Biden Admin Re-Engages Government With Public, Press After Trump Disconnect | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow shares her reaction to the disorienting resumption of normal, regular communication between the U.S. government and the public and press as befits a functioning democracy. Aired on 01/28/2021.
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Biden Admin Re-Engages Government With Public, Press After Trump Disconnect | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


    1. “Let me Swastika up down, back up, to the right, to the left, and back down to that” – Kayleigh McEnany

    2. @My Pillow Guy lol what? English much? Mcenany came loaded everyday with answers to the inaudible screeching from those pathetic excuses for journalists while they ask sleepy joe if he pooped today

  1. I am hostile towards egocentric, philosophical word play. I no longer try to play nice, it’s getting increasingly harder… If you can’t accept that the earth is being strangled by industrial civilization, then we have little common ground. I hold this truth to be self-evident. We are running out of time… White supremacists have open themselves up for “opportunity”.

    It is no secret the Europe as colonized most of the Natural world, and this would be the very reason we have planetary degradation!

    1. So you blame the sailing ships of England, Italy, & Spain? C’mon man lol So do you drive a car? eat meat? use energy to heat your home? Maybe focus on YOU and you may feel a little better.

  2. I’m sorry. I couldn’t react to this well because my neck is still broken from how fast of a 180 the media turned around

    1. @D B Lol you guys cried because you lost fair and square. We’re just upset a Chinese puppet cheated into the highest office in our land and signed more exec orders in the first week than any other president, while having 90% of the media (propaganda) protect him

    1. I like the profile picture. Maybe they’ll be painting it red? That must be the real reason they hate Republicans, stole their favorite color.

    1. @Jane Smith Are you brain dead or senile or both? You don’t get a vaccine ON something. You get a vaccine AGAINST the virus.

      I’m not entirely sure why you pivoted to Cuomo but did he deliberately lie or did he give incorrect information based on what he knew at the time? I don’t know but, yes, he is wrong. I have no problem admitting that. What I find hypocritical is that Trumpers will never look at Daniel Dale’s list of over 20,000 verified Trump lies and admit to any of them.

      And now I must say goodbye. I’m so sorry that you haven’t yet been able to trot out insults about antifa or Don Lemon or any of your other usual talking points but you really are just boring at this point.

      (Oh, and your 0% claim is either a lie or an inadvertent mistake. Without context, I’m not sure which.)

    2. @Nushka19 Why do I need a fact checker for Trump? Obviously you are a Communist. I’m sure they are lies and Trump not being sarcastic

    3. @Nushka19 You think Trump saying bleach was a lie and Charlottesville. People were attacking the capital while he was speaking but he incited it? Democrats incited violence and spreaded real lies for 4 years. I’ll be waiting for that fact check. Good sheepy

    4. @Nushka19 Covid was made up to bring down non globalists..Trump spoke last January and after that they dropped it off in the 2 worst places on earth for pollution. China and Italy. Do research

    1. She is adorably goofy. Difference is though – when trumps press secretary’s spoke, we got out the popcorn, gin and xanax and stockpiled things to throw at the TV. Now we put our feet up, light some scented candles and get out the nail file while the press secretary speaks. Oh Joy of joys!

  3. All right like I keep saying every city every town they need to open up a big building a couple of them if they have to have the nurses and doctors there to give shots instead of getting on the computers trying to you know make appointment that get them all confused and everything what they need to do when you go in get your ID out slide it through that thing and then come on the computer your name and everything where you live at and everything go in and get your shot and they give you a piece of paper to you when you come in to the next start from the older on down trickling down you know what I’m saying and then from there man you can have your whole town man the vaccinated man and what a much time if that just keep going you know saying stop all these people from coming from other countries shut it all down you can call yourself the people of United States the president shut it down if they like it or not hey deal with it you know I’m saying that’s why I did virus is like it’s running rapidly like it’s doing now cuz people coming in and out in and out of other countries other cities stop it if you can stop that you you can have control of the virus like I said get your ID sliding through that means you may you can wipe out a lot of people man in in a month’s time with the shot boom call it a day they better take advice before it’s too late

  4. Is it me or are there a lot of trumpers watching these now? Maybe theyll see the light…. and the gaslighting will lift.

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