Congresswoman Continues To Push For Medicare For All | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Health Policy Chair for Sen. Sanders presidential campaign, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., joins Morning Joe to discuss her impressions of the Nevada caucuses and her thoughts on Medicare for All a year after she introduced a bill in the House. Aired on 02/24/20.
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Congresswoman Continues To Push For Medicare For All | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. Bloated costs of health-care are killing the middle class and no no incremental changes.
    Chuck it replace it.

    1. brian gardner I wonder if you know about the medicine that he saving lives with was actually research and development with our tax money. We really own the rights to those pharmaceutical medicines but they just sell it to us to a high price

  2. Slam dunk! The Congresswoman is firing on all cylinders slam dunking all stupid talking points against universal healthcare.

    1. Kevin NYC two states? Two states?!?! You are joking aren’t you? The whole point of single payer is that it is NATIONAL. Otherwise people will move up the road to include or avoid paying. Stop replying You are not educated enough to talk. Two states……LOLOL

  3. Both me and my husband pay for medical from our paychecks,we are double covered…AND WE STILL GET MEDICAL BILLS!! #bernie2020

  4. Medicare for All is good for business too as the costs for each business to run a health care department is high. Simplify the whole approach and reduce administrative costs.

    1. @Real Talk76 it will go up $20,000. No free lunches. or are you thinking that the central government will be better and more organized and more efficient with the huge medical system. Well that would be a first. Government efficient. But you then want the companies and the magic RICH GUY to pay for it. Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

    2. @brian gardner it will not go up 20 000. You are clearly an uneducated moron. Read a book, maybe start at a 3rd grade reading level.

  5. The “How are you going to pay for it” thing is laughable and really getting old. I’ve been hearing that for decades…

    1. Jim Biden Really because I can see a lot of people getting behind things that they don’t know how much it costs. People got behind a tax cut not knowing how much it actually was going to cost them but they didn’t care about that at all that was $1 trillion tax cut. And you have me to believe that people ain’t going to think about their own interest because I think with this election cycle that’s exactly what’s happening.

  6. Bob Costa: How stupid do you have to be to continue to ask these hit questions? We can pay for 5 wars of opportunity all over the planet. Countries far less rich than ours manage to provide their citizens with medical care, many far better than ours. Why are you and the other pundits stuck on this one question? Is it because you cannot stand any changes to the status quo? Whose interests do you represent? You think people like $5K copays? What will it take?

  7. I don’t get it why don’t you people talk to Canada. We have health care for all. Some provinces charge a sum per month or year but it’s quite minimal.

    1. There are Canadian actors and Doctors that have come out and said that Healthcare works well in Canada but you have disinfo agents out all over Social Media and Mainstream Media is all Corporate and big pharma makes sure it is not discussed in the open.

    2. @Tracey Edwards Canada’s system is nothing to brag about. It is a huge burden on every taxpayer. Did you know, when a vehicle is sold in my province there is 15% tax paid, which used to be called ‘hospital tax’ actually (although it’s called something else now). Every time that car is sold the tax is charged. Let that sink in. I’m taxed at 40% (roughly) right off my paycheque. Also, I pay property tax and sales tax of 15% on just about everything. As Canadians our largest household expense is our tax bill…then shelter, food etc. Let that sink in. I have also waited hours at emergency and days, weeks or even months to see a doctor or specialist. This is no utopia, stop trying to convince anyone it is. + The “life expectancy” argument is a stupid argument as well.  The US is 1 year less than UK and this doesn’t take into acct teen suicide rates, murders, etc that are higher in the US on top of Ben’s good point on various ethnicities and inherent health issues.  And, a big problem in the US is diet, especially in inner cities.  If you eat fast food as a s staple of your diet, no health care system is going to help you.  Italy has one of the highest life expectancy and a horrible healthcare system.  But Italians have a culture of good diet and healthy walks as a family every night.

    3. brian gardner you may say that but Canada is & has-been PEACE KEEPERS and we’re respected for that. Also you can mouth off all you want but Canada is with NATO & everywhere the US is are Canadian troupes as well. You see in the US you only hear about the US in Canada we know about what goes on in the world, in school right up to old age we learn about the world not just Canada. So we have different perspectives. I think Canadians are not just Bruit force but how many actors or fellows or authors or comedians come from Canada with a lot less people. We are more well rounded in what we learn.

  8. 62% support Medicare-4-All and 35% oppose. Seems like a simple case of Democracy to bring this about. Unfortunately, the campaign contributions of the 1% out-weight needs of the 99% anymore in the USA.

