1. please disinfect subway, train, bus in main cities…. Thease are the main sources to get all germs.
    please. where is all money for??

    1. @justsaying that’s really weird though because obama spent 4x as much as trump has spent his entire 4 years during his 1st year as president. Also trump is getting paid $1 per year why wasn’t obama so humble? Damn realizations like this make me question why I’m a liberal. Trump is still president after nancy said he wouldnt be president anymore, I believed cnn and turns out it’s all a lie maybe cnn is working for trump. They make us hate him and it turns out everything was made up so we like him in the end. Brilliant plan. Must of worked though because many of my friends Liberal and Democrats in our city of San Francisco plan to vote for trump. Say what you will but DNC is failing.

    1. @Francisco Abreu Onofre Nobody with three names is ever gonna be taken seriously…😆

      And nobody give a rat turd what foreigners think….😂

    2. Twitchell Addai Unlike most Democrats who would love nothing more than to have a republican get sick i as a Republican feel bad for Chris. I hope you get better Chris. Let’s focus on being humans again everyone. Drop the political rhetoric for at least the next few months.

  2. I understand Dons point of view but in this case I think Chris is right here, its not up to journalism to decide whether the peoples time is being wasted and like Chris says it is a test and if he passes with flying colours so be it, however, if he doesn’t then it is merely a step back for the government and the people and a chance to go two steps forward and I believe it is the job of journalism to record those events not judge.

  3. Don Lemon should be fired. He’s extremely unprofessional. Cuomo is slightly better at being unbiased and Tapper is much better in my opinion.

    1. Lemon and the rest of the “fake media” have saved America’s bacon. Trump prefers to use FOXNews as his own propaganda machine. TrumPravda.

  4. Why is Chris using his precious energy on this back and forth…….. ??? Rest Brother. Get Well. 💚

  5. I don’t like wasting people’s time and I don’t like people being Bamboozled says Don the con lemon then I guess your show will be canceled tomorrow night then right?

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