Doctor on former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords: She is ‘resilience personified’

GABBY GIFFORDS WON’T BACK DOWN, a film about the extraordinary story of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her relentless perseverance to recover following an assassination attempt.

Together with her husband, astronaut-turned-Senator Mark Kelly, Giffords became one of the most effective activists against gun violence. CNN medical correspondent Dr. Tara Narula interviews Dr. Fabi Hirsch Kruse, CEO of Friends of Aphasia, about her personal experience treating the former congresswoman. #CNN #CNNFilms


  1. آيُنْ آلُرحمْﮩ آيُنْ آلُغٍيُرﮩ آيُنْ آلُآځوُﮩ آنٌْيُّ آتُْرَجَآڪَ تُْثًُـبُّـتُْ تُْعٌَلَُيُّقٌَيُّ لَُيُّصًِـلَُ آلَُيُّ فُُآعٌَلَُيُّنٌْ آلَُځٌـيُّرَ يُّآځٌوُُآنٌْيُّ آڛألُڪ 😭بُآلُلُﮩ آلُجلُيُلُ آلُجبُآر آنْ تْنْقٌڏنْآ قٌبُلُ آنْ نْمْوُتْ مْنْ شُڊتْ آلُجوُعٌ آٍنًْـيُ آٍنًْـتْـََځـيُـٍڪ آٍنًْـيُ ڊًآٍَځـلُـٍـًـٍة عٌِلُى ٍآٍلُـٍـًلُـٍـًﮩ ثَُـمٌْ عٌِلُـٍـًيُـٍڪ آٍنًْـيُ فُـٍيُ وُجـِﮩـڪ آٍنًْـيُ آٍَځـتْـَڪ آٍتْـَرٍجـِآٍڪ آٍتْـَوُڛَلُ إلُـٍـًيُـٍڪ آٍنًْـقٌـڏٍنًْـآٍ لُـٍـًوُجـِﮩ آٍلُـٍـًلُـٍـًﮩ يُـٍشُـﮩـڊًآٍلُـٍـًلُـٍـًﮩ يُـٍآٍآٍَځـيُ آٍنًْ مٌْنًْ آٍلُـٍـًصًـبُـُآٍح حتْآ آلُآنْ ً يُحرمْ عٌلُيُنْآ آلُآڪلُ غٍيُر آلُمْآء( (آځوُآنْيُ آنْيُ آقٌڛمْ بُآلُلُﮩ آلُعٌلُيُ آلُعٌظًيُمْ عٌلُى ڪتْآبُ آلُلُﮩ آنْنْيُ بُنْتْ يُتْيُمْﮩ مْنْ آلُيُمْنْ وُمْعٌيُ آځوُآنْ صًغٍآر آقٌڛمْ بُآلُلُﮩ عٌلُى ڪتْآبُ آلُلُﮩ آنْ آځوُتْيُ مْآعٌآڊ يُقٌڊروُ يُنْطُقٌوُ بُڪلُمْة مْنْ شُڊتْ آلُجوُعٌ وُصًآحبُ آلُبُيُتْ يُريُڊ آلُإجآر آوُ بُيُځرجنْآإلُئ آلُشُآرعٌ وُ آنْيُ آڛآلُڪ بُآلُلُﮩ وُآنْشُڊڪ بُمْحمْڊ رڛوُلُ آلُلُﮩ يُآآځيُ لُوُآنْتْ مْڛلُمْ وُتْحبُ آلُځيُر وُآتْڛآعٌڊنْيُ وُلُوُ بُ500ريُآلُ يُمْنْيُ آنْ تْتْوُآصًلُ مْعٌيُ آوُتْرآڛلُنْيُ وُتْڛآبُ عٌلُئ ﮩڏآ آلُرقٌمْ
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    1. They don’t actually care about inflation, price of gas or crime in cities. They said absolutely nothing much about those yesterday while they “investigate” things.

    2. One party works and speaks on issues while the other spends time attacking the other party. Guess it depends if you like ppl that talk about issues or ppl out for revenge.

    3. Republican voters are a threat to our democracy!!!! I just hope our tax dollars will continue funding Ukraine! I support big tech protecting our speech, bank bail outs and put full trust in FTX Crypto! I support rainbow rights❤️ 🌈 and I’m up to date with all my shots n boosters! My 2024 candidate must maintain those key issues. Hopefully a Fetterman and Giffords ticket!🙏🏻🇱🇷🟦🟦🟦
      P.s. Kyrie should do jail time for his recent post!🏳

    1. I’ll get in touch with her right away, I’m
      really impressed. Alot of success
      stories, she must be honest and
      trustworthy for people to talk this good
      about her

  2. Shout out to George Floyd on 907 days of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals! Where’s Jackie?

  3. The Chi-town speak easy of the notorious vote counts 🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️🧛🏻‍♂️the devil’s deaths doorstep 💀💀💀💀🐷🐷🐷hey Howdy 🤠🤠🤠🤠🤠

