1. I remember being in the Republican party in the 80s and watching with alarm as they willingly invited in the fringe lunatics, hard right Libertarians, John Birchers and worse. I left and am left because I love this country, not a party.

  4. When Trump loses he is going to throw all his friends under the bus…………
    Just kidding, Trump doesn’t have any friends

    1. But he WILL absolutely blame all of them for losing. The GOP for not backing some cheating play, Barr for not making his surprise last minute “renewed probe into the Russia probe redux” report sound more incriminating of Obama, and ultimately the American people who voted against him for being traitors for not going along with his cheating, and the ones who did for not something I dunno but he’s never at fault so he’d find something.

  5. DO NOT let the rump disappear like some war criminal keep eyes on he has to answer for crimes committed against you guys.

    1. Tonight’s board of a vaccine is the age for senior citizens are the shelves in an electric bikes on love’s Labour’s and they were nice but cool I think it’s it’s nice you want to go

    1. Dont stress if you vote for President Trump because biden wont remember losing this election anyway..I guess that is a plus for someone with dementia..

  6. He was golfing when his own brother was dying! That should tell anyone with a brain and a drop of compassion all they need to know about this cold, heartless, selfish, egotistical man!

    1. Trump only cares about Trump and his business allies!
      My investigation report on how Trump spent $3 TRILLION ($3,000,000,000,000) 1st pandemic stimulus funds that his administration received to combat coronavirus (including $100s of billions for testing, masks and other PPE). Yet 173K deaths, 5.5M infected and 60M jobless!
      Please read to see who got the most of $3 Trillion and for what.
      (Link to the PDF FORMAT of my reports is also available in comments section of the videos – there are more reports on my channel on Trump’s propaganda & conspiracy theories, including WHO, HCQ, Huawei 5G, China, etc.)
      (Please SHARE & SUBSCRIBE)

    2. Big Wigs in Paradise and hes campaigned the most today instead of being sad he went straight to campaigning

  7. The GOP has been going down this dark road for a long time: Nixon’s Southern Strategy, Reagan’s Trickle Down Economics, Falwell’s Moral Majority’, Bush’s crazy wars & fiscal collapse. Trump is not an aberration from the Party norms, but an expression of them.

    1. Yes we cant allow them to blame everything on trump and leave this with a clean slate. They caused this their corruption and greed is just being exploited by trump. Politicians need to recognize they have a sacred duty. Bigger than any party or bribe or quid pro quo

    2. Absolutely correct. I’m glad these conservatives are against what Trump is doing, but where were they when it was obvious that the GOP has been heading down this road.

  8. When you read other countries how corrupted their government is, now it’s happening in Trump Assministrations

  9. DeJoy should be fired and replaced immediately, his dismantling moves of the USPS reversed, and
    criminal proceedings initiated to bring DeJoy’s malfeasance to account!

    1. @Jolene Plourde Who’s going to fire him? Saying “he should be” is one thing, but he’d have to willingly step down, and there are no Republicans saying a word about his criminality.

    2. Sarah H trump hired him but congress can bring charges against him if his acts are illegal. 5 states are sueing trump right now for his involvement. Its a mess because trump thinks he’s above the law and doesn’t even hide his corruption.

  10. Apparently there’s a glaring conflict of interest in the appointment of DeJoy as the postmaster general of the USPS. Personally he and his wife have major investments (millions) in alternative delivery service interests (eg XPO, JB Hunt) that stand to profit from a diminishing of USPS’s service mandate and/or eventual breakup and privatization. This alone disqualifies his appointment. These sorts of shenanigans and outright corruption are hallmarks of this trump administration.

    1. John Townsend
      You’re 💯❌💯% right
      The whole administrations is corrupt and trump always been a conmen.

  11. When biden wins , he shouldn’t pardon dump and he should be charged with treason and murder of the American people.

    1. Biden has already said he won’t even give that a thought! The asshat in office will get what’s coming to him! #staysafe

  12. I’m a middle-aged NY man who was raised in a Republican household and who has never voted for a Democrat (though I did NOT vote for Trump). But in the past few years it’s become obvious the entire Republican party has sold it’s soul to a wanna-be dictator who is destroying this country. So I’m voting ALL Democratic in November, AND for the foreseeable future. I will NOT vote for an immoral, criminal party.

    1. My story is very similar but I am past middle age.. I will never vote again for a Republican. They have gone to the dark side and have been changing the rules in the middle of the game to stay in power for quite some time.

    2. Thanks…but, uh, the GOP has been unAmerican far-right radical fascist since at least the 70’s, so you’re very derelict in your duty to our country.

    1. It’s more than just racism, it seems to be a deep hatred of anyone outside their echo chamber

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