1. T. M say anything because that’s where we are now? Just spout anything out to make your judgement known? It’s the sign of an insecure incompetent and uneducated person.

  1. My dude was about to give out his personal phone number on live tv. 😂🤣😂🤣. Lucky for him his one brain cell stopped him at the last second.

    1. I’m just assuming his got a shock collar around his balls and they give him a little zap when he loses the plot

  2. After listening to Biden’s answer I know now that crazy Bernie is the best Democrats option 🤦🏻‍♂️ Booooohhh this man

    1. If only Bernie could get out of his own way with doubling down on praising dictators in any capacity. Now was not the time to give opportunity for his words to be open to the negative interpretation as it has been. He just couldn’t walk it back, knowing so many people were either offended or outraged. He really disappointed me there, when I wanted to have faith in him because though I don’t agree with some of his policies and messaging tactics I felt that he wanted good for our country and cared about the people.

    1. @ashitaka Of the amishi I will vote for Biden or Bernie. Whichever one goes up against tRump. I will not sit at home and hand tRump another 4 years to destroy our Country.

    2. @hew195050 The cheap spray tan from a can orange mess with the dyed neon yellow hair is a better look for the obese fat assed tRump.

  3. “They are putting new lighting in the street because they didn’t have the lighting that’s available to them.” Good point.

    1. I think too many people there were listening to the record player and using up valuable electricity.

    2. @Mike Keller Remember joe likes it when little kids bounce on his lap and he also likes it when they play with his leg hair….

    1. @William Brown Yeah you guys are such smart idiots. Any guy can run billion dollar companies. Like you clowns.
      Keep staying the fools so you can go father.
      No really you democrats are the destruction of everything and you seem so proud of it.

      Trump knows what he is doing but when you are idiots like yourselves and all you have ever seen is idiots running things. How would anyone expect you clowns to understand when it is being done right.

      You say Trump Lies. Don’t just say it show it you liars.

    2. @John Bahlsdeip So much condensed stupid, point entirely lost on you. I wasn’t talking about family, HELLO LAST TWO WEEKS IN EQUITY. Point is people make bad choices all the time (take you), thank me when you’re 10k richer in Nov (as if) minus the steep losses by not putting your 401k into bonds 2 weeks ago. 😂

      You walk around w/10k like totally not in a bank account (or investment) …? Baller dude! Yeah, I totally trust a bet with an inept pseudonym on YouTube, let me get on that (non binding, juvenile) video and I’ll get right back to you, sport. Tell gma I said hey. She probably didn’t leave you anything. I wouldn’t. Buh bye 👋🏻🍿👀


    3. Trumps going to smash you idiots! Jo Biden has dementia and you dicks think he’s going to beat Trump? Talk about delusional. 🙄🤪

    1. @I know You’re Right Trump is running unopposed and far more people still came out to vote for him during these primaries. More people voted for trump in some states than bush and Obama combined in those respective primaries, and they didnt even have to bother. Biden does not have huge voter turnout. The guy who nobody had to come out to vote for still got way more votes than biden. Lol

    2. That’s a good 1…. but we really know who the orange idiot is that REALLY wants to hold them ….😎😎😎😎😎😎…. please by all means …meet and great shake hands but don’t wash them…. you know cause it’s a Dem and media hoax…. Don’t for get to show at up church early for a good seat on Easter morning ….😎😎😎😎😎😎

    3. DivineHeresy he might have to rent someone front lawn instead of a garage – got to remember the 2 metre rule for all 6 in attendance 😎

  4. 5:42 .. “Call me.. uuuh.. I’m not gonna give my phone (number)..” Replay that part, and look at anderson avert his eyes.

    1. Probably got someone in his ear, so looks away to hear and not be too distracted.
      Convenient timing much.

      I wonder what they would have been saying him?!

    2. NeutronStarPilot Jesus H Christ we’ve gone over Joe’s 5 minute maximum keep it together limit, wrap it up Cooper

  5. Hey Joe you realize that most of medical personnel in the military when they get out or retire they still work in the medical field but now as citizens.

  6. “We have to take care of the cure, that will make the problem worse no matter what” – Joe Biden (March, 2020) 😎

    1. It’s the same muthafuckas who don’t put that same effort in ridiculing Trump. See you in November inbreds.

    2. Tj Friedgen before you open your big trap, why don’t you watch the video and tell me where he stutters in the quote? Now you’re a smart guy, you should be able to answer my question. I’ll wait…

    3. @Tj Friedgen This might be beyond your pay grade, and I’ll be sorry for engaging you but… Not everyone who notices and speaks out about Joe Biden’s obvious case of Alzheimers or dementia is a fan of Trump, a Trump voter, or thinks Trump is anything other than an embarrassing, incompetent buffoon. In fact, although you may not have noticed, this particular youtube isn’t about Trump. It’s about Biden.

    4. @CTS 2.0 great, I highly recommend Rising which is on The Hill’s youtube channel. That is my new favorite show and they call out the garbage media when they do a terrible job as well (which is often). In fact, Krystal Ball was fired from MSNBC for strongly criticizing Hillary Clinton during the 2016 primary. Her co-host Saagar Enjeti is a conservative who worked for Tucker Carlson, so you get both the progressive and conservative perspective. This is what “Morning Joe” on MSNBC TRIES to be and fails miserably! 👎

      The guy from your video was simply wrong… Trump’s response to this has been complete s*** and so of course he will be criticized for that. Trump is a racist for many reasons that have occurred long before the coronavirus outbreak, but even calling the virus the “Chinese virus” is just race baiting and experts have said to STOP saying that. Then another right-winger claimed that diseases always come from China, which again is just another BS LIE. These viruses can come from anywhere, in fact the Spanish flu originated here in the US, but it was never called the “USA flu”. Trump is an idiot who uses fear mongering and lies to influence the public and that is especially DANGEROUS right now. Trump needs to STFU and let the experts speak. Period.

    1. me huss C’mon man I thought you liked me….
      Says Joe to the DNC when he gets the tap on the shoulder about dropping out

    1. Chris Perry
      The ONLY thing that shocks me about his past is that he never sold cars at a buy here/pay here in Detroit or something.

    2. Uncle Ed yawn, I heard it. He sided with the murderous white supremacists that day and kept doubling down after his Teleprompter apology. Sorry.

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