Atlanta And Georgia ‘Are Headed In The Wrong Direction’ With The Virus | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms joins Andrea Mitchell to discuss the state of her city's efforts to combat the coronavirus, saying that "in Atlanta and across the state of Georgia, we are headed in the wrong direction" as infections and hospitalizations rise. She also addresses Joe Biden's controversial comments about the diversity of the Black community, saying "I believe what he was trying to articulate was just in terms of voting patterns. But I know he doesn't believe we are monolith, because I've had these conversations with the Vice President directly." Aired on 08/07/2020.
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Atlanta And Georgia 'Are Headed In The Wrong Direction' With The Virus | Andrea Mitchell | MSNBC


  1. People be like, I want to get back to life without corona. Corona be like, heyyyyeaah it’s a party in the USA!

    1. Positive leadership = Positive results. Poor leadership = Poor results. Denial, delusional and narcissistic leadership = Nationwide chaos, viral spread and unjustified self praise. The total number of US cases will very likely be at or above 5 million by end of Sunday. It did not have to be this way.

    2. Hang on to those Biden 2020 signs. They are so rare they may be valuable in the near future.🤗
      Bring on Debate-Bowl 2020🙃
      TRUMP 2020✓

    3. Hang on to those Biden 2020 signs. They are so rare they may be valuable in the near future.🤗
      Bring on Debate-Bowl 2020🙃
      TRUMP 2020✓

    4. @Allan Burns Hmm twice as many cases but less than 20% of the deaths…Now call me crazy but i doubt that healthcare differences and demographics are responsible for that difference.

    5. Exactly!!!! I am in CANADA and we had 110,00 total cases. TOTAL CASES

      We have no PPE shortage, no delays for results (24-48hrs), no lineups for testing, and no crammed ICUs.

      It’s obscene the US has nearly 5 million f*ing cases!

  2. Georgia was the first to remain open when their cases were low. Now their cases are rising like crazy. Why are these people sending their kids to school 😨😨?!?! This is insane. Parents protect yourselves & your kids. Clearly your officials have failed you, smfh.

    1. Look at a number of those shop owners that were insistent on opening up & this is where we are….Hope you impatient people are happy. Selfish.

    2. @justsaying People got greedy there, wouldn’t listen to the experts & now people are getting infected in Georgia. That stupid governor is an incompetent fool.

    3. We are supposed to look out for our kids , and family. The moral compass is changing. Since February, its been a problem ignored, soon you won’t be able to ignore. The 80th Anniversary Bike Rally of possibly 250,000 people , going to South Dakota, from all parts of the States, no masks, no restrictions, bars open, is just another thing , the Usa doesn’t get. Yes its income for the town, but sick people , just spread this virus, making it hard for the country to open up. It will just get worse, to much stupid out there, the States just can’t learn it seems. To bad, for the people who care.

  3. Sercet meetings with Putin and Kim lead to all of this. It is not the China virus it is a Trump virus spread by Kim’s missles…

    1. This is far fetched because it assumes Trump would be intelligent enough to pull something like that off. Trump does lack the morality or ethics that would stop him from doing that which he would if he believed it would benefit him. I have no doubt about that.

  4. Who isn’t depressed? No one sees a light at the end of the tunnel of this mess. I feel like a hostage.

    1. That’s so true with Trump lying and his cronies allowing “anything goes” we ALL feel low grade depression!– but hopefully we can get it together in Nov. vote biden 2020

    2. @Ali B It’s not the governor’s fault. The federal government failed the American people. The governors (at least the ones who take this pandemic seriously) have been doing what they could with limited resources.

    3. @Eusunt Dac Yes, Vote! With a decent president who does care about the people and not the wall street there is hope!!! 🌊🌊🌊

    4. @erik g. there is no country that’s doing worse than America!!! All European and Asian countries struggle but are doing fairly well. USA is the center of the pandemic due to the worst president ever.

  5. What happens to the children that get sick but don’t die? A shorter life? Maybe lung disease? Get rid of that vile creature in the wh.

