1. This is not young men MAKING the ultimate sacrifice for their country. This is young men BEING sacrificed for the legacy of one man.

  2. Increased bonuses for banking executives? How does that help anyone other than the banker? Also, these tax breaks will not be put back into the economy. The money will be given out as bonuses and hidden away in tax havens. Let’s not act like that won’t happen. Let’s be adults about this

    1. @1chish lol, so glad you understand that corporate taxes tax corporations. Who owns the corporations? It sure as hell isn’t poor people or even the middle class. It’s the rich. Whether it’s direct ownership, like Walmart, or through shareholders, which CAN be through pension funds, it’s still the rich that are in control. Even the pension funds have a higher concentration of rich people in control than they do the poor and middle class.

      Also that’s false that raising the corporate tax rate would kill investment. It never killed it in the 50’s when the tax rate for the wealthy was much higher and it won’t kill it now. It’ll just change how they increase their wealth, by making them have to expand more to generate that wealth.

      So maybe, before you start preaching your virtue signalled lectures, at least understand what you’re writing about. 🙂

  3. I have to agree with the President on this one… trickle down economics doesn’t work. Not only that but the actual term itself, is demeaning and insulting.

    1. Yes I agree but she is the prime minister of a different country and a different party. why and how she should agree or disagree with Biden?

    2. Trickle down – I get the impression of someone pissing on my head and telling me that it’s raining…Entry level position – I’m bent over at the waist and reaching around spreading my cheeks, getting ready to get paid.

  4. Bear in mind that the UK has a competitive Europe to think about, who are making many initiatives to lure London’s financial industry to other parts of Europe. She has to take these measures to incentivise them to stay. But it also applies to many other industries, for example manufacturing, which she wants to attract to the UK. As for the other subjects, I think we are on the same page as the US. China has an aggressive trade and investment global expansion policy and if we are not careful the West will not be able to compete with the cheap labour costs that some Asian countries offer.

  5. “I know we can all clearly see that trickle-down economics never works, but we’re gonna keep on keeping on over here!”

    1. Except trickle down economics has never been proposed or implemented by anyone ever. It’s just a lefty straw man and people like you suck it up with a straw, no thinking required.

    2. Why do you people use this stupid phrase that in no way represents what has happened? Nothing sensible or constructive to add as that takes brains so you throw out this useless trigger phrase. Joke is Biden was throwing this stupidity about days before the full statement was read to the House.

  6. the truest statement she made was when lizz said “they want politicians in charge, we want business in charge” I think its a load of bollocks, I’ve worked for some shocking, cruel businesses. I was once told “be grateful for your job as the only reasons why you have one is your cheap labour. ensleigh insurance!

  7. “I’m determined to make the special relationship…” you just knew she was going to say “…even MORE special.” Lol. New improved formula.

  8. She sounds good. I hope she can accomplish the things she sets out to do for the UK. And it was wonderful that she got to meet the Queen and have the baton passed for her Prime Ministership.

    1. She’s an evil woman , cutting taxes for the rich whilst not helping the rest of us. She cares only for her Tory elites

    2. Nope, she’s as crooked as a one pound note and is certifiably insane. Her first act as PM was to hand cash to her mates, crash the pound and restrict the rights of trade unions. Ontologically evil.

    1. She’s horrific and will be the shortest serving PM in history. She’s crashed the pound within a couple of weeks of becoming PM.

  9. “Trickle Down” rarely works as effectively as we all dream. However there are zero nations ruled by governments which “trickle down” only to their enforcers of the governments’ autocratic dictates, which succeeds for the well-being of its’ citizens. Their majority of citizens always suffer endemic, severe deprivations & brutality.

  10. Putin is trying to scare his own people with the nukes so they won’t resist the draft, but instead they’re leaving. 🤣😜

  11. I’m confused as to the timeline. Which side used escalatory language first? Russia mentioned Liz specifically as to why they put their forces on ‘high alert’. But was she just responding to the invasion? It’s also important to note that a US politician mentioned a potential nuclear strike on Russia back in December 2021.

  12. I haven’t seen enough of Truss’ policy proposals and stances to truly figure out where I stand on her, but this was a good interview in my opinion.

  13. “Bogus threats” may not be the best language to use when dealing with a sadistic bully trying to prove himself. It’s almost like a dare. “I’ll show bogus.”

    1. She’s a Tory. They are unhinged from reality and stunningly arrogant. They are fond of saying things like “just work harder” to poor people or “bogus threat” to nuclear-armed dictators that may well decide to use their tactical nukes to some extent.

  14. 09:36 “The UK has one of the lowest levels of debt in the G7”
    Well, relatively, yes, but that’s because most G7 members apart from Germany (59% debt to GDP ratio) have very high debts. The UK’s 84% debt to GDP ratio is actually pretty high when compared to other northern or western European countries, who all have like a 30-60% ratio.

  15. She has taken over the job at an incredibly difficult time. I was a big admirer of Thatcher and I hope that she’s also someone not to be trifled with. If we had the same wartime spirit like in 1940, we would be able to tackle anything even if the odds were against us.

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