Ari Melber Breaks Down The ‘Underlying Stupidity’ Of Requiring A Felony In An Impeachment Trial

Ari Melber breaks down, in simplistic terms, why Prof. Turley's desire for a felony to be required for a president to be impeached does not make sense. Aired on 12/4/19.
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Ari Melber Breaks Down The 'Underlying Stupidity' Of Requiring A Felony In An Impeachment Trial


    1. @Varekai Ascendant good comeback. Say no to the military industrial complex wasting our national treasure on wars they created.

    2. @Stan Mann how about saying NO to Donald Trumps 110 MILLION OF TAXPAYERS DOLLARS HE WASTED PLAYING…G O L F.

    3. @Varekai Ascendant so you are ok with all political corruption that doesn’t involve Donald Trump. The military industrial complex doesn’t even need to blackmail pedophile politicians for you to sign up your kids for a worst life than yours. A perfect ending for our future. Hunter Biden testifies. We find out how political families make money off foreign aid. Then Trump gets impeached anyway. But all the dirt comes out.

  1. Thank goodness for real journalists like Melber and Wallace in these dark times. And for great commentators like Wiley.


    1. agreed. trump brought this on himself.. democrats didn’t want to impeach trump…. trump basically forced the democrats to do it by running over the constitution and backing up to run over it again and again. If the democrats didn’t start impeachment THEY would have been betraying their oath of office too.

    1. I got torched for saying I used to repect him. They kept asking if it was because he didn’t say what I wanted him to. My answer! No it is because he is defending a major criminal.

    2. Proffessor Pamela Karlan was brilliant. But to no avail. Trump supporters will not recognize, or acknowledge, her brilliance. Or, her strong patriotism. Also, as an aside, I strongly recommend, (if watching reruns of this hearing), keeping a watchful eye on Turley’s body language and eye movement. This is a man, (in my opinion), that is terrified, and simultaneously ashamed. They got to him. I would love to see a body language expert’s opinion of Turley’s performance.

    3. Jon Hall,
      I agree with you regarding Turley’s body language…he looked completely dejected. Also, Turley stated in his opening statement he didn’t vote for Trump which I found very telling and also disingenuous that he would offer that since he knows no one can prove otherwise. I was also surprised no one caught didn’t follow up with question as to why he didn’t vote for Trump.

    4. @Jon Hall Good catch!
      I got the sense that he knew people were on to him when he totally denied what the constitution actually says and the other 3 profesional professors demonstrated.
      Saying that the courts need to be involved is 100% wrong! The Constitution does NOT require that.
      Congress has full control of the impeachment process.

      I will not be surprised if he gets fired.
      After all, he’s paid to TEACH the constitution. Today, he FAILED big time.
      His superiors may have to fire him to retain the integrity of the institution.
      Time will tell.

  2. Jeffrey Toobin goes off on Jonathan Turley for ‘extraordinary position’ of ignoring Trump’s obstruction

    1. Jonathan Turleys defence of Trump can be summed up like this: “Attempted abuse of office!” Now, honestly, what is that? Do they give a Nobel Prize for attempted chemistry? Do they?”

    2. Wohooo

      Ah, the “Sideshow Bob Defence”: a ballsy move, using that tactic…

      …and by “ballsy”, I of course mean absurd haha.

      I imagine his next argument, will involve a call to add the words “embiggen” and “cromulent” to the US Constitution…

      After all:

      “A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man.”

  3. The Republicans entire take on this inquiry is stupid. No Republican can argue the facts, because all the facts are against Trump.