    1. That 35% seem like the same people that give Trump his approval rating. So yeah, we don’t need to listen to them.

    2. A simple case of Democracy doesn’t conjure $27 trillion into existence.

      All of the tax schemes they thought up put together added to $5 trillion in revenue over 10 years, and even that is wishful projection.

      MCA costs $32 trillion.

      We’re already facing a trillion dollar deficit. Just the interest from money we’ve already borrowed is about $380 billion.

      Just because you want it doesn’t mean you get it. This is a lesson people are supposed to learn by age 3.

    3. Nameless Progressive Clone perhaps you should blame the Republican Party for passing a huge tax break to the top 1%. That increased our deficit by 26% compared to the prior year. You should look into where our current tax money is going. If it goes to implement M4A it will create more jobs, thus bringing in more tax dollars. Of course, also they would need to rewrite tax laws. I don’t buy into the “US can’t afford it” argument.

  9. Notice how the MSM never asks how we’re going to pay for wars nor do they hold corporations accountable for making our people sick by exposing them to chemicals in our food and water. Make corporations pay taxes and use those monies to fund Medicare for all by age increments. The next Administration must fix our oversight organizations like the FDA and SEC.

    1. Trump cares more about power greed graft and list. P. Y grabbin and anything filthy. Dump trp and tje gop. Enablers n

    2. @David Goldman Medicare has 2% admin costs and private insurance has 12% admin costs. There, found an easy program that is run efficiently and it’s healthcare.

    3. David Goldman
      post office is great. Trains are cool and getting better. NFL pays no taxes , that’s socialism , right?

    4. @Dale Hartley
      Clinton never had a surplus. A $30 billion deficit was the best he did, and that was in FY2000. The only reason the budget came that close to balancing was massive capital gains revenue from the DotCom bubble.

      Once the bubble burst, that revenue evaporated and the deficit exploded. The bubble burst a month before Bush 43 was sworn in. Bush inherited a deficit and a recession.

      Compared to the overall budget, wars are dirt cheap; damned near free. Because we spend so much on the military during peacetime, the increase involved with mobilizing for war is negligible.

      But about the time of a nearly balanced budget under Clinton… *the GOP was in control. Congress spends the money, not the President.*

  10. If our senators want to keep their seats they will need need to cold turkey kick their greed and power addictions and support the people’s will. M4A, Sanders 2020

    1. I love how they’re like “It’s very unpopular among elected officials. What can you do to get around this problem?” Meanwhile it’s got majority support from even Republicans, and is extremely popular among democrats and independents. The answer to their question is V O T E.

    1. But but the Religious Republicans / Right Wingers are the PRO LIFE advocates..
      Hahahah. They are so funny..

    2. @brian gardner I live in Canada, the average doctor makes 350k a year and we have public health insurance. Nurses here make 65 000 – 100 000 a year. That’s more than they make in America

  11. $1.3 trillion for corporate socialism is ok.
    But the second we try using government to help provide health care, republicans are like ….no no no!

    1. @charfire222 where do people die in America if they are poor they get Medicade. My girlfriend is a social worker at the hospital they get them taken care. If you are to stupid to just go to the hospital that’s just thinning the herd.

    2. @kyle grant question is why does your brother have to pay so much? I don’t think his taxes will increase $15,000 so he’ll end up saving money. I’m indifferent about the college thing because i don’t understand the dynamics of what he’s proposing. But I do know that it’s a racket. I tried to get an amortization schedule but they wouldn’t give me one. Advertised interest rate is about 4% but after i probed them i found out its compounded daily! So I get the debt burden but it’s not a personal priority for me. Some college is more expensive than others so not sure how the debt forgiveness would work.

  12. Union Workers need to support Single Payer so we can take away the ability of our employers to use our healthcare care plans as a bargaining chip against us in the struggle for better wages and working conditions.

  13. They only ask “how you gonna pay for it?” when it is something that benefits working Americans. Wars and tax cuts for the rich get a blank check.

    1. the journalist asked over and over again about the wars and the tax cuts….when did you start watching the news 😉

    2. Today Bernie said he don’t know how to pay for it. Poor phil, the federal budget is proposed 4.7 trillion. Including war, free healthcare is 18 trillion at minimum . If your not poor now… you will be.

  14. This “how do we pay for it” act is getting to the point of self-parody. We pay for it like we pay for everything else: taxes. You know, how we pay for endless wars, subsidies for oil companies, the healthcare for corrupt politicians, and golf trips for lazy presidents.

