Elon Musk rips into working remotely. See what ‘Shark Tank’ host Kevin O’Leary has to say

Kevin O’Leary, chairman of O’Leary Ventures and host on “Shark Tank,” shares the success he’s seen with his employees working remotely and the record number of applicants “Shark Tank” received. #CNN #News


    1. Like a college professor giving life advice to a student with an IQ of 100 and less then 500$ bucks to their name and thousands of dollars in debt. And a federal juggernaut government that puts you in debtors prison.

    2. it was an interview, not a lecture. he answered the questions honestly… should he have done something else?

    1. @Morgan Stevens no bud, he is a conservative afterall. 🙂 He is a republican…so I guess with the modern rep party that makes him a fascist afterall.

    1. He works all the time remotely. You would be unable to manage Tesla itself working from the office. He is in constant move. Don’t tell me that he travel everyday 5-7 days a week to the same office and don’t work from hotel, yacht, plane, home, car or whatever and wherever he is 😅😅😅 he really thinks that people are so stupid?

  1. Even our state agencies, that are notorious for their low pay, have started using wfh where possible as a retention tool or as a benefit to get new hires. And it is working.

    1. If the job can be done from home, I fail to see any reason why not to use it…except there are some people that like to control and boss others face to face….that way they can deny they did it.

    2. $40k salaries go a lot farther if you don’t have to commute an hour to get there and back. Smart move by the government

    1. Is it morally ok to criticize people working remotely while you cruise throught whole planet in your private jet? Like literally he works remotely constantly. Fkn hypocrite 😅

  2. The issue of home working (wfh) should be about productivity and not about morality. If people are more productive and and want to do it then they should be allowed to do so. I personally prefer to work in an office and mingle with my co-workers. Some people prefer to wfh some days and go to the office on others, and if this proved best for both parties, then that should be allowed. As usual Elon Musk is showing his authoritation tendency.

    1. Only Elon is trying to make it about morality and if that’s the case then I have some moral issues for him, about him. Of all the people on earth he should be the last one to bring up morality.

  3. Two lessons here:

    0. WFH is something you can do if it works and not if it doesn’t. Not a moral issue, just practical.
    1. Elon Musk is very, _very_ weird.

    1. Exactly, if people do not meet specific targets you can examine where the cause lies. I have never cared — as an employer or project manager — if people did remote work and not do their nine-to-five. As long as they met targets and or project milestones they can go watch a movie or pick up their kids from school for all I care. It only means I could have increased workload or set tighter deadlines.

    2. Calling someone with Autism “weird” reinforces negative stereotypes about that community. Please be more careful when selecting insults for marginalized and disenfranchised communities, as improper slurs cause violence and are violent in and of themselves.

    3. @Bastien M. He is not autistic, he has asperger. And considering that, we should not give so much attention to how someone with asperger thinks society should function as social interaction ans social intelligence is not their strong point.

      About 0.5% of the world population has asperger. It’s great for them to address puzzles and engineering issues. But social interactions is confusing to them.

    4. He’s Arrogant and Full of Himself!I Can Assure Him Being Rich Doesn’t Keep You From Falling or Failing Just Wait!

  4. The real answer is it depends. If you have an office 50 miles away (so 100 miles round trip) and the rest of your team is 100’s of miles away, what is achieved by travelling to sit in an office where you won’t work with anyone other than on Teams calls, whiteboarding etc.

    Fair enough if your team needs to be in the same location then do it but it depends on circumstances. Moral issues – give me a break.

    1. When I’m in the office, I have to pretend to be working. Most of the things I do are automated, so I don’t have to actually do anything.

    2. @AlanWil2 I would be worried about my job security if I “don’t have to actually do anything”.

    3. My office is 2.3km (1 mile?) away. I never EVER go there. I work like a horse and I love it.

  5. My girlfriend is just looking for another job because she can only work remotely one week per month and some months not even that. She literally needs to go to the office to connect remotely to Citrix servers located in Germany and sometimes talk on Teams to people in China and Morocco for 8 hours a day. The fact that they can’t let their people work from home, when all they do is to work remote connecting from the office is a lack of respect of their people. Many of her colleagues are leaving and soon she will also leave.

    1. That is dumb is as hell and I’m sorry she is going through that. Literally the issue of security having access to those Citrix servers could be resolved for the company by setting up some site-to-site VPN tunnels and then just have the staff connect in through a VPN client. If they already have this infrastructure and still make people go to an office for what you described, they deserve to have every employee quit.

  6. Lmao he literally does remote video conferences with his team all the time, ive watched some of them. He wants you to work AND LIVE at Tesla in your car.

  7. The last person on the planet that has any business telling anybody what’s wrong😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Kevin is 1000% right! We Work 2 times a week in the office today but during pandemic we where more effective working 100% Remote .

  9. I’m in IT support and my company doesn’t seem to care that I also work ungodly hours all weekend while on-call from home, but cry about staff not being on-site everyday during the week. It’s ridiculous.

  10. I really want to know whyyyyyyy media continues to give platforms to ppl who never site reliable sources. It’s counterproductive to the “information” you’re claiming to provide us. Kudos to Kevin for knowing what the hell he’s talking about and being realistic & informative in this conversation.

  11. Having worked in an engine factory I agree everyone should have to come in with that sort of business because the people on the line have to come in, the ones in the office are support staff to the ones on the line and should be in the office to do payroll or IT or Engineering etc, it boosts morale for the ones on the line that work to pay the salaries for everyone else
    Other business models working from home is fine, automotive industry it decreases the division between the ones on the line and the ones in the office especially when the ones in the offices don’t come in

  12. O’Leary is right. I had a job where I had to fly from London to Frankfurt in Germany on Monday, and connect my laptop to the network and talk to the project team that were in Athens. During 2019-2022 I work from home and never missed a deadline

  13. When I worked for AT&T I would leave work just to go home and work from home for 2 to 3 hours per day. Now for those that can work from home, this is great.

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