Democrats’ Focus On Essential Workers In Draft Of New Relief Bill | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Senator Elizabeth Warren talks with Rachel Maddow about the key themes in a draft of the next federal relief bill put together by House Democrats and presented by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Aired on 05/12/2020.
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Democrats' Focus On Essential Workers In Draft Of New Relief Bill | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC


  1. Today is International Nurses Day! Can we all take a moment & thank & praise these frontline brave Warriors protecting us unlike CadetBoneSpurs tRump would like all of us to praise him instead of the nurses who are the real Hero’s!

    1. Ynwaa6 : Nero/Caligula with tinges of Machiavellian Borgianess. tRump is no hero he a zero. He is no Caesar, Alexander the Great, Napoleon or Hitler even for that matter. He’s more like a cheap rendition of Ill Duce Mussolini. Maybe this is why some refer to him as “Cheeto, Cheeetolini, Mango Mussolini” amongst many other disparaging reference nicknames. MAGA comes from MRGA Make Rome Great Again a phrase 1st coined by Mussolini JellyBeenie. You know tRump has never had an original thought in that numb skull of his brain so be must have plagiarized it from his hero Ill Duce Mussolini JellyBeenie!

    2. As a tenth mountain infantryman I put you on notice to cease & Desist from talking about Military fitness! Military cannot accept anyone with pre existing conditions let alone Feet Conditions as it wastes money on those who cannot pass the physical requirements needed for Success! You’ve been notified

    3. @Baby drumphf no. You baited so now you deal with it. Trump is constantly praising all essential workers and is tirelessly working to get all the ppe’s to the front-linesbut if all you listen to is left wing propaganda bipartisan entertainment how would you know. Try watching all the covid 19 briefings in their entirety and fact check what you have been told on msnbc and cnn and you will see that their true motivation is only to make Trump look bad and is not to inform you of what this administration has accomplished. If you’re human at all you can understand why Trump feels he needs to toot his own horn not just for himself but his staff and administration that has been remarkable bringing the private sector in to fight this and that is what makes America great and not the divisive campaign tactics of the left wing media. God bless America 🇺🇸

  2. I remember when Republicans threw out a bill, which, like with most of the other nations, would give workers that were laid off or simply were non-essential money to pay for food, rent, and other necessities.

    1. You have your “essential” workers, your “non-essential” workers, and then you have your important people who don’t really “work” at all and can afford to stop doing what it is they do. They need us as much (if not more) than we need them, yet we’re all pretty much viewed as expendable. Don’t worry. They don’t dare let it come to the point where all we have left to eat is them.

    2. Drake Fire you mean people on unemployment? Don’t those people get a paycheck from states already? Are you daft? Keynesian economics is a losing formula my friend

    3. @15k DOW 2022 If you think 600 dollars is even to pay rent and purchase food, then you really aren’t that bright, are you?

  3. The only reason Child Care is considered an infrastructure cost is because wages have stagnated so bad that it takes two wage earners to support a family.

    1. @snoop alert Feb 29, 2020
      Trump = 68 infected, 1 Dead
      May 13, 2020 730am Day #75
      Trump = 1,411,148 infected, 83,564 Dead
      Trump Death Cult = 1,562 Yesterday

    2. @eurekajim #VoteBlue2020
      Squawk squawk squeak squeak goes a little Demo rat
      Vote no on all gun grabbing open border more taxing Democrats
      Especially now since they’re giving away the candy store
      They’re going to want to put a tax on everything including air
      Vote no on all sanctuary cities and States the Democrat liberals run
      You can see they’re all the epicenters

    3. @snoop alert
      Birth control should be available and affordable to everyone. These religious fanatics are getting out of hand. It should not only be available for the rich.

    4. @disco stu2 and in a horrific way. Gives me chills to think that anyone could think that abortion let alone these late late term abortions are not murder.

    5. @liberty Ann listen to you …. it is available, st the drug store they sell all sorts of condoms or you can keep your legs closed. Why would my taxes dollars go for your birt control??? Between you and your partner you should be able to manage birth control and if not you need a better job so do something for yourself. You think if its not free its not available???? You are f’ed up and should move to whatever socialist country will take you.

  4. And that is where it has to stop , no add on this or add on that ! Take care of the heroes first , America isn’t going to die overnight, first thing first !

    1. melodk , the only people that should be getting money from the government are legal citizens , period
      I’m not feeling sorry for illegals not getting money , they don’t belong here

    2. @Saynoto Socialists, people who aren’t citizens are working jobs you won’t. Ask farmers and meat processors. Ask the women who clean hotels. Say no to socialists? Read.

