1. Bro why don’t you take 5 sec and look it up there’s about 6000 academic papers on how the Grand Canyon formed

  1. OK…Now do a story about the countries that closed their embassies 2 days before the earthquake…What was that all about?

    1. @Dave Moran clearly a conspiracy. Someone caused you to stub your toe, so it wouldn’t feel normal when pressing on your pedal today, which would then cause you to hit your tire on the curb, which would then cause a flat tire…

  2. When we compare old maps to those that are up-to-date, we can better understand how earthquakes change the landscapes.

  3. This is like in the movies where the earth actually opens up during an earthquake, but usually doesn’t happen in real life. Glad no one was standing there when the ground decided to split

    1. ​@MrLoobu نعم لكنهم في الجنة. ولو يخيرهم الله للعودة إلى الدنيا سيرفضون.

  4. So, this makes it very possible that the Grand Canyon was formed by an earthquake and not erosion or their other most recent theory 🤔

  5. This will be like this for a good ever & tree 🌴🌳🌵 will grow & bushes☘️🍀🌱🌿🍃 green grow in it like Arizona New Mexico & California lots of deep hole

    Mercy to their soul 🙏

  6. Maybe there is a silver lining to all this tragedy if archeologists and paleontologists can find anything interesting in the newly-exposed strata.

  7. Similar phenomena happened in the Loma Prieta earthquake in California, 1989. In the Santa Cruz mountains, the epicenter, the earth rose up and bulged to where it cracked open in vissures like a squashed grape. I assume this might be another area where the ground expanded like that, not just as if a flat area split open horizontilly.

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