Bernie Sanders talks coronavirus on the campaign trail

CNN's Jake Tapper talks to Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders about the importance of winning Michigan, coronavirus on the campaign trail and his recent endorsement by Reverend Jesse Jackson.

#CNN #News


  1. god, i can’t even take tapper seriously anymore. this cycle has really displayed the ‘true colors’ of a LOT of the main stream media’s intent.

    1. Media is About funds, who sells, what sells, not news even when labeled News Media, its about grabbing attention, shifting and tricking the minds of the masses less likely to see Truth

    2. They have been manipulating ppl for a long time…..ppl just weren’t aware. I’m glad ppl are waking up. Don’t trust any of the mainstream. Bernie 2020!

    3. I can’t see the other replies due to some weird Youtube glitch happening right now, BUT to be fair to Tapper, he’d probably get fired if he expressed any support for Sanders. Not saying he’s not privvy to the DNC’s schemes, just that we don’t have all the facts because his job would be at risk. If he lost his job here, he’d be done for.


    1. Wahida Nooristani CNN isn’t a news network it’s a machine owned by the 1% to control the flow of information. Burn it to the fucking ground and vote for the man that has them all running scared. Bernie 2020 🇺🇸

  3. It only took almost a week for CNN to acknowledge Bernie’s win in California. They sat on those results for several days.

    1. Yep. They are always behind the other news stations with the numbers. They were during the 2016 election too.

    2. @Angie J msdnc was doing exactly the same thing. Both showed only 57% reporting and to make it seem like the results were still trickling in they were raising it 1% point each day. Politico reported 93% in by Wednesday, the day after the election.

  4. The way in which Bernie derails these type of loaded questions and says what he wants without
    showing any negativity is nothing less than Genius and something we can all learn from.

    1. But it’s one of the reasons he won’t win…he needs to call out people on their BS if he truly believes the existential threat of this current path

    2. @Leroy Jennkins agree Bernie needs some mud on groundless attacts, but think he does not for media wants to label him as angry.

    3. Vote for a candidate that will lift himself up without putting others down unnecessarily! Vote for the man who is here to speak a message not sit down and chat for a chance of 15 minutes of fame! Vote for Bernie 2020 and vote in the primaries RN too! 🇺🇸

    4. Leroy Jennkins He “doesn’t call people out” because he doesn’t just do things he thinks will hell him win. He does things because they’re what he believes in. That’s the man who needs to win the Democratic nomination

  5. 🤔It’s so sad but yet impressive watching how the #trifling media representatives & all these networks are working in cohesion against #BernieSanders simply they’re all *#infatuated** and **#obsessed** to have Biden has the nominee.* Twisting his words, attacking him every time they get a chance meanwhile they let #JoeBiden get away with his cognitive abilities failure.🤦🏽‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🙉😒

    1. @Rumbie Gumbo just numbers, dirty tricks slowed Bernie last Tuesday along with media taking him down. Shows how powerful they ‘re in tricking public.

    2. @Rumbie Gumbo Bernie is not going to win. Not only is he running against Trump, he’s running against the DNC.

    3. They’re not even obsessed with having Biden as the nominee lol and that’s his base’s own words. They literally will just vote for the nearest person with a (D) next to his name. Vote for a man who actually stands for something he believes in. Don’t vote for mediocrity. Biden proudly voted for the war on Iraq and Bernie voted against it. Don’t vote for militarism. Vote for Bernie 2020 🇺🇸

  6. The title should be Jackson endorses Sanders, but it’s CNN, the mouthpiece of the DNC and wall street, they’ll do anything to deny Bernie being the nominee

    1. Bernie would be a waste of a vote. Grumpy old man needs to go to bed. We already have that in the white house

    2. @WanderingDoc exactly!!! He will not turn out black vote and that’s why he’s sucking up to Jackson. Black people do not like that adulterer

  7. Albert Einstein said: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” If “safety” Joe Biden is the one the DNC chooses then make no mistake Trump will get four more years. The policies proposed by Bernie Sanders is what Franklin D Roosevelt tried to do decades ago. What he’s proposing is what our Democratic allies have in Europe. Vote for the candidate that is aligned with your values and will do the most good for everyone, not with the one that appears to be safe.
    I ask people to actually look up the voting records for Bernie Sanders because they will see someone that has fought to increase minimum wage, protected social security from getting cut, voted against an unnecessary war in which our children died. FEAR MEDIOCRITY NOT CHANGE THAT WILL BETTER YOUR LIFE AND YOUR CHILDREN’S.

    1. The DNC and its donors actually know that Biden is not going to beat Trump they are not stupid like Biden’s supporters, They would prefer Trump over Bernie because their 6 figures income and corporate profit is at stake, not only that but they don’t want to miss the upcoming tax breaks that Trump is proposing in the next 4 years when he cuts even more the social security and medicare, I had hoped that the democratic base would wake up to this after 2016 but obviously they are still sleep, At least the older generation that are directly affected by the programs cuts.