    1. Just out of curiosity…how is Trump paying for his wall? Mexico sure isn’t. If he can pull money for a vanity wall from somewhere….I’m sure we can rearrange our priorities and find a way to pay for something that REALLY helps us all.

    2. @Ron Frank
      All together, the Federal government takes in $3.5 trillion. That’s $200 billion more than any year before the tax cut, so don’t waste your breath.

      $1.06 trillion goes to Social Security.
      $292 billion goes to federal pensions.
      $379 billion goes to interest on the debt we’ve already racked up. This is non-discretionary spending. We cannot vote these expenses away. By law, we can’t even try.

      You’re talking about increasing Medicare spending from $1.26 Trillion to $3.2 trillion.

      If you add up Medicare for All and the interest on the debt, just those two things are more than the government takes in, and that counts Social Security contributions as income.

      We need to slash spending, not blow it through the roof. We can’t cut Senior Entitlements, federal pensions or interest payments. Again, we can’t even try. If 435 members of the house and 100 senators voted unanimously and tried passing a budget cutting these, and the President signed it, the Supreme Court would have to shoot it down.

      So we need to cut 24% of all spending from elsewhere… and that’s just to try to break even. And we only have roughly $500 billion in revenue that doesn’t get swallowed up by mandatory, non-discretionary spending.

      There are just over 123 million taxpayers in the United States. Medicare for All would cost $500 *per week* per taxpayer.

  15. Let us all be reminded of the fact that Rep. Jayapal is an elected representative of the people and these other talking heads are not and will never be. They are going to continue to embarrass themselves until they face the reality that the revolution is being televised whether they like the outcome or not. And they can’t stop it. Really, at this point it’s their fault as much as it is the rest of the political/media/industry establishment’s fault as a whole. Y’all took too much man, too much. Don’t try to fight it now man. End up giving yourselves strokes and brain bubbles. Hopefully.

  16. “How are we going to pay for it?” Did they ask that when they landed American’s on the moon? Did they ask it when there were forever wars to be fought in the Middle East? Ultimately nothing prevented those things from being paid for in the end. No one stopped the cash from being used. You could argue those things were not necessary but they did them anyways.

    Yet here we are, looking at creating a system of healthcare that would be a benefit to everyone and save lives and that stupid question get’s asked. Ultimately the extremely wealthy will moan about paying more for it but they’ll pay for it reluctantly anyways, knowing fine well it won’t hurt their pocket, just slightly reduce the profit they make.

    1. Any assumptions by figureheads are MUTE AT THIS POINT ! GOP OBSTRUCTIONISM HAS US WHERE WE ARE CURRENTLY ! Kicking the can down the road while AMERICAN population explodes unabated due to right wingism and its irresponsible agenda HAS US WHERE WE ARE NOW ! THIS EASILY COULD HAVE BEEN ADDRESSED IN 1946 BY FAIR TAXATION AND FAMILY PLANNING ! VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO AND BERNIE TOO ! IIITTTS TIME !

    2. D J what is the 1%’s fair share? For MC4A to be paid for year by year the 1% would have to pay 5X in taxes what they currently do year by year.

    3. @tstandri 10× more sound about fair ! We got here due EXCLUSIVELY to GOP OBSTRUCTIONISM ! The 1% WILL NOT CONCUR , therefore they will pay. This is an accrued problem caused directly by greed , NOTHING else. FAIR WENT IN THE TOILET 20 YEARS AGO ! About the same time as the last GOP uncontested popular vote. We DEMOCRATS didn’t get us where we currently are , but a blue SENATE will definitely get us back on the game !

  17. I love how clear she is at answering all of these questions. She’s brilliant and I’m so glad she’s on the right side of the discussion.

    1. That’s exactly why they didn’t do any real pushback. Because she started off with a serious tone that they cannot rebottle otherwise they are defending people dying. That is a bad stance to take especially for the media LOL so she put them on a defensive at the beginning which was great

    2. We have a Government Run healthcare system that literally causes people to die. It’s called the Veterans Administration.

    3. @donfishing no. Just no. Veterans love their health care. I’ve worked for dvs (department of veteran services) as a health care provider, they’re glad they’re not getting what’s screwing the average American citizen.

    4. There is No defending the GOP’s obstruction of Obamacare ! Any attempt at a health care system is better that the goptards ! They’ve refused to fund ANY HEALTHCARE, infrastructure , common sense gun control , common sense fiscal responsibility ! When you play , YOU MUST PAY ! It’s time to collect the GOP’S accrued DEBT TO 99% ! VOTE BLUE !🇺🇸🌏🌊🇺🇸🌏🌊

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