Conway: We’re watching moral collapse of Republican Party

CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with conservative lawyer George Conway about Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA), who has pushed continued claims of election fraud and conspiracy theories about school shootings and the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Also, CNN's Ryan Nobles reports on what actions the Republican Party may take against Taylor Greene.

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  1. What’s crazy is they are electing these people who does nothing for their pockets and who tries , or take away what they need .

    1. @Sheila Goos Here is an older unscrubbed link to Germany’s solar…

      Let me give you the last paragraph-

      Down on his farm, Dieter Dürrmeier smiles. The earliest of the solar projects he installed on his barns won’t lose their ratepayer support until 2024. If a business owner ran a company the way the German government has structured its solar subsidies, “he would be bankrupt,” Dürr­meier says. Still, he would happily install more solar panels if he could. But the electric line from his farm to the grid is maxed out, and he has run out of space on his rooftop.

    2. @JJ Johnson Oh look another little Woke SJW telling everyone it’s a lie. No.matter that every state is looking into this very thing…. Oh but the media tells you no they are and you bow. How cute you are.

    1. George Conways wife is batshit crazy… A true Trumpist. It must be very hard for Conway to be married to a nut like that. I really feel for him.

    2. @Yellyman He could have divorced her at any point. He supports her crazy bullshit, apparently including the abuse of their child. If my wife distributed inappropriate nude photos of my child (we’re not talking baby bath pictures here), we wouldn’t be married anymore.

    3. @Ian I agree.. She has thrown her own husbond under the bus many times, and that is not acceptable. I didn`t know about the daughter. That sounds creepy. What kind of a mother is she??

    1. @Belly Dancer Em are you just a bitter old lady? I have no side, you’re all nuts. What does a tin foil hat have to do with anything I said? Obviously you went wacko. I asked you not to go wacko.

    2. @Alli de It’s okay sweetheart. You don’t have to reach so far. You’re not gonna get more accurate the more attempts you try lmfao.

    1. That’s how the Republican Party started the wig party got to radical and a lot of members split off causing the Wig party to eventually end. Might be time for reasonable republicans to form their own party. Not that I don’t enjoy watching the the Republican Party implode .

    2. The Republican Party are all cowards they can’t even stand up for the right thing they need to really I mean really grow a backbone

  2. “Jewish space lasers” is like a sentence picked from the 1920’s Germany. How can you not see this in the states?!,..

    1. @Michael The party switch is obvious to anyone with eyeballs. The ex-confederate states are red, only republicans wave the confederate flag, nazis and the KKK vote republican. The parties switched. I know it’s important for fascists to keep up the facade but that bullshit doesn’t work anymore.

    2. @Michael there was no party switch by republican leadership that is a lie. However things did happen because of the passage of Civil Rights; when they lost the Black vote (which they had fought for) to the Democrats; and the Democratic party ended up embracing things they did not believe in and had NEVER wanted for the country. Those things happened. I am old enough to remember the discussions. My stepdad stayed a Republican all his life. Black people who know their history know this. If you had Black friends you would now that Lincoln is a debatable figure in Black circles. And really, implying by reference that Republicans today are remoting like the ones that marched with King is hilarious. Lincoln would take one look at the republicans carrying and defending the confederate flag and leave y’all

  3. I totally love George Conway and respect him immensely, but even he couldn’t keep the craziness out of his own house.

    1. Baffling how wrecked that family is & the reasons for not getting a divorce is err…’we’re cathloics’ lmao wtf? Feels like their holding out for a kardhasian reality tv deal tbh,

    1. @KTG Network I agree 100%. it’s the practice of facts just made up to fit a particle belief that’s troubling.
      Free speech may get reexamined due to the massive audience someone can reach. That’s in regard to
      crafting what is said to limit different interpretations. As in the lead up to Jan 6.