    3. Pamela Porter , I dare you to tell a construction worker illegals are only doing jobs Americans won’t


    1. @john emeigh Feb 29, 2020
      Trump = 68 infected, 1 Dead
      May 13, 2020 2am Day #74
      Trump = 1,408,636 infected, 83,425 Dead
      Trump Death Cult = 1,562 Yesterday

    2. So you want me to pay more for less when I’m getting up everyday for work to pay my own way so you get free service????

  6. My husband is an essential worker, he is a housekeeper/janitor and cleans our local VA, he’s proud to do it always. It scares him coming home to me everyday because I have a compromised immune system due to Lupus. I am so proud of my husband and all essential workers, God bless you all! Stay safe and healthy…

    1. @disco stu2 fauci is a doctor. you’re likely a high school drop out. The woman has her own doctor who treats her lupus and has her medications in line. The drug you are mentioning is very dangerous. It killed dozens of veterans in its trial in the VA for Covid-19. Why do you hate veterans so much? That’s mean of you.

    2. @Wendy’s Garden fauci is a crook in bed with Gates (who isn’t a doctor), Soros (who isn’t a doctor) , Obama (who was never a president) and Dr Tedros of WHO (WHO isn’t a doctor).. get off Google and MSM.. do some proper research.. HCQ has been successfully used since the 50s.. any heart arythmia is countered with zinc.. I read the vets story.. it’s propoganda.. if I’m wrong then surely 10s of thousands of French people mentioned in the above article. Are dying as we speak.. give it a week.. if they’re all dead then you’re right.. till then stfu princess

    3. I work in healthcare. At my hospital, we work as a team and we do feel that we are all facing this danger together. Sweep the floor, run a register in the cafeteria, or perform surgery, we are all essential to this operation. Your husband should be proud.

  7. Is that the bill takes SS money the gov. Never paid back the last time they took cash out of SS

    1. No, the president wants a tax cut which will cut SS. It was 2 former presidents who took SS trust monies that remain unpaid.

  8. If this bill was bailing out Wall street, or the oil industry, the GOP would amend it to add money.

    1. Democrats are bailing out lobbyist. They know the money they give to lobbyist will come right back to them.

  9. Without Congress being able to work together (most of them anyway), this country would be in real trouble because the President is not willing to do anything for the American people. For the most part, they have put aside differences for the American people. They deserve to be praised for actually doing their jobs like they should have been doing this whole time!

    1. All workers are essential to the families they support, even if they’re the only one in that family…

    2. I am all for that. I have seen cashiers getting all kinds of verbal abuse for things they have no control over.

    3. @melodk
      I think she’s talking about cops and medical personel. I’m not going to ask, but betting Ruth is a nurse just from reading comments. The last nurse I discussed this with called me “selfish” and accused me of putting her at risk and not enthusiastically licking her feet because I said I didn’t want to stay home just so the “essential” people can feel safer. I don’t think she understood that some people start doing without as soon as they miss one check… People who have never had to eat beans and rice all week because they missed one day of work seem to have trouble wrapping their heads around the true implications of poverty. It’s like, “I donate a turkey every Christmas, so what’s the problem?” These are the sort of folks who are rude to cashiers and think they’re doing you a favor if they allow you to scrub their toilets for minimum wage, and you had best try to appear grateful.

  10. Pay mothers to stay home to take care of their children then the virus will not be spread so fast

    1. The UBI would help a lot in this regard. And yes we need to extend maternity leave to 3-5 years until the child is in school. Mothers and/or fathers could participate. Not both at the same time but staggered if that is chosen.

    1. @john emeigh Feb 29, 2020
      Trump = 68 infected, 1 Dead
      May 13, 2020 2am Day #74
      Trump = 1,408,636 infected, 83,425 Dead
      Trump Death Cult = 1,562 Yesterday

    2. @eurekajim #VoteBlue2020 I feel it would be best if you show these numbers to the CCP in China. I don’t think they would be kind to you. Those figures have nothing to do with Trump. If you were king, what would you do?

  11. She’s good. Compare this clever, clear communicator to Trump! He looks like the stupid, racist misogynistic sociopath he is but even more so!
    Go Senator Warren!

  12. Most folks own the requisite ethics and morals to recognize a problem when they see it and Trump…is definitely recognizable.

  13. I hope Senator Warren continues to influence American policy. If the US had universal healthcare coverage all the time, as well as the specific protections she details for this pandemic (as well as the next pandemic…) , then American citizens just might redevelop the sense of community required to operate as

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