Chris Cuomo: A president should not be a punk

CNN's Chris Cuomo compares Trump's disavowal of his audience's 13-second "Send her back!" chant to his previous disavowal of David Duke of the Ku Klux Klan.

#CNN #News


  1. Trump you lord so much that you don’t know the truth you believe your own lies you’ve said it so much you’ve convinced yourself its pathetically insane

    1. No where to hide. The wrath of God is coming for the liberals in a 2020 landslide.

    2. @Eddie Farias Dewd, you’re going to be very unhappy when all that red hot lipstick wears off your pet pig…

    1. @Alexander Stone lol can you be any more stupid? Nazi’s will die but they will dwell on the left.

    2. He can’t. He’s obsessed with Trump as is all the libtard media. Plus it helps them ratingswise. Without Trump, CNN would be hurting even more.

  2. I’d rather a racist own it and not be a coward and gaslighting that it’s something else. Stop the bull, we know who you are and where you stand. Orange bone spurs

    1. Jayson Davis true very true, but you know that will never happen, with this potus. He would never apologize or ever admit he is wrong. The constant Spin and no acknowledgment for what it is racism. Sad and hurtful.

    2. Suzy Q ummm I don’t need to read or see anything. You see it on video or coming from his disgusting mouth. It’s not lies and fake news.Are you a Russian robot or just ignorant. The election is in 2020 genius 🙄

    3. @Vince G. Copy and paste this:
      Hillary was a coward too. So was Bill. Biden is a coward. Democrats are all cowards. The Squad are cowards.
      If you are going to parrot the Conalds lying narrative, do a better job. Be a better easy mark.
      BTW Drumpf has only mentioned Obama once or twice. Lol Vincey want a cracker?

  3. Donald Trump behaving like a dictator it sad plus the world laughing at us they was laughing at him at the United Nations speech….smh

    1. The world laughs at leftist idiots destroying their own nation because they want to be cool on social media look up the word Baizou “

  4. Honestly he looked like he waa enjoying it!!! And then makes a comment like ” oh it was quite a chant”. He waa proud…. no doubt about it…

    1. You pick a fight with someone that can kick your little libtard asses all day long. Then cry when you lose. FUCKING PUSSIES What do you expect.

    2. Africans were the only race to never invent the wheel until it was shown to them. Calling out facts is not racist..

    1. @davids11131113 stupid white trash like you needs to GTFO of America. Racist, inbred, hillbilly scum like you are a drain on our resources and a threat to our constitution.

  5. That crowd chanting, in my view, was choreographed, starting to finish, and even the words used. Just sounded too organized.

    1. You retards are masters of chanting at every protest. How lacking in self refection can you get?
      No Trump, no kkk, no fascist USA
      Black lives matter.
      Say it loud, say it clear refugees are welcome here.

  6. Well said Mr Cuomo . . . surely Americans do not deserve idiots like Trump as their President. . .

  7. The Republican talking point is so ridiculous, it’s silly it’s even a talking point. Not only does he wait 13 seconds, he only starts talking again because the chant was dying.

    “Remember people, what you are hearing, and what you are seeing, isn’t what’s happening.”

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