1. Sanders according to Buttigieg: leaves out most Democrats and most Americans
    Also Sanders: Overwhelmingly polls greater with people of all labels.

    1. @Doug H PACs don’t vote, but they sure influence how people vote with their money and ads.

      And if you look at my comment, I also mentioned Trump, it’s bullshit when it was shouted against Trump, it’s bullshit when shouted to Gabard, and it’s bullshit when shouted to Sanders.

      Again, there is a country that’s influencing US election, but it sure is not Russia.

    2. MOLON LABE freedom to not die? Maybe? Or you’d prefer to get to chose which insurance company rips you off? Super freedom!

  2. CNN: “Bernie Sanders Finishes in dead first in a landslide victory deflating his campaigns moral. How will he recover?”

  3. They know that Pete’s not going to be the president he’s just there to try to destroy Bernie Sanders credibility bought and paid for by big courtesy of big Pharma and insurance companies

    1. Refresh my memory, but why is Pete talking behind closed doors to billionaires at a wine cave? Where is the transparency that he is claiming all candidates should have? I’m not a billionaire so I’d like to know what they discuss that is different from the average person. I want to “take a sober look” at the private fundraiser.

    2. Bernie Sanders doesn’t need any help from this guy to destroy his credibility. He’s a communist through and through and will never be president.

    3. Ronald Johnson moronic interpretation on your part. He’s telling Sanders to stop with his Medicade for all and allow people who want to have private insurance to keep it if they want. Give people the two options. If Bernie doesn’t listen he’ll get smoked

    4. Do we even wish to consider Pete for such a high office when he flaunts the sin of Pride….the deadliest of sins?

    1. I can tell how many people in this comment thread have never done any public speaking. It is clear and quite obvious. I do not like the man, but memorizing and delivering a speech confidently is a honed skill of an effective communicator.

      For those of you that absolutely hate anything just because it is not Republican, imagine Lincoln if he had not done this with the Gettysburg Address.

    2. @Megalonyx The key word you used is “confidently”. Buttigieg sounds like an automaton. PS: I doubt most of the comments are from Repubs. I’m not.

  4. The people: We like Bernie’s ideas and we want him as the nominee.
    Mayor Pete: Why nominate a candidate you like because you prefer his policies, when you can instead nominate me, who is the opposite of him in every way?
    CNN: Wow this was incredibly powerful and deeply moving. He clearly knows what the people need this election.

  5. I love how CNN’s commentators, every freaking time, forgets to mention that Buttigieg has about 5% support among minorities. Entrance polls showed he had 3% of the African American vote in Nevada, and about 10% among Hispanics. Yeah, if that’s the moderate ground – it’s got a lot of snow on it.

    1. @The Emperor None of then our winning without our votes so think again buddy Bernie has already won the primary you will see what I am saying in After super Tuesday.

  6. “Most democrats don’t believe in sanders vision”.

    Bruh…most democrats literally just voted for sanders over all you moderates combined today in Nevada. Dafuq are you talking about?

    1. That wasn’t most of them. It was the largest minority. Most of them voted for someone that is not him, but he still got all the delegates for that largest minority. Language has meaning. I understand that means he is winning, but it is not the same as winning with an actual majority. This information tells us things if we analyze it. If he won with 60% or more then the race would be much more clear and the smaller candidates would have a stronger mandate to drop out.

    2. @Megalonyx no one has ever in history won popular vote in all 3 first voting states. I wonder if that says anything to you

  7. 2.8K people disliked this, compared to only 494 likes! That’s a hint Buttigieg! You don’t have a chance in hell! So why don’t you drop out? Do the honorable thing!

    1. @WaywardCascadian he definitely fits the profile. I seriously wonder if he is really gay or that is a political front.

  8. Wow…A guy that is hanging around in the race so that the DNC can hand him an undemocratic nomination at the convention, is talking about “preserving our democracy”…..UNBELIEVABLE!! He is so gross.

  9. So Smug & Arrogant, Yet Ignorant.

    Just Smart Enough to Know He’s Lying, as he delivers the overly well rehearsed lines, written by others and paid for by the Rich.

    I strongly dislike him. A complete Sell Out!

    Sneaky Pete…

    1. Toddy Jones yes, but he plays the paino and knows norweigan and that’s enough for some to vote for him! #Bernie2020

    1. It’s also code for “unions will be useless under Sanders”.
      Are you really prepared to force hundreds of millions of Americans who like their healthcare or don’t want heathcare at all, to conform under threat of government force? Good luck cupcake.😆😆😆😆

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