Citizen by CNN: How Trump’s 2nd impeachment may play out

CNN's Nia Malika Henderson, Jim Acosta and Phil Mattingly join Pamela Brown for a discussion about what to expect at the 2nd impeachment trial of Donald Trump and if there will be any political fallout.

#CitizenByCNN #CNN


  1. Who doesn’t know how to mute their notifications??? I guess we need a memo sent out before zoom meetings on how to mute your notifications and keep it professional.

    1. @Jason Vegan And I’m making the point that you’re asking for higher standards… From CNN…
      I agree with your sentiment; I’ve simply come to expect nothing more from CNN.

      A salvage value sns TWTR barely scratches off for paying human democrat slaveries every months…
      A loser twtr 🌈 ceo spends money too much for the crack…😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣
      Be careful might get nasty desease…

  2. We know how this will play out. There will be a side with evidence and convincing arguments, witness testimony and constitutional law scholars. And there will be trumps side.

    1. @Jon Gray you are correct Obama had, has, and always will have along with every other left wing turd and the media that allows zero accountability. Bad when adults get sued for slander. Bullieing a high school kid how low!

    2. Buddy JR Roe – 44 cowards voted to say assaulting the Capitol was ok today, threw the rule of law out the window. Police died in the process, they beat one with a fire extinguisher and your defending that? Really?

      A salvage value sns TWTR barely scratches off for paying human democrat slaveries every months…
      A loser twtr ceo spends money too much for the crack…😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Cant watch that due to the extreme loud notifications. You guys are new to the whole Video Conference-Thing it seems…

  4. Key to make him ineligible to ever hold public office again, he could cause lots of trouble as a governor or rep later on.
    Right now, even more important, the waffling over the stimulus checks needs to stop. If not, expect Joe’s approval rating to start trending down if it hasn’t already.
    The republicans are stauling to do just that.

  5. Of course it’s constitutional!! He was impeached while he was in office, the trial in the Senate is simply the completion of the process already started. Furthermore, the point of a conviction is not to simply remove from office – it is to prevent the person from holding office again.

    1. This impeachment is to set a precedent, and if one is not set now, the next conman will no doubt be more skilled.

      What I understand is that making Trump ineligible to run for a federal office isn’t part of the impeachment vote. It’s a separate vote after impeachment.

    2. @B Wick maybe you didn’t see the report that McCarthy told Trump “I was there it was MAGA”. You saw the videos those were Trump supporters full stop. You also saw the tweets of Trump telling people to come it was going to be WILD. You also heard Trump tell the people you have to fight and fight hard to win back your votes, you also heard Rudy tell them to have trial by combat. It’s a waste of my time as well as others to point facts out to you or your fellow Sycophants because you refuse to see the truth due to the lies you tell yourselves to excuse them

      A salvage value sns TWTR barely scratches off for paying human democrat slaveries every months…
      A loser twtr ceo spends money too much for the crack…😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣

      A salvage value sns TWTR barely scratches off for paying human democrat slaveries every months…
      A loser twtr ceo spends money too much for the crack…😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. Man. Mute your damn phones or computers when filming a video. Quit watching cause I couldn’t take it anymore

      A salvage value sns TWTR barely scratches off for paying human democrat slaveries every months…
      A loser twtr ceo spends money too much for the crack…😩😩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👍👍👍🤣🤣🤣🤣

  7. I love Phil, bring him to this series regularly please! But also what is that obnoxious dinging sound?? Turn it off!

  8. Why can’t they vote in secret ,I bet more republicans senators would vote to impeach ,they are cowards

    1. Actually, they can. A simple majority vote could result in the ballots being cast in secret. And a secret ballot would most assuredly result in conviction. But there are procedural problems with that. The most problematic is that Article 1 says that 20 Senators can demand the “journaling” of _any_ vote. Which means if 20 did that, they would then become public. Public trust and accountability is probably the main reason why it’s not secret. Though you’ve already seen 44 GOP Senators voted as cowards with corrupt intent.

    2. @Carl Sagan C’mon, man. Chicken Dems are so fearful of TRUMP’s awesome accomplishments and his inevitable re-election; so they’re ridiculously trying so DESPERATELY to impeach him AGAIN knowing fully well it’s unconstitutional. So that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts himself utterly refuses to be in cahoots with this unhinged historic hysterics. Indeed, Dems are monumentally insane. Where else in the world can you find such rabid stupidity? Only in America. SHAME.

  9. Post Trump Stress Disorder 😂😂😂 You just got to love Jim Acosta he is AWESOME 👏 I do have PTSD but never thought of it like that 😎👍🏽🤔😉

    1. Mitch voted against having the trial today. He’s f-ing useless. And that’s on his good days. And I’m being kind.

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