Calls for End to Violence as Young Player is Laid to Rest – June 17 2022

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  1. The principal need to get with the prime Minister and the governor general and have a new panel of judge and the security and the security because the judge that have in the circuit Court he’s not working for Jamaica is working for the criminals because so much evidence he has he’s not trying to hold them in jail in going to let them out nobody know what kind of evidence he is looking for or what he’s looking for there is no way in the world circuit Court of one judge it’s supposed to be a panel of judges to make this season too much criminals getting let out of jail and they’re going back to cast the same disaster in the community Jamaican is tired of this everywhere in the world my God you know how much people want to come to Jamaica for independent and because of this craziness that going on in Spanish Town and all over people are scared because everybody realize sudden news listen to the news realize that the judge are letting out the criminal

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