    1. @ihave35cents
      I was raised by a Korean war veteran and a southern bell that named me after Spencer Tracy, the actor.

    2. In Canada, only one person under 18 has died. Vast majority show no or only mild symptoms. Why do you assume children are getting permanently disabled by Covid?

    3. @esj8341 Because the data shows organ damage is prevalent in those affected. IF they’ve needed a venltilator brain damage has been reported.

  6. 1000 people day could be dying in each of these red states yet they will NEVER shut down. NEVER! This I can tell you.

    1. @Steve Fitts And they will make one of trumps buddies in charge of the postal service and he can implement changes that screw up mail delivery. Oh wait…they already did that.

    2. @Steve Fitts

    3. @Steve Fitts It wont be fraud you utter d*ckhead. The repubs have imprisoned aliens forcing them to use telepathic manipulation on ignorant people while making it impossible to get sleep and rest until they vote dump. They have also called up demons to ensure their seed is spread upon anyone who is receptive.
      Gargle Steve, gargle.

    4. @Steve Fitts Laughable assertion! Mail in voting has the lowest rate of fraud…I used to work at Lottery Enterprises in San Diego years ago where they made voting and lottery machines..mind you these are programmed by computer…if they are connected to wifi or any computer- THAT is when they are very easy to alter slightly or a Lot, written-as in mail in ballots, the only danger is LOSING the ballots which Trump’s buddy, LOVEJOY can see to quite easily –since he has already mastered a slowdown!

  7. The anxiety sadness and depression are not solely a black problem, we all feel it, it seems like the whole country is rudderless and drifting along with the pandemic, it won’t change until we’re rid of Trump

    1. Don’t miss the salient point that Black people have the extra burden on top of it. Put yourself in their shoes for once . No one is saying you don’t matter.

    2. @esj8341 Or maybe less anxiety sadness and depression if people didn’t have to watch their family, friends die alone in a hospital, of a totally needless death because of tyrump’s blundering idiocy.

  8. Biden could pick Stormy Daniels or Ms. Piggy for that matter, we’ve still gotta vote out Putin’s second highest ranking KGB official.

    1. Exactly I will vote Biden and vote Blue n matter WHO biden picks for VP– we must get rid of Trump–Biden 2020

    2. @deborah b Agreed! I don’t understand why people are equivocating. Nothing and NO ONE could possibly be worse than this.


    4. The KGB was dissolved in 1991…Guess you still think Russia is a serious adversary with their economic output that is comparable to Italy’s..
      I suggest reading a book instead of watching so much MSM.

    1. Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Hunter Biden May have been unethical but he was federally investigated and was found to have done nothing wrong. He could not be charged with anything because he did not technically commit any crimes.

    2. Hang on to those Biden 2020 signs. They are so rare they may be valuable in the near future.🤗
      Bring on Debate-Bowl 2020🙃
      TRUMP 2010

  9. Not only do the kids spread it in the schools, they bring it home to their families, parents and grandparents

    1. @Rebecca Valicoff Evidence of children spreading covid to their family is scant and mixed which is many countries in Europe have fully opened their schools.

    2. @esj8341 “Spin” So you’re a troll?
      “team concludes in a paper published online by Science on 29 April. Reopening schools will likely accelerate transmission, Ajelli cautions” From the link YOU provided.

    3. @esj8341 ” many countries in Europe have fully opened their schools” Now THAT is spin. In fact its dumps spin.
      Schools that have re-opened are in regions where the infection rate has dropped to around 5% and they still follow strick health guidelines to prevent spread. In other words they ARE controlling the spread. Not so in the US.
      Any more BS?

  10. Send #AgolfTwitler and his cronies to the doomsday bunker for good.
    Vote straight BLUE tickets if you want your life back!!

  11. School opening is like lighting the fuse for the real bad wave.
    Think about it.
    Schools are a virus’s best place.
    Constant cross contamination.

    1. AMEN!!!
      Masks are mandatory in Walmart in Canada… Zero crazy Karen’s. And we ONLY HAVE 110,000 CASES!!!

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