    1. A *TDS* sufferer knows anything and everything important about President DJ Trump and it is all negative and if anyone tells them otherwise they are a liar or an uneducated buffoon. A TDS sufferer will consistently self medicate their illness (much like anyone suffering from any drug addiction) by frequently watching “news” *programs* on a regular basis. Of course their main objective is to reinforce the legitimacy of their hatred for the president but their high’s come most from discovering something new and even more sinister about him. TDS sufferers are keen on authority figures so when someone in a major studio or a dem politician reports how evil President Trump is, they swell with enthusiasm. If they are in public, they will often at least nod and murmur their words of approval. the more severe sufferers of TDS will often be more vocal and even incorporate body language to express their approval much like a sports spectator. If, on the other hand and in public a TDS sufferer were to be within ear and screenshot of any news broadcast that spoke highly of the president, the sufferer will likely guffaw (loudly enough to be heard) at what is being said. The more severe sufferer of TDS will guffaw even louder and often yell out LIAR (despite being in public)! They may also attempt to protect others from hearing (and possibly believing) what is said by becoming even more vocal to the point of being downright obnoxious. If there is any semblance of support from other TDS sufferers they will engage in a cacophony of guffaws and name calling at the screen and if anyone dare challenge them they will receive the same response. Typically *not very manly,* TDS sufferers are only a threat in groups, which they greatly prefer being in any way so things could get ugly if they feel they have the upper hand… There is no cure for TDS and it is *”progressive.”*

    2. Crystal Giddens TDS sufferers are the ones who say anything goes if Trump does it. What the moronic cult do is use their dumb logic and apply it to everyone else. Its NOT people taking issue with things just because its Trump. Its people against abuse of power and destroying the constitution, at the moment that is what Trump is doing. Nixon and Clinton both held to account for obstruction, yet TDS sufferers think Trump is special and doesn’t need to be.

    3. @Crystal Giddens total dissolved solids? You must having something in your drinking water if you buy into that and trumps lies. You’ll find out at his trial.

    4. This is now the stupidity of the argument of that sole Trump defender scholar brought in by the Republican members as an expert witness to the hearing:

      Premise 1; To impeach President Trump, the president must first be indicted and found guilty of a crime in a criminal court.

      Premise 2; You can’t indict Trump in court because the DOJ rules state you can’t indict a sitting president because a president is the chief enforcement officer in the land, therefore it’s up to congress to indict through impeachment.

      Conclusion; Trump can’t be impeached since he hasn’t been indicted and convicted for a crime by a court.

      I’m sorry, but that legal “scholar” should lose his job for having proven such a defective understanding of the law and the constitution. His reasoning is a prime example of a non sequitur logical fallacy (Latin for “it does not follow”), which is a pattern of reasoning rendered invalid by a flaw in its logical structure that can neatly be expressed in a standard logic system. It is defined as a deductive argument that is invalid.

      Premise 1 is wrong, because that’s not what the constitution says, the constitution says the president can also be indicted in court AFTER an impeachment and after a senate trial, irrespective of whether he is convicted or acquitted in the senate.

      Premise 2 is technically correct, however, it does not follow because it must be clarified that this DOJ rule is just an internal policy rule based on one of three memos with alternative views, the memos are not a law and are not binding.

      The conclusion then is wrong and invalid, because it does not follow, it is a non sequitur logical fallacy, since that is not the process the constitution says lays out.

  4. Representative Devin Nunes (R., Calif.) claimed on Tuesday that he didn’t remember speaking to Lev Parnas, an associate of Rudy Giuliani indicted on campaign-finance charges…“I’ll go back and check all my records, but it seems very unlikely that I would be taking calls from random people,” he added. —— Correct. So the question is, what is your relationship to a guy that was neck deep in the Ukrainian/giuliani “drug deal”?

    1. What I wonder is… does Nunes actually think anyone believes him? it reminds me of that prince andrew interview..”well I denied it so that should be enough” the arrogance and privilege of these people is stunning.

    2. Mary Smith —
      We all know that Nunes is really speaking to an audience of one: Donald Trump. In whichever way best suits his purpose, Nunes is letting Trump know he’s got his back. Neither cares about public opinion or the dying Republican party; only Trump matters here. We also know that Congress Republicans will go with the best rhetoric for that moment. So, if it sounds supportive of Trump to run off the mouth with discombobulated theories and lies about what Nunes did or didn’t do or who he talked to, that’s precisely what they’ll do. Reason, facts, and the rule of law aren’t important; making a lot of noise about those awful Democrats to further confuse and enrage Trump supporters is all Republicans care about.