    2. Rosemary Bloom If the Dems nominate Biden over Bernie then they can all die in the streets when Trump gets a second term. I’m so sick of the Dems…They are always resurrecting corpses from the grave to lead the party. They despise youth, vigor, and truly progressive candidates like Bernie

  8. Why do they treat Bernie with direct, skeptical questions, while they treat Joe with cordiality?

    1. @Yousavedbro Heaven Bound Can you explain how exactly Bernie has no conscience? Did he have no conscience when fighting for black rights? When fighting for women’s rights? Do you ACTUALLY think he has multiple wives? If so, why is that a bad thing? The Quran and the Bible (and many other religions) are fine with polygamy. BUT he doesn’t have multiple wives, so it doesn’t even matter. Or are you just a troll with no life, trying to help God-Emperor Trump?

    2. @yoyohayli about black tights. history proves that government dependents has destroyed the black community since the 60s. It led them from faith in God to Faith in government. It led them from having values to believe in that they could sleep around and killing their children. The black communities have been decimated from government socialist programs.

      It’s like enabling bad behavior.

      look at what happened to Indian reservations. They’ve been given gobs of money look at the issues they are dealing with. When you are not working and motivated to do better by getting up and using your own God-given hands and feet

      it’s human nature to get week fall apart and start drinking doing drugs and just gambling just waste your days all the time.

      I’m a blessed brown bread reason I don’t look to the government I don’t if someone tries to use my ethnicity and color to get my boat. That shows to me they are stereotyping and they are manipulated and they are trying to use psychology to gain rather than being truthful and honest.

      don’t talk to me like I’m a victim who wakes up and looks for racism under every Rock. I look to God I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and I never experienced any racism. People did it to joke around and what not. They didn’t do it out of hate. I had friends of many colors.

      When friends would tell me certain things about black people. I would speak out against that it’s a man that’s not right that’s not cool their human just like us..

      let’s be real there’s people within the black areas that are hateful towards white people. Hate goes in all directions. Jesus Christ is the only one that can deal with the hate and people’s hearts that enslaves them to a sip official level rather than being victorious on God’s supernatural plan.

    3. @Wheatie Sweetie Money is thicker than blood. Rich WASPs don’t care about poor ones any more than rich gays care about poor ones.

    4. @yoyohayli I wrote you why I know Bernie is immoral. I told you why it’s evidence he has no conscience at this point. But I think they deleted it. Briefly I said he wrote an article about raping a woman and God only another whatever evil things he’s written about. He’s never repented of that. He has a history of wanting to be around diabolical devilish time it’s. Who were killing people yet he excuses away their behavior because they did something nice. That’s like saying a man that’s nice to his wife in public yet abuser behind closed doors is good. There’s so much evidence the man is a projector of Jesus Christ like all wicked time it’s before him. Which is always lead to the destination of Nations

  9. Integrity, honor, dedication, perseverance, and inspiration right there.

    I feel the Bern! 🔥 🔥 🔥

  10. Bernie has fully adapted to dealing with biased media. He uses every opportunity to push his message no matter what the question is. You can see that by how he brought up the endorsement of Rev. Jesse Jackson.

    1. @summer of roses
      Jesse Jackson is a complete joke and a massive crook. Jesse Jackson is no different than his buddy Al Sharpton who are professional race baiters and have profited off of the struggles of the black community for decades. Is going to be a real humiliation when Bernie Sanders loses the nomination again because the elites will never allow a socialist to become president. Bernie Sanders has a history of praising socialist dictators such as Fidel Castro and Danielle Ortega. I know dirty Bernie is desperate but have some self-respect, Jesse Jackson? Come on now.

  11. He doesn’t have to talk trash about Biden. When Biden opens his mouth, he’ll seal his own fate.

    1. @LOOK UP: 21 Quotes by Margaret Sanger Bernie had a rally on Feb. 17 at the Tacoma Dome. Medical people say Covid 19 has been circulating in the greater Seattle Tacoma area for at least five weeks. Just sayin’.

    2. @James Krys I don’t think a Communist leader would really care about the health of the general public.

  12. Everyone keeps saying Bernie stop saying Joe Biden “is a friend of mine” but that’s just who Bernie is, a class act.

    1. Al D He’s a good man. We need a President who can lift himself up without having to put others down. We need BERNIE.

  13. we’re literally seeing biden’s mental health decaying in front of our eyes. wtf swing states.

    1. yumyum tumtum Bernie 2020 🇺🇸 Biden is a corporate tool used by the DNC. That poor soul belongs on a beach in retirement where he can relax, not being forced out here only to constantly be confused. He barely knows what’s going on

  14. “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.” Martin Luther King. Go Bernie. Why are you frowning Trapper? Your face is a tell.

    1. @summer of roses Ask Biden how he plans to defend his record of wanting to cut social security throughout his career in Congress too.

    2. corporate news network (CNN) doesn’t ask tough questions to corporate candidates > they give them the debate questions ahead of time, & declare them winners of elections after 0% of the votes reporting

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