Axios: Trump floated idea of nuking hurricanes

President Donald Trump has floated the idea of thwarting hurricanes headed for the US by bombing them, including by dropping nuclear bombs on hurricanes to disrupt their course, Axios reported, citing conversations with sources who heard Trump's comments and were briefed on a National Security Council memo that recorded the comments. #CNN #News


  1. This clown is insane. He is just thirsty to use a nuke. Doesn’t care about the consequences of it.

    1. @Anonymous Person u know this isn’t the first time he’s suggested using a nuke to solve something. The previous time was in regard to an act of war. Now that doesn’t sound like an anti-war president when you’re threatening the use of a nuke, but hey I know Trump supporters have no use for facts.

    2. @julius thompson doesn’t this all prove what a terrible and weak candidate Hillary was ? and really , who is going to beat Trump in 2020 ?

    3. @Kevin K u get no argument from me when it comes to Hillary. The fact is they were the two most unpopular candidates in the race, and that cause alot of people to stay home. But to answer your question. I believe Bernie or Warren could beat trump in 2020. In fact Bernie has been consistently beating trump in every poll since 2016.

    1. @BTIsaac
      Russia helped the clown said so himself.
      They obviously didnt mid term and wont again, so out the clown goes with his circus.

    1. We should just have a third grader as president because there is a 100 percent chance they will think more logically then the idiot in the White House.

    2. Trump: “🙋 I know, I know, let’s nuke the hurricane before it reach the US! ”
      Trumps’ mind: I’m a genius!!!!

  2. 😄Lol I’m like a smart person I know the biggest words believe me I’m a very stable genius Superior GTFA

  3. Imagine having the LACK of common sense to literally drop a NUCLEAR weapon into the atmosphere (above the ocean) to hopefully eradicate the air channels and winds…only to find that ionized radiation will hover among the oceans, slowly absorb into the water and contaminate the atmosphere and hover over islands and on-coming land. This….THIS…is our current President. Jesus Christ.

    1. @rolandbcool ……I live in Chicago IL. Nothing is free in this state.
      The tax on cool aid would put you in the homeless shelter.
      Do i watch Fox?
      I watch all networks because 93 percent of the media is anti-Republican.
      People that don’t do this (like you evidently) are the equivalent of a modern day version of the “house negro”.
      Of course your fake name and generic pic told me that from the start.

  4. If they hadn’t talked him down, none of us would be here now. This guy is next level stupid. Dangerous.

    1. @Brendo Xd does your godking think kindergarten humor is funny? let’s get him some crayons and slime and you’ll have a good ol time, you damn inbred hick. go stare at the sun, that’s a fucking riot! go, do what your fuhrer does! be a parrot, and go blind and be stupid just like him… he LOVES uneducated fucks like you.

    2. Veritas, the source you have is the crap they make up. Propaganda media at its best. Ya can’t argue with results! It’s ok, facts are coming really soon that’s going to wake people up and that’s from a very reliable source. I’m sorry but it will probably break your heart, again 🤣🤣🤣

  5. Stay away from cancer giving windmills and make sure to nuke those hurricanes to destroy them. Trump is just brilliant. We are not worthy.

  6. I also thought about dropping a nuclear bomb on hurricanes and tornadoes…when I was 5 years old.

    1. @Lyrie carried by lebron Lirving You are 100% correct! 
      Trump was a BILLIONAIRE before he entered the white house!
      Obama was a THOUSANDAIRE before he entered the white house!

    2. MAGA you trump supporters are really dumb brainwashed clowns…they already seen Obama birth certificate smh 🤦🏾‍♂️ how dumb are u guys

    3. William Royer …I don’t think 🤔 Trumpy even graduated from that military school 🏫….that was high school for him and I read he was a discipline problem! He’s an entitled,spoiled brat.

  7. When ya think he’s hit that new low of stupidity then his mouth opens and yeah just uhhh i dont know anymore :/

    1. @A Google User Well obviously your one of his groupies so nothing your chosen one says or does is wrong, its just agree with his lies chant whatever he tweeted the day before, and blame others for your problems. Then say please sir can we have some more? hahaha

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