    3. Todd Jenkins I found that comment by Nunes very interesting. Claims not to know Lev Parnas, claims not to take calls from random people. Yet had 4 documented calls from him, so he took calls from random people 4 times and each one was the same person.

    4. Dave Ponsford —
      That’s how Devin Nunes operates. He talks a lot but says nothing of substance. Or he contradicts himself every five minutes. In the case of the Parnas phone call(s), Nunes knows exactly who he talked to and what the conversations were about. Nunes has been trying to sell goods that no one with an ounce of common sense would ever buy. He obviously thinks the American people are a bunch of gullible hicks with the mental acuity of overcooked peas. How insulting!

  5. How trumpy sympathizers can deceive, obfuscate talk up garbage lines of reasoning and hold a job is truly a miracle of nature 💩🍑👕🍑

    1. It’s revealing. The youngest generations LOATHE the MORALLY BANKRUPT FAKE X-TIAN Republican FASCISTS. Amoral, TRAITOROUS Trump EXPOSED the TRUTH about the CORRUPT, CUNTSERVATIVE BIGOTS.
      R.I.P. GOP.

    2. @Terri Freeman wow.. I haven’t ever thought about it like that.. kudos. If we make it through this crisis.. and trump actually leaves office… it may help secure the democracy for another 50 years or so. a hopeful thought.

    1. They’ve clearly shown themselves to lack judgment, an inability to discern facts, and severe deficits in moral character and ethics. This is why in California, we’ve pretty much eliminated them from public office.

    2. One party in our two party system is actively trying to facilitate the takeover of our country by a hostile foreign power.
      Republicans = Treason

  6. Never should one branch of Government hand over its authority to another branch as Turley and Barr want the House to do here. Turley wants the House to lay down and let the court decide. Stacked Courts.

    1. This might have been an option to avoid impeachment if trump and the administration didn’t withhold the whistle-blowers report. But the withholding of that document is the beginning of the cover-up.Add to that the ongoing attempts to out and discredit the whistle-blower is egregious. Add to that … trump and his administrations persistent refusal of handing over any document… and this half baked idea that trump can prevent witness from testifying is so transparent: delay, confuse, obstruct. NOW they want the courts to decide.. what a load.

  7. Trump has GOP Senators spouting Russian propaganda about Ukraine. Trump was laughed out of the NATO meeting because European leaders are not afraid to stand up to our inept POTUS. It is a shame we don’t have anyone in Trump’s GOP who has the guts to stand up to Trump.

    1. @Rod Allen That’s an old story, and as it turned out, they were right about Paul Manafort as evidenced by the Special Counsel. The corrupt Ukranian prosecutor and president have since been replaced. This is cherry-picking; if you’re truly interested in educating yourself and others, there’s plenty of information out there.

  8. Once again, the Republicans are creating a false equivalence and playing their games on a field with no goal posts.

    1. @Rod Allen Wrong. Trump broke the law (the Impoundment Control Act of 1974) when he withheld funds approved by Congress. There is no provision that gives the President unilateral authority to withhold Congressionally approved funds . If he wanted the funds delayed the legal way to go about it was to petition Congress to delay distribution. Trump didn’t do that. He illegally went behind Congress’ back. It doesn’t matter why, it doesn’t matter how, he subverted Congress. He broke the law. Period.

    2. Rod Allen you only make yourself sound stupid when you blindly quote Trump. If you understood what the words mean, you wouldn’t use them. But what Trump is doing is closer to a coup than anything.

    1. Actually, the Democrats lost the ball when he served.
      He points out that more witnesses should be heard. A simple question would have been: Who do we need to hear from?

  9. Sideshow Bob: Attempted Murder Phfffft! I ask you, what kind of crime is that?!

    Donald J Trumpty: See! This guy gets it!!!

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