1. McCarthy’s campaign for speaker is completely about the need to stroke his personal ego. That’s just the pot calling the kettle black. That man would sell his mother to be speaker

    1. @Spacewang … Yep, I remember Trump Tariffs, Trump Virus, Trump Tax Cuts, the biggest (bigger than GWB) Tax Cuts for himself and his rich buddies.. Trump Tariffs is why prices have gone up . Trump Virus that killed 600,000 plus people.

      Kevin McCarthy who made sure he needed to destroy Hillary Clinton but can’t even become Speaker of the House.. 🤣🤣.

      The GQP are nothing but a fuccin joke.. Some people are right now sitting back and laughing their @$$es off at the GQP.. Can’t even elect a Speaker of the House.. 🤣🤣

    2. @JR Porter .. Hunter Biden this and Hunter Biden that.. Hunter Biden… Hunter Biden.. Hunter Biden..

      I swear that the GQP definitely has a fetish for Hunter Biden..

      But he sure as hec Renting Space in the GQP’s heads, huh, Sheeple BAAA BAAA 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    1. @GiaTheAttitudeCat I beg to differ. Compare the legislation passed by Democrats compared to that of Republicans.
      Democrats and Biden have done many things to help the American people.
      Republicans only help corporations and the wealthy.

    1. Meanwhile in the real world the Attorney General of the US Virgin Islands was fired soon after announcing a lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase. The suit alleged JP Morgan helped Epstein’s human trafficking endeavors by failing to comply with federal regulations. The suit also alleges JP Morgan knowlingly concealed wire and cash transactions of the accounts Epstein had with JP Morgan. Accounts the suit alleges were used by Epstein for traffic underage minors. By coincedence, if you believe in it, Joe Biden happened to recently be on vacation in the US Virgin Islands.

  2. Crenshaw talking about doing things for the team meaning the Republicans!! He was sooo close to understanding the team being the American people, then he lost it

    1. Repent…accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. John 3:16 KJV For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
      Luke 13:3 KJV – I tell you nay: but except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
      2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV – Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    2. Stop using god In politics god is not saving the USA from enemies foreign or domestic we the people need to defend it against racist bigots in our Republican party I see blue when I look at a American ……..do u because all y’all see is colors when all the world see is a bunch of racist bigots

    3. @Jay Mass Great! And what is your opinion of the World Economic Forum? Do you view it:
      – Favorably
      – Unfavorably
      – Innocuously (Harmless)

      – Another Opinion
      Please explain why.

    1. Meanwhile in the real world the Attorney General of the US Virgin Islands was fired soon after announcing a lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase. The suit alleged JP Morgan helped Epstein’s human trafficking endeavors by failing to comply with federal regulations. The suit also alleges JP Morgan knowlingly concealed wire and cash transactions of the accounts Epstein had with JP Morgan. Accounts the suit alleges were used by Epstein for traffic underage minors. By coincedence, if you believe in it, Joe Biden happened to recently be on vacation in the US Virgin Islands.

    2. McCarthy had nothing to offer !
      The MAGA are evil and full of distain ! Anyone associated with trump needs to be held in solitary confinement indefinitely !!

    1. @OJ Raven ? i heard they are running around after another failure of trying to get trump LMAO! everything the fascist dems have done has been a failure no mater how much time goes into it. that being said the jan 6 fascist kangaroo court needs to be dragged on for 7 years to now beat the amount of time wasted on the tax returns LOL they are so invested in failure

    1. @David Costa “Law and Order” suuuuuuuuure. Hard to say that when you pardoned people who were stealing from Trump Supporters.

    2. @David Costa you guys didn’t do anything about the border when Trump was president nor when Bush was president. Why you crying now?

    3. @MusikaDeLaCalle I love Joe Biden and I’m a man why? Because he was the only one that could and did beat a Billionaire con artist Trump.
      All those that believed in Trump are damaged goods including Mccarthy.
      The only way the Republicans can regain any sense of respect is dump everyone that’s associated with Trump including all the January 6th insurrectionists, the proud boys, Oath keepers white supremists, KKK etc etc.

    1. @Ortus Mallum LOL, as if the people who won’t vote for McCarthy haven’t put Trump forward as a possible candidate…

    2. They’re not just satisfied dividing the country. Now they’re dividing themselves. They don’t have good negotiating skills anymore.

  3. When Crenshaw said “If you’re a narcissist and you believe that your opinion is so much important more than everyone else’s…” I thought he was being critical of McCarthy.

  4. Crenshaw’s lack of self awareness is epic (and I know what that word means). He’s whining about the Republicans on his team using the tactics republicans use on the country against other Republicans. His team should be America, not the Republican party.

    1. Crenshaw cries about the lack of principles in his narcissistic GOP colleagues. Has he looked at Trump? Has he looked in the damn mirror?!

    1. It’s not for the country … let’s put this speaker house debate away … REGARDLESS of who is the speaker , their doing “ trickle down “ economics that helps the 1 percent and the expense of the 99 percent

    2. It’s hysterical listening to a narcissist with a macho pirate eye patch calling out other narcissists.

    3. Well the last speaker of the house did turn a salary of 223k per year into over 200m through insider trading, and policy that distributes hundreds of billions in funds.

  5. If “this is about the country”, Kevin, why did you go to Mar-A-Lago to beg Benedict Arnold for forgiveness when you could have stood up to him on January 6th and in the aftermath of that attempted coup?

    1. Good Point 👍👍.. The day of Jan 6 he trashed Trump on the floor of the House.. 3 weeks later McCarthy was at Mar A Largo kissing Trump’s Ring..

  6. It’s hilarious how McCarthy already moved into the speakers office and he didn’t even get nominated, what a fricken narcissist!!!

    1. I know, he didn’t even wait for the chair to get cold.. LoL.. I wonder if he will jump in Pelosi’s grave that fast..🤣😊

      I guess it true ” Don’t count your chickens before they hatched”

  7. And not a single person in that room is making their decision based on what’s best for America and Americans.

    1. @Swissted Chef yeah hopefully republicans take the the presidency and senate next time. They will have to work to get us out of the recession the democrats seem to be purposely causing

    2. but they are fighting for our right to carry a gun while smearing our own feces on federal buildings and investigating our justice system because their cult leader threw his food. Why are you so biased i mean bruh

    3. Did she just suggest that Congress might do something to help regular people!? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
      What!? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    1. @Omotayo Satuyi He doesn’t want, let the GQP run their loony show the next 2 year. Americans are watching.

    2. excuse me yahoo blocks it out it’s liberalloooooooonnnnnnsssssssss woke a joke hire a minority like kamala as VP.
      Please Joe is a joke!

    3. Yep, let’s get our popcorn. Hey, did Rep. Crenshaw vote to impeach the biggest Republican narcissist of them all?

      No. He didn’t. He voted – by proxy – against the impeachment. Our country and the Republican Party is in this place because of Republicans like Dan. Own the crap Representative Crenshaw. You and your namby-pamby Republican Party apologists built this.

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