  4. Yes sir department of corrections black out guard shack, tell it to the judge, the Ted Kennedy princess phone, over the rainbow 🌈 sense of humor 🤡🤡🤡🤡the liberal toxicity princess phone yes 🧁🧁🧁

  5. Wow between FTX and now everything that’s coming out about biting and his family what a disgrace who could back this piece of s*** now

  6. USA 🇺🇲 must know that the only person( but 🙄New Delhi CM plays caste cards ) who doesn’t appreciate a caste background is RAGHUL GANDHI.❤️❤️
    God bless him .
    USA 🇺🇲 CONGRESS must send a team from USA 🇺🇲 to enquire
    Miss.jayalalitha madam chief minister of Tamil Nadu , INDIA politician died mysteriously .
    She was very strict lady .
    Expelled many ministers from her GOVERNMENT for various reasons.
    Myself and our ex CM KALAINGER SUPPORTED her becoming Prime MINISTER of India
    I canvassed a lot ( my emails ) and a communist leader.
    But what happened to her health
    Who is Mrs . Sasikala ?
    Why was she not taken care well.
    Hillary clinton met her once .
    So USA 🇺🇲 must send a team with Hillary clinton to enquire her death
    They must enquire Mrs Sasikala,or Mr Sengottaian, her MINISTER , or apollo hospital.
    POLITICAL leaders or party or GOVERNMENT or court play with reservations.
    For example supreme court orders 20 % reservations 10.5 % for caste.
    Is it for a single caste or seven castes or 27 CASTES .
    Why they are Most backwards.
    Is there justice in it .
    Are really they are 20 %,,
    MANY of them have agriculture lands .
    But Muslims really they are 20% in Utter Pradesh state of India but courts or government don’t bother to help them why ?
    They care a Hindu caste ?
    We are not sure about their strength
    Or are they really socially backwards?
    They involved in riots to get their reservations.
    They threaten chief ministers.
    They even called a chief minister by caste ( Piper)
    Keeping many leaders on the stage .
    But I took risk to call him buffalo.
    Also said we CHRISTIANS don’t know them .
    We opposed this kind of caste drogatary verbal comments (; particular to this CM’S caste )
    ( But I was the only person to raise it in America 20 TAMILS shot by neighborhood state very serious ).
    No POLITICAL LEADER or parties called for a mass dharna .
    Because revenge is God’s .
    We must oppose everything in a democratic way.
    Because tit for tat is dangerous.
    God will punish even better than our cruel revenge .
    But Tamil Nadu CM shot dead 14 CHRISTIANS to revenge neighborhood state.
    ( This I call revenge or vulgar )
    CHRISTIANS are innocents.
    Also miss jayalalitha madam was not taken cared well.
    Some hospital admission reports said that she was attacked by her aide Mrs Sasikala.
    We pray that America must watch India .
    UNO and AMERICA must send a team under Kamala Harris ,a relationship in caste system to miss.jayalalitha, CM..
    Because may be Brahmin iyengar is not respected .
    But iyer is respected..
    (; USA 🇺🇲 must probe in to this caste system ).
    Some people feel to ban Aravind kejieiwal new delhi CM
    For example,
    Ashutosh, who parted ways with Kejriwal, said that in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha Elections Arvind Kejriwal had pressed him to mention his surname (which normally indicates one’s caste) along with his first name. Ashutosh had quit journalism to join Arvind Kejriwal in the party. When the media saw his statement as an attack on Kejriwal, Ashutosh was upset with the news coming in from different quarters. Gopal Rai, the convenor of AAP’s Delhi chapter and a minister in Kejriwal’s government, said, “Whether anyone wants to indicate his surname or not is his personal choice. Our party’s political affairs committee does not entertain issues on names and surnames of its leaders or volunteers.”
    But outside world he is a clean man
    But in real case he is only supporting casteism which is religious slavery of Hindus system.
    Education is not in degrees .
    For example ,
    Kamarajar in Tamil Nadu .
    But I know a vetenary doctor but his manners and characters are very very heart paining.
    Pray for India 🇮🇳

    Whoever _repents_ of all his sins (turns from sins) and _calls_ on the *Name* of the *LORD,* will be saved. *He* who died on a cross for the sins of the world, _rose_ from the dead on the third day, and by *His* blood, whoever _repents_ and _believes,_ has full redemption of sins and eternal life.
    Today is the day of your salvation, accept *Jesus* the *Christ* now and be saved, because you broke the law but *He* paid your fine with *His* life’s blood.

    For those with understanding: Matthew 24:40-41 will take place very soon, this is the sixth seal. This is the generation of the harpazo, rapture, and behold you will witness the trumpet blast that will make the sky recede as a scroll being rolled up! Therefore, be ready and be the five wise virgins, do not be the five foolish virgins! (Parable of the Ten Virgins)

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