    2. @susan ray You may misconstrue or misinterpret if that helps. What triggered you? The China remark,
      the snide Obama kids thing, Google bias? If someone wants to shovel crap, someone will shovel it right back
      at them. I see now my other reply to you was a waste of time. I’m an incurable optimist, but with your help
      I might be able to change.

    3. @Mike Barry but who do you trust to decide what people can say. People are crazy they see the opportunity to cause trouble they will look at Portland with a federal court house. The fact that it reaches more people I think is a good thing. I think if people would use it to have an open conversation and not use it to attact people who they dont agree with. I dont personally agree with that but I could see the point. If people feels like there voice are not heard I think they have a right to peacefully protest. (Any nut job can I just dont agree with their view) back to the voices not being heard that’s why I think blm is an important protest. When it leaves the peaceful part then anyone that breaks the law then that person should be held to the highest extent to the law.

  4. Many Republicans in congress are confused, greedy, spineless cowards. They fear the wrath of Trump if they speak out. Yet they want his base for re-election.

  5. That collapsed 40 years ago when treasonous grandpa homeless Ronald Reagan invited the oligarchs back after FDR had defeated them 50 years prior.

  6. This is actually the result of mixing the Tea Party, Citizen’s United and raw, basic greed. I hope this divides the party into two or three splinter groups.

    1. I agree with the assessment of Little Ronnie Ray Gun + the “Moral Majority”, but if I think on it it can really go back as far as the JFK assassination. Apparently the US government has little luck with transparency during that chapter of history.

    1. @William Warfield I agree. I don’t agree with much of the traditional Republican platform, but I never assumed they’re all immoral crazy people.

    2. I couldn’t agree more … they should JUST COLLAPSE FOREVER!
      They judge and are not for WE THE PEOPLE … their interests are for themselves and the One percent..
      Non human

    3. We all have to understand and ACCEPT the root cause of this disaster. THE DEPLORABLES.

      These Republican voters did not suddenly choose a 2-bit con man as their Messiah. These are the descendants of the Confederate Evangelical racist traitors and had been waiting for over 150 years for a 100% treasonous racist candidate to show up and they found him in the orange garbage. NO amount of ignorance, unqualified, corruptions, crimes, treason, sexism, etc bothered them, just as long as he stayed on course to make America white again.

      They are not for MAGA but MAWA. Treason and racism are DEEP in their blood and DNA. After more than 150 years, they STILL have their Confederate flag, waving at their houses and on their trucks, and fight hard to keep ALL their treasonous memorabilia from their Confederacy. The same scum flag they waved in our Capitol. We need to wise up and accept this reality and start seeing these people as a clear and present danger to our national security and survival. Had their attack on our country been successful on Jan 6th, ALL 75 million of them would be cheering tRump as their 2nd Confederate dictator president and started public hanging of our representatives and later us Americans.

      We have been nurturing and tolerated these snakes for so long that we got numb to the danger they present to us, just as people started to get numb with tRump’s crimes and treasonous acts. We saved America at the 11th hour. Let us all promise to NEVER AGAIN let such a disaster happen again or next time we will lose America and our humanity.

  7. Hell, we’ve been watching it in slow motion for decades now. They were never on as strong moral ground as they pretended to be. Now it’s just laid bare.

    1. Their moral high ground was nothing more than a prop from which they could sanctimoniously preach to the country

  8. Lindsay asking for “proof” and “verification” of the videos of MTG, is about the most despicable I’ve seen. So weak. So corrupt.

    1. a bit like Tubberville stating he can’t keep up with the news (on Taylor Greene) because of the weather. He is reinforcing stereotypes about Jocks or Alabama or both.

    2. Ridiculous……Lindsey…you have seen what we have seen…drag your heels all you want it makes you look lame.

  9. “Watching the moral collapse”? Buddy, it’s done been morally collapsed for like 40 years. This isn’t the collapse. This the end game deterioration of the corpse of a never great party that always sucked.

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