1. Don pooh Julio …apparently he can’t analyze what’s going on either…..dumb, deaf and blind 🤔

    1. These acts were EVIL! There is evil in this world but God is good in the midst of darkness. God is in the midst. And he loves you. And he is here for you.’  He can take away your hate, your bitterness and your anger. He is our only hope!

    1. He’s too narcissistic to care about anyone but himself. That’s why he’s so successful, it’s about & for him! 😒

    1. His rhetoric has brought white supremacists together. So, technically, he is right. But, no, he did nothing for the country. 😒🍵

  1. Keith Boykin is convincing and believable because he argues his case with sincere passion. Rob Asstorinoooooo is fake news.

  2. The Rat-In-Chief, Moscow Mitch, and all the other GOP goons being pimped by either Putin or the NRA, must go now.

    1. Agreed, but I think any politician who takes corporate donations needs to go. Democrat and Republican both, if your bought and paid for by big money, we don’t want you.

    2. where..? u can’t just throw ur garbage to anywhere u want…
      u create those garbage..deal with em.

    1. Oh look a Whites Only Party member being white supremacist and racist … Massacre Moscow Mitch is happy .

  3. Keith gets 💯 extra brownie points for being able to stay that calm sitting next to that moron Rob. I would have to sit on my hands for fear they would try to leave my body to get a firm grasp around his throat. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    1. Ellen Kortman, its the other way around, a hysterical Keith is lying out of his teeth, typical crazy clintonclan dem, despicable

  4. When the dumpster man first became president I predicted that he would drag us Americans through his mud pit and that’s what he is doing!

  5. Rob Astorino is a reflection of a large portion of white America this gas lighting has been going on since the first slave left the ships

  6. Rob Astorino what a sycophant – or should I say, “gangster” – just because you keep on talking doesn’t mean you’re right it means you just don’t shut up!

  7. Why do people think that this country will ever be UNITED🤦🏽‍♀️ Trump has succeeded with exposing the HATRED in America.

  8. Bottom line is .. this President is far too petty to be a President .. he is like a school boy bully who just wants to pick on everybody with his tweeting. How does he ever get any work done .. it is so insane.

  9. Please stop talking about Trump , maybe he’ll lose his mind because of the lack of attention and be found on the shiter like Elvis.

    1. That’s NOT going to happen…Heck there was an whole segment about him feeding football players burgers…

    2. It is very hard to pretend that the President of the United States of America does not exist!

  10. 😂 his face. Defending the indefensible. Supporting Trump is the same as supporting White Nationalism.

  11. Way to go Keith Boykin, great job dealing with a narcissistic, it is exasperating because his paycheck is dependant on him not understanding.

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