Coronavirus Resistant To Trump Tricks Of Obfuscation | All In | MSNBC

Chris Hayes points out that all of the tricks and deceptions and manipulations that Donald Trump has used to get by and avoid accountability his whole life do not work on the coronavirus. The virus doesn't care. Aired on 7/06/2020.
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Coronavirus Resistant To Trump Tricks Of Obfuscation | All In | MSNBC


    1. @Gods Vibes This may interest you: Google: Donald J Trump predicted to be the man who leads America back to God. The prediction was made in 1983 !!!

    2. @yogi King Swampy Don is the greatest American Patriot since Benedict Arnold. May he rule with an iron fist in Putin’s name.

    3. @Gods Vibes Sorry, 666 hasn’t always been on the books, it used to be 616. Btw, no man can cause “the end of times”, it will come when it is time.

    1. @President of the Virgin Islands so wait…. You think Trump is a pedo? What about Clinton’s and obamas??? They didn’t have epstein or Maxwell arrested. Trump did

  1. The fake president is just like the Mayor in JAWS who didn’t want to close the beaches because it was tourist season and bad for business.

    1. @yogi All some know is what the MSM explains. Mostly everyone has been indoctrinated since grammar school. To further this mindset google goggles are applied to all. To keep the mind programming updated the appeal of smart phones is crucial. Rarely are those who rise above and discover that the thought process indoctrinated into society was engineered prior to a major change in 1945 when the implementation took place. We are prohibited from gaining knowledge of this information within a controlled environment such as this.

  2. Commander Bone Spurs in April 2020: “The virus is an invisible enemy and I’m your wartime president.” – Commander Bunker Boy in July 2020: “It’s time for me to dodge war, once more.”

    1. @Mike Smith LOL..Trump brainwashed you ..haha..Your easily manipulated by the dumbest man around..what does that say about you

    1. @Cruz Finefield make one that says the incredibly racist statement..”if you got a problem voting for me over trump than you aint black!”

    1. Rightfully so , any government supporter of tRump seriously needs to be relieved of their position

  3. His new trick is to try and null the election by any means plausible, China, Virus, Race Riots etc

    1. @Erika Johnson Me neither! Say for example, if I cut my hand and it starts to bleed heavily I can simply make it go away almost immediately by denying it, by ignoring it, by doing nothing and by making up stories about it. This has ALWAYS worked for me in the past. I just BS it away. I can do it with hunger, thirst, pain, money problems, whatever … just BS it and it’s gone like magic!

    2. He is trying but it is up to the people to not allow it…Americans honestly don’t seem to understand that you have the power and that is not just at the ballot box.

    1. Phillip Mcintyre Are you serious? The military in my family respect this president very much!!! If you are real military you should not be on you tube soliciting sedition against a United States President. This could get you court marshalled

    2. He can sow hatred and gaslighting among his sheep herd, bashing other countries or people who don’t agree with him.

    1. @Charles Perkins He’s not even going to make it to Nov, so pack your bags your going with him.

    2. @Martechi Falkberg You just make a general accusation with no specific supporting evidence? Trump has respected the Constitution by supporting the States rather that bypassing their Governors. Over course, a never-trumper can spin anything – nowadays; everything.

    3. @scott storey Trust me, Trump has 5 more Novembers left as President. You might want to pack your bags and consider Communist China, Russia or the Middle East. However, be warned; if you speak against their leaders, it is you who won’t last until Nov.

    1. @MeanGeneSanDiego that statement was referring to how much he aims to help and educate the uneducated.. And id say its a whole lot better than telling black people they arent black if they dont vote for truly does not get anymore racist..or “poor kids are just as talented as white kids” very very racist.. “I love children jumping on my lap and rubbing my leg hair” yikes thats just gross af.. Or how about “Peace is never beyond the grasp of those who wish to reach it.” Hmm?? Oh wait that last one was Trump. #walkaway #blexit

    2. @Stiaga Crevty no . The only person trump is fighting for is trump. Do you need help escaping the trump cult. Think for a few minutes. What is he fighting for and what are the results

    3. @Stiaga Crevty do you listen to the garbage that comes out of his mouth. He’s not only racist, he’s narcissistic, and s pathological liar.

    4. @Stiaga Crevty tRump for Education? Surely you’re joking?! He appointed Betsy deVoss for Ed. Secy.!!! Do you know anything about de Voss? Does it matter? His entire Cabinet is made up of Ignorant, Racist Buffoons! No bright lights on this withered tree whatsoever.

  4. It finally took a pandemic for some Americans to finally realize what I’ve been saying all along.
    Trump is incompetent. Worse than that, he’s LAZY. He just doesn’t want to be bothered to actually take charge and lead. He just wants to do “fun” things, like holding rallies and golfing. When it comes to real concerted effort…forget about it. The man has never worked a day in his life and he’s not going to start now. That’s it. That’s the truth. Almost every other country has managed to at least bring it under control and reduce it significantly, but not the U.S. The Donald didn’t sign up for a pandemic and he’ll be damned if it’s going to cramp his style. Could his complete abdication of responsibility be considered manslaughter? I think so.

    1. Trump doesn’t work hard ….he works smart. So if you still think that way of your PRESIDENT …have you done any better in your life ? Not assuming anything just saying …he did deserve becoming president.

    2. @Hope Borgmann is going bankrupt 6 times smart in your world? Because in my world, it’s just another scheme to screw over a lot of people. And now he’s screwing over the whole country.

    3. @Hope Borgmann he’s given up on this virus, which happens to be the topic of this video. The only thing he hasn’t given up on, is his goal since 2016….to divide this country.

  5. Anyone making excuses for Trump
    Has lost contact with reality.

    His conning has always been disastrous….

    1. @Johnson John Williams you want that pervert to be president? Look at what a fine job he’s made of it so far.

    2. @gayle curry you must have sympathy for people with limited cognitive abilities. We must pray that God would open their minds to reality

  6. So now everyone is just figuring out that dump is gambling on American citizens life.
    And dump is the carrier.

  7. An anti-science, anti-intellectual, anti-logical pathological liar, with a predilection to magical thinking and looney conspiracy theories in charge of tackling a novel viral pandemic….what could go wrong?🤔🤒🤧😷

    1. Well put…The thing is now that every American has a personal responsibility, forget everyone else and the government Stay away from other people, keep your distance. ONE person inn Australia has shared it with well over a hundred people that they know of. He knew he was sick, he got tested but still traveled from Melbourne to Sydney went back to work…and has spread the virus to two states and many people…
      As far as I’m concerned put him in his own quarantine cell let him out for his 1 hour a day in the yard and the Sentence him to jail for endangering lives.

  8. The GOP as a whole is a mirror image of trump, dishonesty,corruption, a disdain for Democracy!

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