Brenner: That WH Attempted To Cover Up Ukraine Calls Is “Deeply Troubling” | The Last Word | MSNBC

Joel Brenner, the former Inspector General of the NSA, tells Lawrence if someone covered up information for personal gain during his time in the Bush Admin, they would've been "frog marched out of the building."
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Brenner: That WH Attempted To Cover Up Ukraine Calls Is "Deeply Troubling" | The Last Word | MSNBC


  1. “We all know what we used to do with whistle blowers. Don’t we?” Well, yes, Boss. We used to make them sleep with the fishes. We all saw the movie.

    1. @Danny Bolman You do realise that there is not hanging in the federal legal system; just lethal injection. Even I however would not want to execute Trump as LWOP is a better punishment for him and his clan.

    1. Newsflash: trump is under impeachment inquiry. Why would you want to vote for a criminal asking Ukraine for a favor to investigate Biden??

  2. When you go into a story looking for something, you will likely find it since you’re only be looking for sections that will prove you right, even if other statements prove you wrong. This has been plaguing all news media for the past decade. The media isn’t supposed to decide or dictate what is fact or fiction, what is true or false, what their viewers should think or hear, yet that is what has been pushed continuously for a long time and this includes MSNBC. Look at sources yourself without looking for any confirmation rather than have someone tell you what a source says and never look at a source only one time especially in this modern age where we get updates, retractions, etc on stories less than 24 hrs after stories break.

    1. Ok. I agree. Me myself think the PRESIDENT is a LYING , CORRUPT P.O.S that should be thrown in the deepest part of jail. And thats just for being an awful human being.😎

  3. America, thou shall not forgive these White House lawyers who knew they were covering up for the fake president, the leader of bad C.A.R.M.A. – Criminals Are Ruling Modern-day America.

  4. Reminding arrogant lawyers what they face is effective. They face more punishment than anyone else who is implicated. And they know it.

    1. Most of us are not arrogant. Most of have no need to fear any punishment. People may sometimes not like what we do but I can say without fear of contradiction that I have never done anything that would make me fear punishment. Being arrogant is why these people are working in the White House in the first place.You will never find somebody such as myself working there. I am just pleased that I am currently living in England, where full disclosure is the practice both ways in a criminal trial. I could be prosecuting somebody this week and then be defending somebody next week, if I was not retired that is. I am sure there are some rogue lawyers here but generally because of the dual role we are looking to find the truth, not get a conviction at all cost.
      PS: I do agree with you in this case.

  5. I almost jumped up, and cheered! Joel Brenner is NOT mincing words. I only wish that everyone else would be as direct.

  6. Guilliani and Barr’s silence was deafening today. Likely too busy to spin the conservative airwaves while they were interviewing criminal defense lawyers.

    1. Putin is sitting back saying, ” in my wildest dreams, I never thought it would be so easy. They’re eating their young… “.

  7. Putin is sitting back saying, ” in my wildest dreams, I never thought it would be so easy. They’re eating their young… “.

  8. Watch All the Rats Scatter now ,!! No where to hide ,! You can Run for Cover but the Truth will catch up with you ,!!

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