David Fahrenthold Breaks Down Latest Reporting On Trump Investigation

The Washington Post reports that the Manhattan district attorney has convened a special grand jury that could hear evidence and weigh possible criminal charges against former President Trump, his staff or his family. David Fahrenthold broke the story and joined Peter Alexander to share what he knows so far. Plus, NBC's Kristen Welker, former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti, and former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance break down what it means for Trump.

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David Fahrenthold Breaks Down Latest Reporting On Trump Investigation


  1. Its like Christmas, you dont know who gets what, but you do know, somebody will get something. 😄

    1. It is so much fun to see these tds suffers get all worked up over yet one more thing that will fizzle out.

    2. Well give him/them the biggest gift in his /their lifetime and be done with it. World will watch, and say what a relief.

    3. @moredogslesspeople How many times did they think they were going to put him in an orange jump suit to match his face and how many times were they successful? Of course he will deny everything like he did before and his cronies like Weisselberg will cover for him and perhaps even take the fall. Tired of all of the hype and roar with little steam. I will see it when I see it!

    4. @TheBase1aransas There’s no bamboo in the ballots, are we gonna find vodka in your ballots?

    5. @LLM Trump would have been impeached if it wasn’t for idiots like the scary COWARD Republicans that didn’t vote to have him impeached, Especially when he had Bill Barr in his pocket.

  2. Trumps defense: I didn’t commit bank fraud, wire fraud, tax fraud, money laundering, etc because the prosecutors are Democrats (despite all his financial information says he did commit all the above and much more)… good luck with that fat boy! They are gonna get trump for much more than tax fraud 😁

    1. @oimei2 Exactly! Witch hunt is a term used by truly crooked people who are being investigated for more than one crime. A way of making themselves sound like the victims. That’s when you know they’re guilty LOL

    2. what can the WEF @ Davos do to hide election fraud? attack a dead man , ha ha hey morons , we the people dont care about trump or biden we get in our statehouse and rule with ””state people rights.
      step by step the great reset is by and for the people ha ha

  3. He’s always the victim when fingers point to him, they’re gonna turn on each other quick fast and in a hurry.

    1. Well if Vance got the taxes 9-0 from Scotus..Trump is done…question is do they have the guts to lock him up?

  4. So glad to know that he is up at nights thinking about his faith and his kids. A person who is up at nights writing love notes defending themselves are restless. I will take that for the moment.

    1. @Kelli Miracle I’m guessing you have the asterix after his name because Trump is an illegitimate cheater! Agreed!

    1. **looks like Michael Cohen,,, is going to have,, THE LAST LAUGH… HE WHO LAUGHS LAST,, LAUGHS BEST**

    2. Every time I see Cohen testify, I think of Ben Stiller’s take on him on SNL. Cohen is actually funnier.

    3. @Leonie Romanes Didn’t seem too bad a guy, until donnie got hold of him. If you haven’t read Disloyal, it’s all there, warts and all.

  5. What about the 81 million voters who didn’t vote for trump, they aren’t ever mentioned why are you only concerned with those who voted for trump?

  6. If Trump lies and says “it’s all the CFO’s fault, I had no idea…” wouldn’t that weaken his claim of being a great, fantastic, smart, successful businessman?
    It doesn’t matter! The MAGA cult will never stop worshipping him!

  7. There he goes stoking violence again by saying that they are after not just him but every one of his voters.

  8. It’s not so much a “witch hunt” as much as a hunt for a evil warlock 🧙‍♂️ who we need to throw truth on and watch him melt into oblivion

  9. Michael Cohen is like the evil guy who has turned into a good guy just enough to get even with his nemesis…still gets my thumbs up 👍

    1. No wonder MSNBC got so many likes it’s because the comments are the actual Antifa and employees try so hard to get Trump out of the office and didn’t want to lose their dying jobs. Call me whatever you want. I’m just a normal guy with a better life

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